F I F T E E N - Please don't!

you're pov

It seems like more 50 bodyguards were surrounded in front of the mansion, it feels like I' ma criminal and today I'm going to court. Hoseok Oppa patted my shoulder and wish me luck, I just nod without responding my throat is dry.

One of the Guard opens the door and the rude ass Yoongi Oppa grab my shoulder and drag me towards the entrance. Every step I was taking my fear was coming back, the fear was I dared to run a from a mafia if they torture me or my parents in front of me or more worst, my body was shaking and my eyes went watery as hell.

Suddenly he yanks me at the front and I land on a broad shoulder ''see we bring back this piece of shit, it was not easy to catch her so hold her tight'' Oppa say and within a second a bone creaking huge I got from the person, his face was on Coke of my neck, he sobbing very badly. my Tears started to stream down yes I observe it is none other than Kim Taehyung the person whom I wanna run away.

''why'' he whispers, I remain silent my creek was half-dried because of the tears ''why did you leave me, love you don't how much I miss you'' now new tears forms on eyes I can't take it any more I broke down 'yes I miss you' I thought

Taehyung pov.

She come back yes she is, now I will never let her go away, but I observe that my sickness is going to show ''DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE??'' she remains silent


she was crying very badly, my blood starts to boil ''YOU'' I forcefully push her on the floor ''JUST ANSWER ME'' ''I...don..don't wanna..be..be..here...it feels like I-I'm leaving on hell'' she whispered I Grin my teeth and yell ''YOU ALL GET OUT I DON'T WANT ANYONE ON THIS HOUSE JUST ME AND HER, I HAVE TO TEACH HER HOW TO RESPECT HER HUSBAND AND '' every gasp except her.

''Hyung don't be harsh on her she is young and she doesn't know what is right and wrong'' Jungkook speaks

''no need of thinking about her, ik what to do she is my WIFE''

then everyone left she cry on the floor my eyes soften but my anger takes it over, I pull her on my shoulder she was kicking on my front side but I'm the strong one. I walk to our bedroom.

Author's point of view~

⚠Sexual content⚠

Sobbing she shakily looks up at him. she was only able to see his fiery red silver eyes, Is this the end for her? Would everything end now?

''I hate you. "she shakily spat, her eyes screamed her words.

Upon hearing, Taehyung flared in so much rage that he could kill. He cannot accept such a word coming out of her mouth. It pained him. It was too much that he could not control.

"You hate me? You dare hate me when I am your husband?" Taehyung shouted, his voice travelled loudly. With shivering body, she had once again said, "I-I h-hate you."

"Well, let us see if you will still hate me after I do this" Taehyung growled and his other hand immediately ripped all her clothing away, leaving her bare, naked.

She gasps with wide eyes. She whimpered loudly as she tried to cover herself. Her tears were furiously falling down, she cried wildly. "Pl-please do-do not."

Taehyung only chuckled upon hearing her begging. His eyes were on her body, scanning every inch. "So beautiful." And he began to touch her, caressing her stomach up the spaces between her breasts.

She wailed, crying loudly, wiggling in all her might. "Stop!" Taehyung growled. "You cannot fight me Y/n ." Taehyung continued to devour her with his hands while licking his lips. "I have been waiting for this, doll. I have been waiting for so long to see you naked and touch you."

Taehyung threw her unto the bed from the front couch, his eyes never leaving her. Once in bed, She gasped and coughed. She was weak. She looked up and saw him undressing. she panicked. With her weak body, she stood up and ran. She wanted to getaway. She did not care if she cannot walk and run right.

But before she could even move past he, her hair was being pulled and she was once thrown back unto the bed, her back had hit the headboard. She cried in pain. "Please..."But he was not listening. To consume with rage and desire, he cared for nothing. Taehyung climbed unto the bed. He pulled her by her legs and stare at her. "You are so beautiful, doll My love."

"I am not your love! Let me go!" she exclaimed, shouted despite her frail voice, Taehyung's eyes grew wide. she gasped. "You are My love. You are mine! Mine and only mine!"

Then, his lips engulfed hers, kissing her feverishly. She kept her lips sealed, not even kissing him back. She pushed him away but as he was stronger, her strength was useless. she cried against his lips.

Taehyung then retracted his lips from her. "Kiss me back!" He commanded. she slapped him which made his face tilt unto the side. He smirked as he turns to face her again.

"I see you like to play it rough, My doll" And that was when she began to loathe him to forever. That was when she had thought she would have never been born.

He looked so petrifying, like a devil from the hell as like he was. she shivered uncontrollably under him. Her tears streamed down, never stopping.

God she was asking to be helped, to be saved.

But no one came. No one will ever be.

She sobbed loudly when Taehyung grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them above her head, her body exposed to him. "You are so beautiful, My doll." Taehyung lowly husked before running his hands from her neck down to her chest, a ticklish of a sensation felt upon her skin.

she had her eyes closed, squirming and crying. She did not like his touches, anything of it.

Taehyung growled causing poor y/n to flinch once again. "Shut up, will you y/n?" He shouted. she tried. She tried to not let a sound escape her mouth but it was inevitable. Too impossible to even stop breathing.

she gazed up unto Taehyung's eyes. They scream for mercy, begging. Low whimpers escaped her mouth as she pleads, so hopeful for him to stop.

"And why would I?" He asked in a mocking tone. And with one last evil smirk he placed upon his lips, he havocked her entire being.

He roughly kissed y/n's lips as his hands began to meddle with her nipple, flicking and rubbing it against his fingers. she whimpered, crying harder every second would pass. Useless, she cannot do anything. She was powerless.

With all the strength she has, she kicked him, pulling him off of her. Taehyung growled painfully, clutching his centre. she rushed off the bed, running towards the door, caring less of her nakedness. She just wanted to getaway.












"Where do you think you are going?"