N I N E T E E N - You can cry if you want to.

"You cry. I'll hold you."

Her nose, eyes turn red and her breath become shaky, I grab both of her shoulders and embarrass her, my t-shirt get soaked ''are you okay with it?'' she nods

''than..than ...months pass he started to ask me for money or taking him to clubs whenever I ruffled he used to ask didn't I love him or not and ....and after 5 months of our relationship I caught him red hand-making out with our cheerleader, even I asked him to break up but he refused and after making me forgive him, but he doesn't change.

He..he...was on the relation with another girl even we were on relation and the second time I caught him missing one of my classmate and ..and he even told her that I'm his gold digger'' she bit lower lip ''he-he just used me Taehyung....h-he just used me.....he didn't love as I did an-and he just played with feelings'' She looks up and our eyes meet, I sign and ask ''will you give me one chance? I will make you forget the pain which he materializes to you? will you let me?'' I ask her calmly.

She nods ''well let's cheer up'' I say


''go take a shower I will take you to my sister's place''

''now i-its late right?''

''it doesn't matter''


Author's pov*

⚠sexual content ⚠

When she went inside the bathroom, she pulls up her t-shirt but it got tangled on her necklace and hairs. she groans ''not again!'' She struggles for the whole 5 minutes until she felt a warm touch from her back,

'fuck' she thought.

"You can just call for my help why did you struggle alone" Taehyung chuckle at her silliness, she was blushing because of Taehyung sudden skin contact.

little did she know, there's going to be more skin contact.

"Uh .." before she could finish her word, Taehyung whisper at her ears with arm tightly snakes around her exposed waist,

''you know what your Black bra is making me crazy baby~'' he whispers

Without any warning, he fully took off her t-shirt, bra and lift her on top of the sink counter spreading her legs for his to have better access and continue kissing her lips with hands still on her waist, she didn't know how to respond as Taehyung started to go down to her neck again and leave a hickey. 'Too soon' He stopped the passionate kiss when he notices something off. Both of them were blushing as Y/n awkwardly looks to her side,

"I'm sorry if you're not ready-" Taehyung was cut off by y/n sudden kiss attack that makes him froze for a moment before a smirk makes its way to his lips and start kissing her passionately "Finish what you have started" she whispers as she kisses her way up to his ear.

She herself was shocked at her sudden baldness but guess an overwhelming desire and lust she felt for him can't beat anything else

The man smiles so dearly knowing that he got to do her 'his way' the moment he's been waiting for. He didn't waste any second and carry her in bridal style to their bed, he pull op his t-shirt, revealing his good tone six-packs which leave y/n to stare at it with lust lingering on her eyes and for him to look at her beautiful form with desire.

Taehyung bites her lower lip to give him better access to insert his tongue deep inside her, their tongue was fighting with each other, the kiss was passionate. In another hand, his left hand were at the girl's waist to make her stay at one place, the girl wrapped her arm around his neck as his right hand were grabbing her womanhood area, slowly rubbing the wet area as he continues the passionate kisses.

He went down to her neck and bite her milky white skin, she let out a moan every time he sucks the girl's neck and left a love bite on both sides of her neck to let the world know she belongs to him as the image of someone stealing his girl make him growl, it was painful in every bite he made but it gave the girl a pleasure, he went down to her breast and sucks her right breast which she moans even louder, Taehyung finished off by licking her tits as he strolls down with his wet tongue down to her wet area not before sending her his infamous smirk

Taehyung sit straight as he spread the girl legs to gave him better access, he inserts his two fingers inside her tight hole and keeps pushing it front to back in a normal pace, the girl couldn't handle the amount of impact as she keeps getting wet by each thrust he made, a little moan escaping from her lips didn't help the situation either as it makes him hard even more. She grabs the bed sheets because the amount of pains she's holding,

"babygirl .. does it hurt you badly?" Taehyung ask half panting, and the two of them sweating from the amount of heat they felt

the girl just shakes her head "p-please.. continue" he wasted no time as he went to the next part, he bends his head right on her wet area and sucking all the cum, he inserts his tongue inside of her womanhood as he thrust inside her using his tongue which leaving the girl to moans his name out loud, he continues until he feels satisfied with the names, the bedsheets had cum all over the place but he doesn't care as he positions his dick in front of her wet area before he fully inserts himself inside her, he looks at her as she nods with hands gripping tightly on the bedsheet. He slams his member inside her, hard. Both of them moans together because of the unexpected pleasure and pain, he continues at a normal pace, she moans in every thrust he made, same goes to Taehyung. He went sucking on the girl collarbone as he continued thrusting her hard. Both of them have reached to their climax, he couldn't hold it any longer as he let out his warmth inside of her.

He kisses her for the last time before he pulled out his member as both of them panting heavily, he crawls towards y/n and kisses the girl's forehead, they made eye contact, his eyes were full of loves,

"You're beautiful," Taehyung said as y/n smiles in pain and giving him an unexpected soft kiss making the boy's smile widely showing his teeth "I promise I will love you forever," he said and peck her forehead

Both of them drift into dreamland. The next morning they woke up, y/n slowly open her eyelid tried to adjust the surrounding but she only found herself in Taehyung's arms naked, her face was buried right onto his chest. Remembering the sinful act she did last night, she tried to closeher eyes again but not until he spoke in his sexy deep hoarse morning voice,

"Good morning princess"

And just like that, he has successfully made the girl's heart beating for him