T W E N T Y - Smile

Taehyung's point of view*

Bird chirping wakes me up as the sunlight sipping through the open curtain hit my face, I groan at the contact as I buried my face on her neck inhaling her scent. The room smelled like sex and I like it. Wrapping my hand around her naked waist, I smirk at the memory of last night. It was an erotic night, I can still remember vividly every detail of her body, her soft and delicate skin, her reaction, her moaning is like music to my ear and I love every moment of it. It makes me craving for her touch even more.

After the night she will be mine, I claim her twice and no one can take her away nor can she run away from me. No. She can't avoid it. I make her love again.

Trailing my hand from her eyes till her lips I stare at her sleeping face before I lean in to kiss her on the lips down to her collarbone 'she must be tired' I thought as she doesn't seem to be bothering by my kisses. I continue kissing her neck hand roaming around her body and start sucking on her skin, leaving a mark to show whos she belongs to. I smile at my artwork on her neck and lay back beside her stroking her head making her whining cutely. Turning my body to look at the ceiling I close my eyes imagining her doing sinful stuff to me.

phone ringing snaps me out I glare at my lest side and took my phone sawing an incoming from one of my men, after talking to him I turn around her side and wrap my arms around her small waist

I don't know how long did I sleep again but she stirring and whining in my arm wakes me up. She tried to escape from my hold but before she can even do that I open my eyes to meet her fascinating eyes "Good morning princess" I said and her face turn red as she looked away from me makes me giggle at her reaction.

''You smell so good" I said truthfully pulling her close make her blush even more as she tries to release my arm around her waist again 'bad move' I hover over her make her gasp "What the hell Taehyung! get off" She said in angry tone in hope for me to get off her. A wide smile makes its way to my lips as I push myself in between her legs making her breathing heavily.

''get ready Angle we are going out" I whisper before I lean in to kiss her deeply, She responded to my kiss bring ecstasy to my whole body as she moans in the kiss "are you still sore?" I asked in between the kiss "a-a little," she said while catching her breath.


''don't be nervous Angle''

''if they don't like m-me?'' she asks

I kiss her forehead and grab her palm ''let's go'' we walk inside the building and I ask the receptionist where is Miss Jennie & jisoo's cabin is she inform me and we walk towards the elevator.

After coming out of the elevator we walk through the hallway and some of the workers grants us.

I knock on the huge-ass door ''come in'' the familiar voice speaks from inside, when we both get inside both of the girls look up and with a wide smile, they run like a lost puppy to Y/n, wait what I'm their brother and they don't grant me. Both of them hug her as they will lose her, I clear my throat and three of them looks at me ''I think I'm a stone here'' I fake cry and both of them hugs ''ahh our baby brother has grown up ~'' Jennie nonna winkles ''ya see our sister-in-law have many hidden love marks on her neck, our bad baby boy is very dominant'' Jisoo nonna elbows me ''ahhhh stop''

After spending hours with them I and angle went back to our hotel.

we both cover ourselves with the warm blanks and lie down on the comfy bed, she put her head on my chest and starts playing with buttons of my shirt, suddenly she asks ''Tae..''


''can I ask you a question''

''you can ask me anything as you want''

''m-my...does my parents know about the matter which..i mean..i..i..run..away''

''well about that your stupid plan yes your parents and mine too, they will be not mad at you because I told them not to'' I speak calmly

''I'm sorry'' she speaks with a shaky voice

''well...i should be sorry...because-''

''no I made a huge mistake and even other Oppas also hate me''

''no...no..they don't hate you they just care for you ''

Than she remain silent ''Angle'' ''hmm'' ''do love me?'' ''emm.tae..you.know.that.it's too early to ask right but ya I started to grow feelings for you and yes I trust''


''so what?''

''will you accept me as your boyfriend?'' innocent I ask

she giggles, how cute ''oh my cute Tae want to be my boyfriend''


''haha but...... I have a super caring husband'

her words make me jiggle ''oh my god so I have to ask your super caring husband right''


''well you know I wanna start afresh startup so from now on I'm your boyfriend and when you will confess I will be your husband okay?''

''mkai'' she responds with a cute smile.


1 week later

'you know I can come don't worry' she speaks on her phone with another person 'no-no need to come to my place m coming dude' 'what! ohm- no I said- fine- fine' while talking on her phone she doesn't even observe that I'm inside the room and she is pulling her jeans which is tucked on her knees, oh my how funny but adorable, her long milky legs, hips and her blue panties 'oh my god did I marry a kid or what' i thought, suddenly her body shift at her left and when her body suppose to fall on the floor quickly I run towards her grab her ''are you dumb?'' I whisper, awkwardly she blush and pull her jeans properly and run towards our closet room I walk behind her and unbutton my white shirt after throwing it on the side basket I turn at her side and saw still she is talking her phone and her hoddie's hand side is tucked, I chuckled at her childishness and I helped her.

''Angle where are you going'' while wearing her shoes she looks up and mutter on her phone that I will call you later ''going to my XHigh school for our school club's meeting'' ''okay if you need Me, call me okay'' I was going to seat on the couch but suddenly she asks me to come over at her, I walk towards her and he stands on her toe and pick my lips but being I'm Kim Taehyung I grab her tiny waist and passionate the kiss.