
Chapter 7: Kidnapped

That someone watched Kaico, though she was completely unaware of them.

She went about her day as usual. She knew she would leave soon, so she broke down what remained of her house and stuffed it into her inventory. The hole, she supposed, was less conspicuous anyway. She did, however, adjust it so it was tall enough for Enderly to come in. When she was done it was nearly nightfall. At last, a couple of her crops seemed ready. Gratefully she picked them and crafted a loaf of bread. Unfortunately, she was hungry enough she gobbled it down.

"At this rate, I don't think we'll ever be able to leave." She sighed slightly. Then she descended into her little hole. Then she remembered, she poked her head back up, "You're welcome to join me Enderly!" She called to the ender cheerfully. "It's a bit like that cave in here."

She took out her dirt blocks and covered the entrance. Inside was dark and cool. Kaico shivered slightly and settled in for the night. Enderly did not come in.

A short time later a figure emerged from the woods. He padded to where he knew the dirt had been disturbed a short time ago and quietly dug through it. The small form of the girl asleep inside was easily visible. He had been too loud though, she opened her eyes and blinked confused. Then she opened her mouth and got out the first notes of a scream, but she choked off.

"You made yourself hard to find Kai," he said.

Kaico squinted at him, her mind half dazed with sleep. Someone was in the room, someone who knew her name. Somewhere in her mind, it occurred to her she should be running. He had already thought of that though and stood in the door. She remembered a passage from Katrina's building book and felt a pang of disappointment. Hadn't she been advised to always have more than one entrance?

"You aren't going to get away from me," he said softly, it was as if he knew what she was thinking. That was when the voice finally clicked properly. It was one of her older brothers, Tanner she suspected.

She stirred now, realizing what this meant. Tanner had come to take her home with him. She should have run while she had the chance.

She crossed her arms, "you should let me go," she said shortly.

"It's time to come home Kaico." He told her more sternly.

"I don't need to," she replied, "I have my own life now." She tried to make herself softer, "I'm happy Tanner, I don't want to leave here." She was now on her feet, judging whether she could push past him.

He sighed, he knew what she was trying to do, "I can't say I'm not impressed." He said, "the others were searching around all the local villages, but I thought you might be out here somewhere. You're more resourceful than any of us credited you."

"Then let me go," she said again.

When she said this he sighed again, when he did that he broke eye contact and she ran at him. She caught him off guard, and almost bowled him over, but he was a bit faster and had her back in the room. She stumbled and he caught her.

"Don't make this hard Kai," he said.

"Why are you so determine," she snapped back at him. "Did dad offer you something for bringing me back, I can't imagine Kaden or Asher care that much about me."

He shook his head at her, exasperated, but he didn't deny it either. It was settled then, Tanner would force her to go home with him if she didn't try to fight back. She had a weapon in her inventory, though she felt immensely heavy when she thought about using it on him. Tanner had been kind to her in the older times. She wished he would understand and let her go. But he still stood blocking her in, and she would not be quick enough to dig out.

"Kaico..." he said, his eyes widened when she drew her weapon.

"Let me go, Tanner," she said, but her voice shook, "I don't want to fight you."

"Put away the sword Kai," he said back. "Now."

She held fast to it, and with a yell ran at him. She wasn't actually going to strike him, she just needed him to think that. But he did something she didn't expect.

Cold liquid splashed on her face. She felt her whole body slow down, the edges of her vision went dark.

Arms wrapped around her, and she felt her eyes close.