T W E N T Y T W O - I'm sorry angle

Yoongi's pov*

I groan when I hear someone's phone rang and it was jungkook's damn phone "you brat pick your phone" I groans, no response then I took the pillow to cover my ears but suddenly my phone rings oh god early morning who is calling, grab my phone from night stan, without looking at the caller ID, I pick up ''damn if this, not important call then I will sow you dude, my beautiful sleep-'' I speaks with my hoarse voice, ''O-op-pa'' someone whisper ''wait what'' I just stop for second saw the screen and scream ''Y/N! WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY! DID TAEHYU-'' ''ya-es he did it-it really hurts please save me'' '' can you tell me where were you, Sis'' my heart aches very badly I don't know why I feel like crying "y/n? are you there'' I hear sobs ''hey hey don't cry please'' I speak with clam voice

''I can't breathe o-opa'' oh my god where is she ''I'm coming don't worry and please do-don't die'' than I hear heavy breaths.

I call all of them from my emergency watch. I grab jk's ankles and told him about her we rushed towards Taehyung's place.

''what do you think Hyung'' jk asks me ''i...I don't in what condition she is but I know he just did something much worse from the first time'' he signs ''she go through a lot and Tae Hyung will be very sad if he comes back to sense and sees her on this condition''


Jin's pov*

We walk like a lost puppy in front of the emergency room and Taehyung was just crying with his heart out. I feel sympathy for him.

when we go at his house everything was a mess the couches were not at the right place, vase, coffee table everything was destroyed and Taehyung was unconscious on the kitchen, his back supporting the kitchen counter and when he woke up he started to cry, starts to say 'no angle please don't cry I will save you'.

'Her' means y/n her conditions was very worse her half body was full of burnishes, he absolute her and it was mercilessly, when Yoongi pick her on his arms, his cheeks got soaked with his tears. Her legs, the hand was handcuffed and her clothes were on the whole room which was ripped

Nail scratches were on her waist and things, bight marks on her upper chest, her half necked was very worst what about the other half. I'm very worried if he have did any wrong move and the doctor would say 'she will never able to give birth' my mind got messed with those things.

''THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!'' Taehyung screams and hugs Jimin. now god knows what is going to happen to that innocent girl.

Author's pov

She recovers from her injuries but Taehyung doesn't forgive himself, every night he comes home late being drunk and he stops to talk her, he also doesn't understand what's happening and on the other hand, she is worthless she doesn't know what to do, she started to feel scared to talk to him and still her burnishes there. Her pale skin starts to become like the previous sun-kissed skin. But only one thing was in each others warmth, they both don't look at each other's eyes. His eyes were filled with guilt and her with pain.

''please it hurts'' she continues sobbing. She never thought this would happen... " No need to cover your body, princess. " He took both of her wrists then pinned it above her head again and continue biting her neck.

" Taehyung... Please.. No... "

She begged, tears streaming down her face. Tears of fear.. Fear of him... He chuckled darkly, leaning closer to her. " I know what you're trying to say.. Be gentle, right? Sorry, baby girl but... " He bit her lower lip hard, causing her to winced in pain.

" Not in my dictionary.. " fully he become an another Taehyung who was not gentle but forcing.

There she is... Laying on the couch while covering her naked self under the couch cover's blanket. She can't stop herself from crying as soon as he pulled his member out of her. It hurts... Physically and emotionally.

She closed her eyes, letting all the tears of sadness and fear streaming down her face. Every night whenever she is alone, she cries with her heart out. every night her mind went full with those sin full acts.


after 4 weeks 2:22 pm

" Are you asleep? " You asked him as you pushed the blanket. He quickly sat up " not yet .. why? "

" I can't sleep.. " he patted on his side and asked you to be next to him. " What's wrong? Did I do anything to you today? " You shook your head ''Nah I'm just happy that you were not drunk and you don't sleep on couch'' ''no...I should I don't deserve to be with you I hurt-'' ''No you didn't you weren't in your state'' ''i-I'm sorry angle'' ''it's okay Tae and you know I did wrong-''

Your cut as you felt a warm pair of lips on your lips. " You did nothing but just giving me the best moments in life... Thank you for giving me a second chance, letting me love you, and you to love me back... Thank you, Angle ..''

You smiled wide. " Its been a long time to hear that ..hubby " you caressed his cheeks, looking into his eyes. " I love you baby " he placed his lips again on yours and pulled you closer to him.

Slowly the kisses turned into more than that as you sat on his lap and his hands holding your back. You missed him a lot. You missed everything about him.

The next thing you knew was he's on top of you, sweat on his bare forehead, his hands held your hands above your head, he breathed heavily licking his lips." I miss you like crazy " he said and you giggled. " Then show me how much you miss me " he smirked listening to that.

He kisses your lips again aggressively and his hands slowly let go yours. Your hands were all over his sculptured body. Touched every abs line he had and you slowly lifted it up. He took off his shirt and put it on the floor, continuing the kisses.

He then slowly caressed your body and took off yours. To be fair, both of you need to be naked equally. He quickly attacked your neck and left marks all over. His sweet lips sucked every spot of your skin made you hissed.