I'm awakened breathlessly.

I'm awakened by the nightmare.

And I saw...I saw...

Those eyes..

Those mouth...

The face...in my dream..

Holding me in his arms while on the floor?

"What are you doing in here..again? Are you trying to seduce me?!?! I said it outrageously.

I moved my body with grace..away from the stranger, holding the bedside for support, to sit on the bed.

He looks tired and befuddled.

He stand up and slowly leave without saying anything.

I'm dumbfounded by his actions.

I gathered myself and closed the doors that's left open.

I locked it and put additional support for security.

And I go back to bed and nod off.

I am awakened by the ruckus below...in the dining area.

A strong knock on the door, jolted me from my reverie.

I moved quickly to the lavatory to freshen up.

I heard the maidservant saying from the back of the door " Your Highness, this is Lillian your maidservant. Prince Stefan is waiting for you in the breakfast table in 20 minutes."

"Yes, I will. Thank you!" I responded.

And what is that chaos all about?

Who is Prince Stefan?

I promptly changed clothes from sleeping dress to my comfy linen white embroidered shirt and an acid wash jeans paired with a flat leather sandals.

I need answers...


I need Specialist Mikael to reprimand his brother for his rudeness and enticement.

I couldn't let it passed.

Shortly, I'm in the parlour.

And about to enter the dining area.

When I heard Specialist Mikael and a stranger voice in uproar.

A jarring exchange of statement.

As I move closer ...

I heard Mikael said " Uncle Charles called me about Beatrix. So, you see...he thought she's an imposter. And it's too late for me to retract."

His brother said in response "Then, why would you dare to bring a stranger inside my house without my permission? That's absurd!"

This is the first time you have shown impoliteness my baby brother... I would guess, you like her?"

I'm moving backwards and.....


The flower vase on top of the side table in the parlour fall into the floor.

The two men were startled when they saw what happened with the vase...

And look at me...

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to.. break it .."

Mikael approached her and said "It's ok Your Highness! Let's have breakfast."

He ushered me to my seat next to him.

His brother cleared his throat.

"Ah Yes! Beatrix..I would like you to meet my elder brother Stefan... Prince of Dothinghelm." Mikael introduced.

I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.

The rude and arrogant person last night is a Prince of Dothinghelm?

How is that?

I forced myself to be polite and show respect.

"I'm pleased to meet you.. Your Highness!" said it in impassive manner.

Prince Stefan is impressed on how collected Beatrix is...after what happened last night.

She has a great sense of control and well mannered demeanor.

She is a total exquisite.

I am fascinated.

"The pleasure is mine..My Lady! " Stefan responded.. in a flirtitious smile.

Then, he called Olivia to serve the food.

While eating..the two men seemed into a different world.

I started "Prince Mikael, I would like to know.. If when I could meet my Uncle Charles? I thought we have a schedule tommorow? Christmas Eve dinner, as planned?"

Mikael tried to be very careful on his words.

"So, you see .. Your Highness! Uncle Charles is a bit busy lately and he is on his way to Oblonsky to do some investigation."

We would be happier, having you in our Christmas Eve dinner." he added.

"Don't worry My Lady... you will meet Uncle Charles soon. I promised you that. For now..I want you to eat more.. you're too skinny! Stefan added.

I glared in response.

Mikael felt annoyed and said "Stefan! Let's all have a peaceful meal."

"Yes, of course! Please eat!" Stefan responded.

And we all eat our breakfast smoothly and in peace.

"Lilian, served the sweets and coffee"

"Yes, Your Highness! Sweets and coffee coming.." And bow down in respect.


"I'm sorry...I do not drink coffee, do you have some tea?" I asked politely.

Stefan signaled to Olivia for the tea requested by Beatrix.

"Yes, we have My Lady! Olivia will prepare it for you". Stefan stated.

"Thank you! " I briefly responded.

I think I have overeaten.

I felt bloated.

I'm not used to be eating in a feast.

While drinking my tea... I asked Mikael to accompany me in my tour around Seward.

I wanted to see the beautiful view beyond the windows.

Mikael responded "Your Highness! I apologise but I need to report in our military camp today for a meeting. Don't worry, Stefan will be very happy to tour you around Seward. He is more expert and knowledgeable around here. You can have horse back riding."

"Yes, I understand..Thank you!"

Stefan called Olivia to have the hostler ready two horses for a ride today.