Quirk awakening and training

A few days after the paperwork was filled out the Jiro family returned to the orphanage to pick up their new daughter who wanted to keep her birth name of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

When they got home Kaguya was then shown around her new home and shown to her new bedroom when she put away what little belongings she had. After that they spent some time trying to get closer to each other and warm up to each other but they knew it would take some time.

(Time skip 2 months November 17th)

It was the evening before Kaguya's 4th birthday by now she had begun calling her new parents, mother and father respectively. Her parents had invited close family for her birthday tomorrow as she hasn't been introduced to anyone yet as they wanted to let her settle down into her new home first before overwhelming her with everything.

"Kaguya are you excited for your birthday tomorrow I bet you'll get lots of presents" asked Mika (her mother) in a happy tone.

"Yes! although I am more excited about my quirk however if I receive i good book that would be nice" Kaguya replied with an excited tone.

"Big sis never plays" kyoka said in a sad voice bordering on tears.

'Well she is only three after all but I guess so am I now' Kaguya thought to herself before saying "I'll be going to bed now, good night mother, father and kyoka"

(Next morning)

After waking up Kaguya went through her usual morning routine of light exercises, some push ups, sit ups, squats and a jog. At the orphanage she would drag one of the carers to go for a job with her but now she needs to drag one of her parents which means waking them up early then first time she did this they weren't very happy with her for waking them up at six in the morning but now they are used to it. After her morning routine she took a shower, brushed her teeth and got ready for the day.

As today would be her first time meeting other family members she wanted to look good and presentable as to not embarrass herself. The time was three in the afternoon and people had just started arriving when they arrived Kaguya greeted them at the door respectfully. She was about halfway through a conversation with her uncle and aunt when she keeled over and clutched her head in pain. Of course her family were very worried and started checking up on her to make sure that she was alright it was around that time when they noticed white rabbit ear shaped horns growing on top of her head (Kaguya's horns in naruto but white instead of brown) and a third red eye with black ripples surrounding the pupil with nine key hole like shapes on them appear on her forehead. Shortly after Kaguya collapsed unconscious and was taken to her room to rest.

This left everyone to discuss her quirk and particularly how when they look at the eye on her forehead it made them feel like they were looking at death itself.

"Did you feel that? It was like all of my instincts and and senses were shouting at me to stop looking and run away from a child, it felt like I was staring death in the face" one of Kaguya's grandparents said with fear and shock visible on their face.

"I know what you mean one look at her eye and it sent a chill down my spine worse than that villain attack on my work" another family member said shocked and scared that she felt something so horrific from a child.

"I'm sorry everyone but I think we'll have to wrap this party up here I think Kaguya needs to rest for a while" Kyotoku said to everyone to which they agreed and started to leave but not without saying goodbye.

"Dear did you feel it to?" Mika asked her husband

"Yes I did our daughter has a very power quirk if it can make us feel like this without any training I just hope I doesn't hurt her" Kyotoku replied to his wife worried for his daughter.

(Time skip two years)

It's been two years since Kaguya received her quirk which also came with the knowledge she needed to use all jutsu and training guides for all types of taijutsu used in the naruto world. In these two years she's been training in the hyuga clans gentle fist and Chen roshi's style as well as the might guy's taijutsu and trying to combine them together to make her own style of hand to hand combat.

She has also been training in jutsu that she believes will be useful in the future like the wood clone jutsu which has come in handy with learning even more jutsu.

As well as learning jutsu that she believes will be useful she has also learned some that she was interested in like deep forest bloom, deep forest emergence, true several thousand hands and many more of different affinities of course she hasn't mastered them and and still has a long way to go but she believes that by the time she's in UA she'll be able to use them easily.

Kaguya has also been training the powers of her rinne sharingan and byakugan this includes the powers of the rinnegan as well but obviously she hasn't been able to get much practice with the outer path or planetary devastation as they would draw a lot of attention but she has been able to sneak out at night and practice her other abilities on low life thugs and villains.

(Time skip 4 years)

Kaguya started playing guitar when she was seven when her mother invited her to join them. She had never shown much interest in music before so her parents were shocked when she accepted, they were even more shocked when they found out that she was naturally talented at it.

'It must be because shinobi have to be dexterous to pull off hand signs correctly' Kaguya thought.

In these years Kaguya has been training everyday without missing a single day of training as a result her body was now very lean and toned, you could tell by looking that although her muscles may not be massive they hold extreme power. Kaguya has also not been slacking on her taijutsu and ninjutsu training almost comparable to a kage in each without the use of her dojutsu.

For her tenth birthday her parents bought her a custom white electric guitar with a red rose on it, it was what she wanted after practicing with her mum old one for so long to finally get her own custom one. She has become quite good at playing and but far off from her mother's skill level.

One morning Kaguya was practicing changing her ten-tails form into one that she prefers it was hard as she had to have a extremely clear image of what she wanted in her head and change that entire aspect about herself. She ended up changing her ten-tails form into a pure white python about 7 metres long with two rabbit ear shaped horns on the back of her head (like manda's horns) and the byakugan in her eyes, she can also make the rinne sharingan appear on her forehead in this form as well. (Snake form only has one head and one tail cos that's how I wanted it)

"Kaguya its time for breakfast I called you down but you didn't reply" Mika said a she opened the door to her daughter's room, the look of horror and surprise on her face when she saw a giant snake on her daughter's bed looking at her.

Seeing her mother's face Kaguya let out a small chuckle before replying "yes mother I heard you but as you can see I was practicing a new ability I found out I can use, this is the smallest size I can make myself I hope you don't mind mother but I'd like to spend the day in this form to get used to it."

"T-that's you!? Oh my you almost scared the life out of me; I'm alright with you using this form but I'm not sure about your sister" Mika replied letting her shock come through in her voice at first before masking it.

"She'll be fine mother" Kaguya replied with a grin. 'This is fun who would have thought it'

After the talk with her mother Kaguya in her snake form and Mika go downstairs for breakfast when they reach the dining room kyoka screeches in fear at the sight of the giant snake and kyotoku jumps in shock; only when Mika told them that it's was Kaguya did they calm down and noticed the similar eyes and horns.

Kaguya after explaining that she will be using her snake form for the day she went about training herself in this form getting used to having no limbs was hard but by the end of the day she could control her snake form perfectly.

'Hmm I wonder if I healed all might would they let me do whatever I want when I start attending UA hmm well I'll cross that hurdle when I get there hopefully I can though; watching all the students scared faces as they see my snake form slither in the hallways' Kaguya thought amused about scaring other people and seeing the looks of horror on their faces.


Woooo longer chapter yeah but it feels like I'm rushing my way through just to get to the start of UA like at least to me it feels rushed.