A day at school (mini chapter)

Kaguya time at school is rather boring, the classes teach what she already knows and the physical activities aren't very enjoyable, however the worst part about school is the students they are loud and obnoxious in other words annoying. There is no place in the entire school where Kaguya can go for some peace and quiet, if there is the library but they don't allow food and drinks which means she has to each lunch somewhere else.

So to get around this problem Kaguya has been working on creating her first new dimension. At the moment it's just a giant lake with a mountain behind it but she plans to surround it with cherry blossoms and plum blossoms of various colours and fill the lake with a variety of fauna and flora (fauna=animals flora= plants), she also plans to build a gazebo and a few benches so its a nice and peaceful place to come and enjoy her lunch.

Today was going like any other Kaguya woke up followed her normal routine of exercises and got ready for school, on the way to school she walked with her sister kyoka and talked about normal things like school work, homework etc but after getting to school they split up as kyoka went to to to her other friends and Kaguya went to read.

Even at school Kaguya would spend her time reading, she doesn't really have any friends other than kyoka which has concerned the teachers and her parents as with her looks and grades you would expect her to be extremely popular but no she seems to avoid interacting with anyone who is even remotely loud and annoying which a lot if the time is boys who think they are on top of the world because they have a strong quirk or girls who are popular because they are good looking. One such girl seems to hold a lot of jealousy towards Kaguya for her looks and this has some turned into hatred, she hates the way Kaguya looks expressionless at everything, she hates how she walks, how she talks, her beautiful voice she hates it all so she did some to relieve some of this anger.

She marched up to Kaguya's seat grapped the book right out of her hand and ripped it in half "haha look at you bitch, what are you going to do about it" she said with an amused grin.

Kaguya got out of her seat and walked up to the girl "This" she replied coldly sending a shiver down the girls spine; she grapped the girls arm and with a loud *POP* dislocated it while simultaneously forcing the girl into the ground.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" The girl cried out in pain on the floor of the classroom, the other students were running to get the teachers.

"Don't piss me off again that was my favourite book that my father bought me for Christmas and you ruined it" Kaguya said still with a voice laced with venom.

When the teachers arrived they took the girl to the nurses office and Kaguya to the principal's office where her parents soon arrived.

"Mister and mrs Jiro I'm sorry to have to call you in but there's been an incident involving your daughter" the principal said in a solemn tone.

"Yes we heard on they phone that she used violence on another girl" Mika replied while looking at her daughter with a stern face.

"Indeed although it was not unprovoked however I believe that your daughter's actions are still too far for retaliation so I've decided that Kaguya will be receiving two weeks suspension and extra homework over this period, during this suspension she should not be allowed outside of the house apart from to exercise" the principal said sternly.

"Could explain what happened to cause this incident and what Kaguya did to the other girl if I may ask" Kyotoku asked the principal in a questioning tone.

"Yes miss Nakamura seemed to approach your daughter's desk and vandalised her book that she was reading after which Kaguya proceeded to dislocate miss Nakamura's arm and plant her and the floor of the classroom; she then walked with the teachers to my office and gave me her side of the story" the principal replied.

Mr and mrs jiro were shocked that Kaguya could do such a thing but then they remembered; they remembered that feeling they had when she awakened her quirk. They also realised that as time went on she has become more quiet and reserved. They thought she might be being bullied or picked and her patience finally snapped today.

So after returning home Kaguya was lectured for her use of violence and promised not to do it again. She finished all the work given to her easily and spent the rest of her time working on her dimension, it was almost finished all she wanted to add was something of similar power to Kurama to sleep under the mountain and be able to be summoned.


I hope that this is alright I'll try to do a couple of these every now and then, things like weekends with her family or family holidays or just school days like this one feed back would be nice on this.

Please give me some ideas for the first summon that Kaguya will create that would be a great help if you could thank you.