T W E N T Y F I V E - Love triangle?

My damn mind went blank after hearing this ''Sehun. it's not time to joke around be serious. and you know that I'm married. How can you-''

''I'm serious'' he looks staring into my eyes ''I loved you from middle school but I was scared. if. if one day you will come to know that I'm part of mafia you will run away so I keep it up, I was planning to confess you but that Mark, after your breakup I was planning to confess you and wanna tell you what I'm but....''

''you-i don't love more than friend sehan we used to be best friends and nothing else'' I blurt out.

''no it can't be you will be min-'' ''it's too late Sehun it's too late'' calmly I speak ''NO IT'S NOT'' he burst out that, that deep voice guy pets his shoulder.

suddenly the front door burst out, a guy holding a beaking tray with blue aprone ''what the.... heck........... SEHUN WHO IS THIS GIRL AND WHY SHE IS TIED UP!!'' this guy is pale skin guy he looks like motherly, well like jin Oppa.

''Squishysoo Hyung i-i-i-'' Sehun speak but that guy cut him



''I'm here stop barking'' an angelic boy walks into the room. I blink and let my holding tears burst out.

''oh my- oh my god Mrs Kim Taehyung'' that suho guy bow me but I look at him with a confused face

And again suddenly the front door burst open familiar-looking buy with sharp jawline, tanned skin and mostly innocent face wait is it-

''Now what you want Nini?'' that deep voice guy speaks annoyingly ''well chan NCT and BTS are looking for all of us'' that nini guy speaks.

hmmm, Nct?? Wait what BTS yes they are here mentally I jump.

Taehyung's pov*

My world just stopped when I hear that sobbin is on hospital and even when I meet him, he starts to cry and he told me that ''I told her to run and she runs but they were fast and even killed our man also, I'm sorry I wasn't able to save her, I'm really sorry''

why this is someone would kidnap her, I only share about her to my business partners, even they were trusted.

if anything happens to her, what I will do, I can't lose her she is my everything. I thought and slowly my tears start to flow down, I only cry for her on my entire life. I was very heartless but she changes me and she teaches me how to be a perfect human. I

snapped out of my thought when Jimin Hyung pat my shoulder.

''Hyung did you get any information'' I ask yoongs Hyung but he shook his head and says ''they break her phone on the right spot'' I let out deep sign ''hey did you all remember previously Taehyung told us that y/n have an Xboyfriend right, is it up to him? but ya I forgot his damn name'' Joon Hyung states.

suddenly about her boyfriend's, words echo on my mind 'huh that much early baby.....you move on~'

''That must him, The member of NCT U Mark Lee'' I speak with a heavy voice, my eyes got teary no this can't happen my angle can't be snatch away from me.

''Yes the snipper of NCT U Mark Lee 21 years old'' I nod ''let's go''

We enter on NCT's mention, we got granted by Mark Lee who is half laid on the couch and he is playing on his phone.

Angrily I walk towards him but my way blocked by smiling Lucus ''what's up bro suddenly what brings you here?'' ''who is this brat?'' I point to Mark ''ohh he is the cousin of our Grandpa'' {a/n ha ha ha Taeyong Oppa I'ma sorry ;) ) }

I raised my eyebrow ''Taeyong?'' I ask in confusion, he nods.

I walk towards him and say ''I don't care who you are but I know you are the one'' I grab his collar he looks at me with confused face ''wha-'' before he could say anything I yell on his face ''gae sae ggi (son of a bitch) how dare you to touch my girl!'' ''what the heck dude let me breath'' Jimin and yeonjin grab my shoulder pushes me back ''go and check this whole mansion'' I order my men.

''WOW, Chill Taehyung what are you doing we were brothers and why would we touch your girl?'' Taeyong comes from somewhere.

''boss we don't get anything'' one of my men says ''see nothing is there Taehyung and what happened?''

I sign and hang my head low ''someone kidnaps my wife'' ''your wife... WHAT? HOW CAN YOU THAT MUCH OF-'' Marks yells at me but got interested by Taeyong ''wait a minute your...I mean your wife got kidnapped so what is up with him, as I know he comes to the gang it's been 4 months and still, I haven't given him any business responsibility...so.how.can.he-''

''He is my wife's Xboyfriend'' I blurt out. then everyone went silent, suddenly yoongs Hyung speak ''if he is not the kidnaper so who would be the person? I mean why are we wasting our time here''

I sign and nod ''let's go and Taeyong I'm sorry for thi-''

''wait I'm coming with you'' Mark walk up to us, I make a face 'Are you kidding'

he signs and states ''I know I cheated on her back but literary after break up I started to feel that I was in love...with her but...it was too late'' he says with creak voice and guilt in his eyes.

''now regrate. let's go'' we all walk out with Mark, I'm just feeling like I will faint in any moment when we seat inside the I grab my hairs back ''where are you'' than jin Hyung come clam be a bit. After y/n he is the second person who ca clam me.

''Hey, i-i wanna tell you something'' Mark pop his head from the back and starts ''you know Taehyung that sehun guy?'' I Look at him and nod ''her BFF'' ''well he....''

''what he?'' Jungkook speak

he looks up at me and starts


Mark's pov*

''you know I already confessed her from now on she is mine'' I scream in joy on the roof with Sehun my close buddy but suddenly his expression changes ''what happened Sehun buddy?'' ''you confess her?'' he asks me in a cold tone, I nod and seat with him on the rusty bentch ''why aren't you happy?''

''Why would I?'' ''huh? what happened did I do anything wrong?'' suddenly he turns back and started to search for something on his backpack but when he took the thing, I was shocked to death

''h-hey wa-wha-'' he smirk and lean forward ''we know what is it and even we got training right?'' ''y-ya b-ut it's not allowed to used it now, w-we are not qualified yet on it''

He chuckles and reloads the gun, he points the gun towards my forehead ''d-due s-stop joking ar-around'' the thing which he told I almost faint

''I'm serious about it'' ''w-why are you doing t-th-this?'' I look staring into his eyes

''will you do whatever I say? or else she will be dead in any second in front of your eyes'' I nod because I know he is from mafia family and even has too many mafia friends too so they wouldn't hesitate to kill her and I would never let them kill her, she is everything a guy would ask for, sh- I got interrupted from my thought when he says the thing I would never wanna do

''Make her hate you after some months and cheat on her back, let her be depressed because of you, break her apart, while doing that you have to find a girl for you to use half of her if you want her to be alive and I will keep eye on you, don't dare to kiss her or be clingy towards her if she wants to kiss you just show your cheeks''

''Why are you doing this?'' I speak with watery eyes

''Because I love her and she is mine, from the beginning when I laid eyes on her''