S E V E N T E E N - Honeymoon

''I have something to tell you''


I and Taehyung were now on TOKYO as because my parents and his parents want us to close so they want us to have some privacy. I look up from the car window it is really amazing, Taehyung and I is at the front he drives and I enjoy the view, it only been 30 minutes we land here and he told me he will drive us to our hotel. As well on those days Taehyung has been distanced from me, well I think any of the boys have told him about that Night, I sign and look on my lap suddenly he clear his throat "We are here Ang---y/n" he barely calls me the Nickname he gave me.

Slowly I walk out of the car and follow him, we both stopped at the Reception site "For Kim's" he speaks, while he is busy on talking with that receptionist I walk a bit and stopped at the fish tank.

I admire them and a tall finger wall in my direction and ask me what I'm doing here "ahh... I'm just looking at those fishes" I speak in English

"well... Miss... You.. Look more beautiful than those fishes" that person smirks

I started to feel uncomfortable, awkwardly walk back to Taehyung but that person grab my waist "where are you going sexy...let's have fun"

I tried to get rid of him but he was strong I was hoping some of our bodyguards will show up to save me but they were outside and Our parents told us that they did not bother us. Damn shit I'm screwed

Then another hand grab my waist and it was Taehyung, I was very happy because he came mentally I Jump up, that person speaks "who the hell are you, she is mine get lost"

" How dare you touch what's mine?" Taehyung raises his eyebrows

"well I got here first so she mines and ya after I got satisfied than I will send her to you" I got a freaking shock because of his statement, Taehyung Chukles than he throws a punch on his face that man yank back and let go of my hand and I rushed at Taehyung's back

"huh... She is mine from the first place only and she is my wife so keep your filthy hands away from her before I split up my bullets on your Skull" Taehyung speaks.


Now we both were on the elevator and our floor is 43, now it's on 3, I sign slowly and took a glance at Taehyung he is looking at me for the whole time, I gulp nervously. A finger was in front of us so I was happy but that finger went out on the 4th floor. oh God now what?

Slowly Taehyung walk at my direction, when I was supposed to side away he locks his both hands on both side of the shoulder, I look down I wasn't ready to look at his eye if he freaks out, no no-no-no.

"Lookup," he says with a deep voice

With shivering eyes I look up, his eyes are normal, oh thanks

Author pov

"Did you have fun with that guy today?" His voice is hard and unyielding. You try to answer, but he smashes his mouth to yours, cutting off your voice. You gasp at how aggressive he's being, hands roaming all over and tugging you as close as physically possible. He bites your lip, hard, and tugs on your hair so your neck arches back and you involuntarily deepen the kiss. His lips are bruisingly forceful against yours. Too rough too angry. You love his touch and the feeling of him but he's not doing this because he wants to kiss you. He's punishing you.

Taehyung pushes you back until your spine slams into the tin wall and presses himself against you, intentionally pushing his hips into yours in a way that makes your will power start to melt away. He's devouring you in as many ways as he can at one time. "Taehyung" you huff the second that he leaves your mouth for a breath. Your eyes have adjusted to the darkness and you can see his face, vaguely able to judge his expression

''What are you doing? Stop!'' " Stop?" he laughs bitterly. "What, you want me to stop so I don't take anything that you want that guy to have?"Glaring at him, you put as much distance between the two of you as his arms will allow, which isn't much. "What?! No, this doesn't have anything to do with that guy!" You stop, looking at him as he breathes hard through his nose and watches you with angry eyes. But they aren't really angry, you realize. It's something else.oh god his illness is going to show.

As you unconfidently kiss again, you allow your hands to slide down his neck and trace the muscles of his shoulders through the thin, unbuttoned dress shirt. They're firm and so warm, even with the fabric between you, and you like how they flex and roll against your palms. Gaining confidence from Taehyung's gentle exhale against your mouth, you experimentally run your hands back up his neck and burrow your fingers into his dark brown hair. you pull away and he says ''don't you dare any other man let you touch, I wouldn't hesitate to choke them to death'' I nodded, happy inside that his cure is me.

''but...'' he speaks with a worried tone ''why did you kiss me back?''

''ha?'' I started to think what to say but what I will explain that I want to be his perfect wife and want to take care of him, but he will ask why suddenly I care or anything else.

''ammm...nevermind''I bit my lower lip and nod my head because of his reply.

''But if you want to show your true self so prove me because 50% of trust i loose from you, Angle'' he reads my mind or what? he trusts me.

After a hot makeout session, you and he went to your private room, it is having a king-size bad, horizontal kitchen, huge marbled bathtub, gardened balcony with soundproof walls.

Now we are in front of TOKYO Disney, japan

magical time (✿◡‿◡)

After travelling the whole castle, they both end up nearer fair, suddenly his phone ring and he excuses himself from her while talking on the phone he doesn't observe him on the corner side of the sidewalk and some motorbikes are going to hit him and within a second he feels at his butt and he sears hear her sobbing.

You got heat by the motorbike!!!.

and you died in the spot