T W E N T Y O N E - Save me

Taehyung's pov*

I glare over at my damn watch it's been all most 4 hours and no sign of her, I should call her, after 4th beep she answers

Angle: 'ahh! Sagami will you stob..the water is cold..oh..YOUUU!' oh..hey Tae

Me: hey...amm.. you have done, it's almost 4 hours

Angle: oh ya ya ..sorry Taehyung I forget to inform you, because of the weather our meeting was delayed so...

Me: okay it's fine...shall I come and fetch you?... I mean if you are done.

Angle: ...okay......you..can.come

then I hang up and rushed to the closet to wear this

wait!no..no I can't wear suit she will be definitely mad at me


''I'm ready to let's go!'' I speak, she makes a poker face ''hey what's up with this?''

''you..dododon't you have any other clothes I mean except those suits ??''

''arr...i..do..don't actually wear those so'' I screech the back of my neck.

''you..are going with me on the mall and don't wear those type of dress on dates it feels like you going to murder someone"

end of flashback

I change again to those, okay dmn I look extremely hot, I smile like an idiot


''are you even kidding me? that much of students my god, I should ask my man to find her on this hall'' I murmur while walking inside.

I walk to the nearer board written ''welcome to our house club'' yes I found it while gesturing inside I saw a familiar back, there she is talking with some of the girls but a tall guy approaches her and grab her arm what noo..my blood starts to boil, she was struggling from his grip another bustard show up and grab her hand from his and start talking to that guy, my angle hid at his back. I walk fast as I can go and grab her on my arms.

Your's pov*

'ARE YOU KIDDING ME HE IS HERE OH MY GOD' I scream on my mind, he suddenly came and hugged me oh my god, I hear some of the student's whispers, ''are you okay?'' he asks calmly ''y-yes'' I reply and on the other hand, two boys were burning hole at our back, slowly I unwrap from his grip and turn to them ''I think I should get going guys'' ''NO who is he?!'' Mark speaks while pointing at Taehyung oh really the jealousy vives are showing

''h-he is m-my-'' Taehyung cuts my answer ''her boyfriend do you have any problem?'' okay Taehyung is getting mad yes he is going to freak out oh my gooodddddddd

''huh that much early baby.....you move on~'' Mark speaks with pain and guilt full voice.

''don't you dare to call her baby you bustard'' oh my god Taehyung please, I'm going to faint and on the other side Sehun, Sagami, say, Ben, they were standing dumb folded.


''why don't you fight back" while driving the car Taehyung to break the silence ''and who is that guy?''

''actually...i ..heismyexboyfriend!'' I shut my eyes tightly, not ready to get bitten by him

he doesn't reply just he remain silent suddenly he speed up, what

''They-'' ''just shut up'' my whole body starts to shake oh god what is going to happen, is he going to rape me again but I wouldn't disagree he feels very good and after our honeymoon, we did it thrice.

Slowly he speeds up the car ''Tae slow down it's dengeri-'' ''YOU JUST SHUT UP BITCH'' what bitch he just called me bitch, my tears started to fell how come he can say that silently I cry.

I don't observe that he stopped the car and he went out of his seat and gesture towards my seat and opens the and harshly my arm.

he drag me inside our mansion, when we went inside he grabs my bag and throw it across the living room ''Taehy-'' he doesn't even let me finish my sentence.

The sharp burning secession was occurring oh my cheek. He slaps me. my vision starts to get blurry, he just drags somewhere I don't look at the other side, I was just looking at him, when I observe we were in front of 'that forbidden door of his study room'

the last line he told calmly ''you....shoulddon't let him touch you.......... and you deserve this'' than I grieve. why I live my life.


The cold floor, sharp pain between my legs and the darkness grant me when I open my puffy eyes, my whole body hurts and I wasn't able to breathe, the darkroom suffocates me, I feel like dying ''somebody is there!'' I yell but no reply to god, my whole body starts to shake, the dangerous Taehyung's face appears in my mind, he wasn't the man I like he became a monster.

I pray to God that if he hears me he should be the normal one but no one shows up nor the maids, tears started to build up, I crawl at the front side and found my hoodie on the floor, I wore it to hide my bare body but the pain was too much, it was unbearable.

I started to sob and hug my knees the horrible sense show up on my mind just like a video player, I feel dizzy my dry throat is screaming for water and it hurts because I screamed like hell.

Suddenly I remember he throw my jeans across this room, i crawl on the other side to find it and after getting pushed with some of the things may be still chaired I wasn't able to recognize them because of the darkness when I got my jeans it was torn but inside the pocket,, my phone was there. my tears fall endlessly, i I open my contacts and press the speed dial and it shows

{speed dial numbers}

Joon Oppa

Jin Oppa

Jimin Oppa

Jungkook Oppa

Yoongi Oppa

Yeon Oppa

Hope Oppa

Hubby 💞

Kai Oppa

Taeyong Oppa

sobbin Oppa

Rows I call hem but none f them pick up my call it says some them were out coverage or they don't pick and who will pick up early in the morning, I was losing hope and then I press on Yoongi Oppa, oh god he is a heavy sleeper, he will reply me or not?




''damn if this, not important call then I will sow you dude, my beautiful slee-'' he speaks with a hoarse voice, I bit my lips with a crack voice ''O-op-pa'' I whisper ''wait what'' he just for second and scream ''Y/N! WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY! DID TAEHYU-'' ''ya-es he did it-it really hurts please save me'' '' can you tell me where you were, Sis.''