Chapter 44: Where Did You Pick It Up From?

At the cusp of autumn and winter, the leaves on the trees had already begun to wither.

After a rain following the beginning of winter, the temperature plummeted, and Xu Qing had prepared his down jacket and thermal clothing early, along with big cotton socks in shades of pink and blue.

He even had a cotton hat topped with a pompom.

He really dressed up like a character out of Miracle Nikki… Xu Qing satisfied his heart by snapping a few shots of Jiang He, who had donned winter attire, with his cellphone.

"Look, if you went out recklessly on your own, wouldn't you have frozen to death by now?"

He gestured to the layer of frost on the window and mock sighed, "It's good that I, the great hero, am so thoughtful… By the way, can your kung fu withstand the cold?"

"A bit better than yours, more frost resistant," Jiang He played with the small ball on top of her head, enjoying the fluffy sensation.

"Hey, with those straw sandals of yours, wouldn't your toes freeze off?"
