T W E N T Y T H R E E - Forgiveness

Slowly he went down, sucking your shoulder, collar bone and chest. He didn't wait at all. He sucked your breast while the other hand played with the other one. The way his tongue did his works, was amazing. He didn't let you rest. He kept on giving.

He went down and placed kisses on your tummy and slowly went down to your lower body. He looked up as he took off the short pants you put on. He threw the pants away and licked his lips looking at your naked body. He slowly parted your legs and placed his head in the middle. Oh fuck.

''Tae-'' you stuttered as you felt the warm heat of his tongue. Holy fuck. He ate you out. He held your legs so you can't move much except arching your back.

The sounds of him sucking, licking, eating made you go crazy. His tongue was so deep in between your folds. You looked down and you can barely see him. oh god is he really the innocent Taehyung?

He quickly unbuckled his belt and jeans, threw it away to the side. Oh god, you missed the view of him completely naked.

He held your legs, stood in between you and places his dick at your entrance." Ready baby? " You nodded and he pushed it. " Fuck .. " the feeling of being filled up. He's so big, you cant even...

He pushed it until his dick cant be seen at all. He filled you up nicely. Letting you adjust his size, he slowly thrusting you in and out. He threw his head to the back and groaned when he was buried deep inside of you. It's was magical, none of you was forced it was pure. Baby .. fuck " he hissed and he moved faster. The way his hips moved, pushed his dick to the very deep made you moaned non stop. He asked you to hold your legs as he placed his elbows beside your head.

He fell on top of you and breathed heavily. " That was great Angle .. " he kissed your forehead and your lips.


" Good morning sleepyhead," he said while scooping your body. He kissed your cheeks and slowly kissed your bare shoulder.

" Morning .. " you stared into his eyes, how much you missed this eyes " How are you feeling? Okay? Did I hurt you yesterday? " You giggled and shook your head. " You sure? I was umm .. rough on you... I didn't get laid for weeks "

You furrowed your brows not wanting to believe that. " Really? That's so not you .. " he kissed your nose soft " really .. I only want you .. don't you see how much I exploded last night? That baby .. was a 4 weeks cu- " you put your fingers on his lips. " Nope .. don't tell stories about your thingy .. " he smiled and kissed your fingers. " I love you," he said and you replied, " I love you too ".

And that's never going to end without lazy morning sex. Who wouldn't? Waking up to a beautiful man, with doe eyes and red lips begging for kisses.

You both did take your shower together but no, no sex. Just playing around and threw each other bubbles. Before he wore his shirt, you saw so many scratches behind his back. How can he even bare with it? Well, how can you bear with him? The purple marks on your bare neck, shoulder, collarbone, body god this guy is a monster.


''I'm so sleepy hubby'' you complain

''you have to your assig or else tomorrow morning you will start crying'' he says while typing on his PC.

''Tae~'' you call him with his pet name and he responded as hmm ''what do you think I will able to become a successful designer?'' you pout, he smiles and says ''Honey...I'm here with you up to last breath and I will make you a successful designer'' ''promise?'' you ask ''hahaha Ne'' ''Jiinga? Pinky promise?'' ''pinky promise'' you and him attach each other's pinky fingers.

Then he starts laughing ''what happened?'' you ask ''I'm just curious that you are 18 years old or 8 years'' you grab your ruler and chase him.

''hahaha you can't catch me, honey'' he yells while running in the stairs ''youuuuuu!!!!!'' you yells at his back.

''Gotcha!'' you hug him from the back and push him on the couch.'' damn you run fast!'' he says while catching his breaths.

You were top of him as like riding him and tickles him. well, the maids, butlers were just standing like a shocked cat because he is the hire of the mafia king of Korea and he doesn't even yell or laugh with others except for his Hyungs, he doesn't even use to be free with his parents.

''OOOOOOOOUUUUUU~~~'' out of blue some voice were there on the front door, when you and he raised your head on the side, both of yours eyes got wide and you jump from the couch and tiptoed and awkwardly smiled to them. then he also seats up and smiles at them.

Both of the couples get inside with huge smug and when both of the couples jester themselves get inside you and he bows them.'' I think we have ruined the moment honey?'' your mother-in-law elbows her husband ''amm..amm-m I don't know what was happening but it seems it was going ...lik-'' your father-in-law scratches his neck '' they both were starting the fun we disturb them duh!'' your mom states ''mmaah!'' you shots ''haha Princess don't shame to tell us that you and were supposed to make love'' your father mocks.


''so when we are going to get our grandchild?'' your mother-in-law grines, you choke your food, Taehyung helps you to drink your water. we seat for dinner and when she states that out of blue Taehyung got his little friend got hard. He gulps and looks at me ''a-ah ma still we haven't think about it yet so-'' ''okay it's fine we know y/n is young for this but your father already gave you his position and about the hired property you have to be a parent.


''are you sleepy Tae? '' you ask him ''n-no y-yet" he shutter what happened to him? ''Tae are you okay?" "ye-ya! I'm'' ''don't lie Tae ik you'' ''okay fine actually I'm just a bit stressed'' ''oh really wrap my right leg on his waist but I feel something hard between my womanhood, wait what the fuc-

''you are having a problem between your legs and you are telling me you are stressed" you said seductively ''Honey i-i don't wanna hurt you, you must be sore, we already did it yesterday on the shower and now yo-'' you cut him by pressing your lips on hi "juts shut up" you said between the kiss "let me stuck you heard until your eyes roll back" he got shocked by your sinful wards but he accepts it as his reward from her.

And then the whole night, you and he got exhausted by fucking each other.