Nana's telephone calls delayed our departure.

Lada is a little bit confused but calm.

While we waited for Nana.

Lada and I, decided to write our journals.

As I wrote,

December 19, 1980


My beloved,

Blessings to you, my sweet and loving present self,

You are tough and stoned, have a relief.

Breath in the air of my shadow and care...

Live each day with calmness, I dare,

Please release those anxieties and fears.

Feel me.... I'm holding you,

Don't worry, I will not let you go...

Let's walk together in balance,

Our Oneness will hold strength of stance.

Be open and receive...

The guidance and blessings you deserve,

Don't look back on those painful past,

But be healed and let it rest.

I know, our journey together will move you forward,

Will meet future self, reaping reward,

Let us flow in synchronicity...

Like drop of water tapping into the lake of infinity.


Nana's voice, awakened us from our day dreaming.

We closed our journals.

"Are we ready?" Nana asked.

We both nod in response.

I was shocked seeing our big suitcase, next to her.

I don't even dare to asked Nana of why we need such big suitcase.

It's making me sad.

Lada asked in whisper "Is everything alright Nana? Why such a big suitcase?"

Nana replied "Amelia will have a vacation to Alaska".

Our eyes just widened from the news.

She added "Don't worry, we will enjoy the Music Festival. Leonid will meet us there. Before the break of dawn, we will travel to Alaska in a different boat. Leonid will bring Lada back home. I'm sorry Lada, if it's quiet a rush decision. But we will need to meet a family in Alaska very soon for an important reasons.

"That's making me sad but whatever it is, hope everything is going well in your favor. I will surely missed Amelia" while looking at me and holding my hands tight.

"Let's go and hurry, we are out of time". Nana said briefly.

We put on our hand gloves, coats and winter head scarves.

When we open the door...

A Wartburg 353 car is waiting outside for us.

On the driver's seat is the company's driver of Leonid.

He opened the door for the ladies to come in.

And help with the suitcase.

"Thank you, Igor!" Nana said.

We traveled a few minutes going to the port.

And embark immediately and settled ourselves in a warm cabin.

We removed our coats and hang them near the heater.

Then Lada breaks the silence "I have some cookies here in my handbag."

She offered us the treat.

A crew comes in and served us some tea to warm up.

We gladly thank Lada and the boat crew, we have enjoyed it.

Then, we rested in a warm cozy bed for a nap.

We are in the middle of our voyage when Nana heard commotion overboard.

A crew shouted and a gun fire.

Nana wake us up and whisper in each of our ears.

We took our coats, gloves and shoes.

And we quietly moved ourselves to the fire exit at the back of the cabin.

When we heard footsteps going down to the cabin.