Chapter 45: What Are You Grinning About?

Xu Wenbin returned home around seven in the evening.

The pot was bubbling with pork ribs, the aroma filling the house; just the smell of it made him happy, and seeing Xu Qing sitting on the sofa, he felt even happier.

"Here to pay the rent?"

"No, I came to eat."


Xu Wenbin's cheerful mood vanished by half.

"Wash your hands and get ready for dinner quickly."

Zhou Suzhi urged him, as she had timed the dinner with Xu Wenbin's usual return time, just perfect for him to wash his hands, sit for a bit, and then start eating.

"I looked at the utility bills myself, it's a total of one hundred and thirty, I'll transfer it to you now." Xu Qing stopped kidding around and took out his phone, swiftly transferring the money to the old man.

"That's not right, last month you used nearly three hundred, how come it's halved this month?" Xu Wenbin, washing his hands, peeked out curiously at Xu Qing in the living room.

"Isn't it supposed to be half off?" Xu Qing replied confidently.