T W E N T Y S I X - Choose?

Taehyung's pov*

when the mark guy told us the reason for doing certain kind of stuff with her, my heart just stabs because if still, she fell for him so she may go with him, no this can't be happening.

After an hour of investigation suddenly yoongs Hyung yell ''she is in street 64, let's go'' yoongi Hyung rushed out

y/n's pov*

That nini guy unties me from that chair and told me to follow him, on the other side Sehun, that chan was getting scolding by that pale skin guy, suho guy.

while following this Nini guy out of blue I ask him ''hey what's your name?'' he turns and faces me, he just shows his adorable smile and says ''I think you forgot me well why wouldn't I don't talk to you at the wedding, it was too gathering and I was busy with the security, by the way, it's me Kim Jongin Taehyung's cousin and it's very nice to meet you, sister-in-law '' he bows be and I only nod

when he asks me if I want anything, suddenly we hear a gunshot ''what the heck'' he glared at me and he took out his gun ''sis you-wait I will take you to safe-''

''No need of taking her in the safe room'' a husky familiar voice speak, when I turn around to see Taehyung holding his gun, when I'm supposed to run to him a tight grip was on my waist, I look back and see angry Sehun.

''let go sehun'' I speak coldly but he just tightened the grip, what the heck dude you were holding just like there is no tomorrow, I have a husband no an obsessed husband who will pin me on the wall and fuck me out of my life just because of you, I thought

''sehun just let her goit's enough'' one of the most familiar voice speak, the person walks to us, my breath starts to hitch, how he is here and with Taehyung.

I gulp hard and look behind just to see other Oppas were there except sobbin. ''Sehun I hurts please let go'' I whisper, but being stubborn he doesn't let go.

''Why aren't you listening to her sehun!'' that suho guy argue back but sehun just roll his eyes ''never she is mine and I can't let her go with this mad person WHO ALMOST KILLED MY GIRL''

Taehyung look up at him but nothing come from his mouth, how it would sehun is right Taehyung almost killed but. but he loves. me more than anyone would love like that.

''Sehun please stop hurting her, you have enough of it'' Mark speak with creak voice ''you have too much now set her free please I beg you''

''NO'' sehun reply ''SEHUN JUST MOVE ON SHE WILL NOT LOVE YOU BACK AS YOU DO'' Mark fight back but ya sehun being sehun



''WHAT THE HELL!'' I yell ''are you both are dumb? you just only thinking about yourselves '' I say in disbelieve.

''So choose y/n choose between three of us'' finally Taehyung speak

''what'' I look at with confusion ''what do you mean by that?''

''ya choose I wanna know whom you will choose your Abusing husband or cheater boyfriend or your best friend'' sehun speak

I shook my head ''you are insane''

''Just answer it duh!'' yoongi Oppa speak from behind, I blink several times trying not to cry, I never went through this type of things

first yes Taehyung is Abusing husband but at the other hand he loves me and I love him too and he can give his life for me.

second, my cheater boyfriend, he was so good, he even promises me that one day we both will on the veil but he just.....

third my best friend, he and I used to be like siblings how can this happen and he always understands me but....

''okay, I choose ........

........Taehyung'' I speak the truth if I still love mark so I wouldn't able to give myself to Taehyung.

''yo-you can't do this he beats you even raped you how!?'' sehun states

''yes he does but he was not on his own state and I will always choose him because he isn't a betrayer just like you two''


''Tae don't move '' I pout ''ahh I'm just done my shoulder hurts'' ''oh it's only been 10 minutes I'm taking the lengths'' ''okay I will but in one propose'' ''so what's is it'' I speak face to face

''bath together'' he shows his boxy smile, I smirk and speak ''that much neddy? Huh''

''what after that day's incident still I wasn't inside of you '' he pouts ''how you say the dirty thing while being too cute'', I kiss his cheek ''just for you baby'' I giggle and we gesture towards our shared bedroom.

Author's pov*

After taking bath they both end up on bad, while on the shower Taehyung just teases her and make her horny as hell.

mine while

"Ugh, so tight!" He thrust his cock inside her while she can't stop moaning in mess. He buried his face in the crook of her neck inhaling her sweet scent. He grabs both of her legs and spreads it wide, giving him more access to thrust deeper.

Her eyes roll back as he starts to hit her spot repeatedly. She can't pull him closer. Her wrists start to sting as she kept squirming around.

"Fuck. You all mine. Don't ever scream someone's name other than me. Ugh! Just me!" He lifts himself up and wrapped his fingers around her throat choking her as he starts getting rougher.

She sobbed feeling the pleasure overwhelm her. She feels herself close. "f-faster, I-I'm c-cumming!"

He smirks, he let go of her throat and reaches for her wet clit. He rubbed it with his thumb. Y/N arches her back and screams for the last before she came. Taehyung came inside her.

She panting hard. She sweating uncontrollably. Taehyung takes off his tie. He noticed her wrists forming a red colour.

He grabs both of her wrists and kissed it in guilty. Y/N close her eyes exhausted taking over her body.

He pushes her hair back from her sweating forehead and covers both of their bodies with the blanket.

He pecks her shoulder softly before entering the dreamland.


Taehyung woke up as the sun-kissed his face. He kept holding himself from waking up. But it's not working.

As soon as he opens his eyes, he saw his precious love still sleeping comfortably. He can't help but smiles. Their bodies naked underneath the blanket.

He sighs in relief as his hand brushes her soft hair. He leans and pecks her forehead.

She just groans as the sun disturbing her sleeping and he noticed it. He pulled her face closer to his neck so his body blocks the sun.

He ended up cuddling with her. He searches for his phone and saw the time is almost 10.

He doesn't want to disturb her sleeping. So he just stays awakes until she wakes up. Or maybe he might fall asleep again.

He hopes that this moment will never end.