The sounds of the footsteps is getting closer.

Our faces in full of fears and horror.

We moved swiftly in silence.

Nana is trying to find a a life boat at the back of the fire exit door.

And hopelessness arise when there's nothing to be found.

Lada is crying and in tremor.

Nana hugged us both to console us.

She whispered "In whatever happens, do not leave without the other. You will be stronger when together. Amelia, I love you so dearly."

"I love you too the Moon and back." I shivered.

And armed men, found us...

"Don't move!?!"

Flashbacks came in to Irina.

Smokes and fire everywhere...

I felt relieved when we are able to be out from the back door of the kitchen.

Princess Beatrix is still unconscious under the towel.


The little Princess has a gun shot wound on her shoulder.

She's losing blood.

I need to get her some help.

I hide her in the bushes.

I'm running to the barn to get a saddleback.

And called "Dolly" the American Saddlebred horse of Beatrix.

I quickly ride Dolly.

I need to be fast before anyone could see us.

I returned to the place where I hide the little Princess.

And raise her up to the horse in lying position and ride with her on it.

"Dolly! Quick!" I thump her to signal to run.

And Dolly responded.

We run through the woods with fears and worries.

I have been praying that nobody will caught us.


A carriage ..

A merchants carriage, meet us in the middle of the rough roads.

I halted Dolly, to asked for help.

The carriage stopped.

"Sir, have mercy! I need your help. I need a physician for the little child. She's wounded." I cried.

He then help Irina to bring the child quickly to his closest physician near the vicinity.

"Lucky child, we are able to remove the bullet on time. She's safe now." The physician said in relief.

I'm very happy and glad that Beatrix made it.

"Thank you Doctor" we thanked in chorus.

Then, the doctor leaves us.

"I thank you sir, for all your help! " 

"Call me Leonid..." The mister said graciously.

Leonid removed his gloves and reach out his hands to shake.

Irina wiped her hands and responded to shake.


Then, they smiled.

Irina and Leonid started to open up themselves, became friends.

Leonid help Irina and Beatrix to escape from Oblonsky territory.

The same day as the bullet removed from the child. 

We started our journey.

Far away...

Away from Revolution...

Away from chaos...

Far from death.

Irina holding the bullet shell and kept it inside her pouch securely, for the future.

The child is still unconscious, lying in her lap,inside the carriage.

Leonid is a merchant of guns and ammunition.

He has a house in Latvia.

We have traveled a day to Latvia using a carriage.

We bring along "Dolly" with us for Beatrix.

Leonid is a fine young man in mid thirties.

And living alone, his parents died when he was 20 and left with a small scale manufacturing business of guns and ammunition.

He started to travel to different countries for business trips to improve the business status.

His father is a merchant.

And so is he.

He was thought by his father on how to become a successful merchant since he was young.

And the wisdom of kindness.

"Don't move!?!" The armed men, keep on shouting on us.

They tried to separate each of us.

But Lada and Beatrix kept holding on to themselves.

"Please... I beg you, spare the girls". Nana plead.

The leader of the group, walked in front of the girls.

"Who is The Last Heiress of Oblonsky?"

The girls, shook their heads in response.

The leader turned around and look at Irina.

"Now  you tell me! Where is the heiress?"

Irina responded calmly. "They are my kids. I do not know the whereabouts of the Heiress Sir." 

"You are lying! " The leader shouted in disgust.

"Tie them up and bring them all, overboard!" He commanded.