
Chapter 441 Lin Dong, my ice master's man

Sky Wind Sea, under Xuan Ling Island.

In the vast and boundless dark space, there is an endless profound and mysterious.

A ten-thousand-foot-long torrent of magma like a red dragon, winding in the void, entangled with each other, vaguely forming a huge ancient formation covering hundreds of thousands of feet of space, vaguely suppressing something.

Completely by the endless magma composed of countless red dragons, and finally in the void intersected into a constantly churning huge magma giant lake, an empty crystal coffin placed in the center of the lake, the ancient existence of its sleep has long disappeared.

Above the huge lake of magma, three ancient existence with an unusually vicissitudes of breath stood in a triangle, seems to be talking in a low voice what.

The person on the north side is a slender silhouette clad in black battle armor, a green silk down to the upturned hips, the face is exquisite to excess, the delicate body looks weak, but has a supreme aura of suppressing the world.

The south side stands a silver-robed man, the man is about thirty years old, dry and thin, silver-white hair long hair casually cascading over the shoulders, emitting an extraordinarily ancient flavor, the vicissitudes of gas filled the surrounding body.

The most striking is undoubtedly, the pair of radiant silver eyes diffused with strange fluctuations, silver eyes seem to have endless space sinking and flowing, a thought, there will be tens of thousands of ancient worlds generated and destroyed.

The man on the west side has a long and slender body, handsome face, a fire red hair casually scattered on the shoulders, as if a burning flame.

Just a light glance, the body Yuan Power will be weirdly burning up.

The Lord of Darkness! The Lord of Space! Lord of Inferno!

"Hmm? They're coming."

The Space Lords who noticed the spatial power steeply active in the nearby area suddenly stopped their conversation and looked towards a certain void with a smile.


The next moment, where the Lord of Space's line of sight touched, faint ripples swirled, and four figures bizarrely surfaced in place.

"Well, space and darkness are also there, this is now six ancient lords gathered together, very good, just in time for us to do a big job this time."

The Lord of the Flood swept a glance at the three people in the Demon Prison, and immediately unfolded the arms that were thicker than the calves of the Lord of Space to meet them, and gave a bear hug to the lean Lord of Space, which made the latter grimace in pain.

"Hey, space, don't blame me, this is what Little Sister instructed me to do, who let you guy always can't control his mouth and talk about Little Sister's affairs back then everywhere."

The Lord of the Flood, whose body is two feet tall, patted the little bean in his arms and laughed heatedly.

"Ahem ..."

The Lord of Space sniffed and coughed softly, subconsciously looked at the frosty-faced Ying Huanhuan and was scared to death.

Damn, when will he change his chatterbox problem?!!!

"Huh, you're the kid who took the Yan God ancient medallion from me back then?"

The Yan Lord looked at Lin Dong, who he was formally meeting for the first time, and recalled with a frown.

"Yes, Lin Dong has met Lord Yan, although he did not use Lord Yan's Inferno God's Ancient Tablet, he is still very grateful to Lord Yan."

Lin Dong smiled and saluted, and casually handed the Yan Shen ancient medallion to the Yan Lord.

Although the Ice Lord, whom the Inferno Lord had been secretly in love with since the ancient times, Lin Dong had never regarded him as his rival.

For one thing, the Inferno Lord is only unrequited love, the Ice Lord has never paid any attention to him.

The second, Lin Dong has long held the beauty, the ice Lord inside and out are his Lin Dong people, a heart are tied to its body, sticky.

You say, this and the Lord of Yan what matter?

"Lin Dong well ..."

The Yan Lord thoughtfully took the red hot token.

"Since everyone is here, then I will take the initiative to introduce, Lin Dong, the man of my Ice Lord, senior brothers and sisters can talk to him on an equal footing."

Ying Huanhuan, who had been silent, suddenly twisted her willow waist, stepped forward and grabbed Lin Dong's large, slender hand, interlocked her ten fingers and gently raised it.

"Ice Lord's man?!!!"

"What? Little senior sister you fell in love?"

"No, this is never possible!!!"

Except for the Space Lord who had already known such news, the remaining four Ancient Lords all subconsciously let out an alarmed cry and looked at Lin Dong in unison.

The remaining four Ancient Lords all subconsciously let out a cry of surprise and looked at Lin Dong.

Everyone knows that this guy, Lord Yan, has been secretly in love with his little sister.


Little senior sister, I ..."

Above the handsome and intensely majestic face of Lord Yan, a thick color of pain and disbelief surfaced.

He bitterly pursued but could not the beautiful woman, how just a sleep, have liked to fall in love with other men? It seems that the feelings are not ordinary.

"Brother, let bygones be bygones, okay?"

Ying Huanhuan, who has long since fully grown and blossomed into her own charm, looked at Lord Yan indifferently with that stunningly beautiful face that was so beautiful that it turned people upside down.

"I, I ..."

Lord Yan's lips moved decadently, the corners of his mouth hung with a bitter to the extreme smile, then he murmured in a low voice, "I understand, little sister."

"Well, let's get down to business."

The Orchid Heart's Dark Lord spoke up at the right time and said, "The millions of foreign devils in that Demon Domain's Demon Suppression Prison have been purified by me and completely shut down, Lord Yan, tell us about the situation on your side."

"I was traumatized back then, and spent most of my time sleeping to repair my injuries, so the purification task has only been completed by a small margin. The stray fish have all been swept away, but there are still a large number of Fey Demon Generals and Fey Demon Kings remaining, as well as the strongest Great Heavenly Evil Demon King."

After all, Lord Yan was very human and immediately adjusted his state and said.

"The Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, this time, the strange movements of both our Ancient Lord and the Devil's Prison are centered around it. The Devil's Prison is openly searching for the whereabouts of Lord Yan and the two of them in the flood, but secretly they are trying to rescue the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King."

"Therefore, we will simply take the plan and join forces to cut down this Great Heavenly Evil Demon King first, then rely on this Devil Prison to set up an ambush and wait for the several king temples that come to rescue them to take the bait."

Thunder Lord told the whole story of his plan this time.

"First join hands to cut down the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King? That's fine, you guys stand back."

Lord Yan nodded gently, steeply joined hands changed seal knots one after another and lightly shouted, "Yan God Ancient Formation, rise!"

"UU read the book www.uukanshu.com嗡嗡! Boom!"

Just see that below that by a 10,000 feet long magma torrent as if red dragon, in the void winding coiled, entangled with each other, vaguely form a huge ancient formation covering hundreds of thousands of feet of space immediately followed by a great light.

"Howl! Lord Yan, what are you doing again?"

A shocking roar fell, a heavenly demon shadow tens of thousands of feet tall broke the tens of thousands of years of slumber, and abruptly stood up from the center of the formation.

The tens of thousands of feet of the devil's shadow is pitch black, faceless, the only thing on the whole face is a big hideous mouth constantly salivating outward, two rows of sharp teeth emitting eerie cold aura is even more frightening to people.

The image is the same as that of the Great Heavenly Evil Demon outside the Yuan Gate, except that it has eight arms, twice as many as the four-armed Great Heavenly Evil Demon.

A torrent of red-colored magma was like the strongest chains, densely wrapped around its huge demon body, trapping it dead in the center of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 442 - The Great Net Opens

"What am I going to do? Naturally, it is to completely obliterate you."

In the endless darkness, the only Yan Lord who emitted light said indifferently.

"Hahahaha, wipe me out? I'm afraid that you alone, Lord Yan, are still a bit short of the mark!"

The Great Heavenly Evil Demon King laughed crazily at his words, looking extremely contemptuous.

Unlike its fellow clansmen who had little intelligence and were shaped like animals, as the king of the Great Heavenly Evil Demon Clan, the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King's spiritual intelligence far surpassed that of most Heavenly Mystic spirits, and could also speak human words, and its battle power was only below that of the Heavenly King Palace.

"With just me alone? Who said I was only one person."

Lord Yan smiled faintly and casually snapped his fingers, and a dazzling light lit up from the endless darkness, illuminating six mysterious figures that were silent.

"Lord of Darkness, Lord of Space, Lord of Thunder, Lord of Flood, Lord of Ice ..."

The smile on the ugly face of the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King froze abruptly.

After reading the names of five ancient lords, it was already like falling into an ice cave, with cold hands and feet.

Just one ancient lord alone is an extremely difficult opponent.

This time there are six ancient lords, who can withstand this?

Especially the ice-blue silhouette, the strength of the top eight ancient lords of the Ice Lord, it has been claiming that their battle power is only below the Heavenly King Palace, but is the bullying to the Heavenly King Palace, but also by the Ice Lord hanging master.

Let it take on the fully revived Ice Lord, which ...

"Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, let me send you on your way."

The ice-blue silhouette stepped out, and the faint frost coalesced, turning into an ancient rune with ice patterns surfacing on its surface above its head.

Ancestral Symbol of Ice!

"Roar! This king is to die, but also pull an ancient lord for me to bury!

The Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, who knew that he would never escape, went completely crazy, burning his entire body with demonic energy and recklessly attacking the Inferno God ancient formation that bound him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Deafening roars and blasts resounded one after another, enough to instantly shake any strong person who had stepped into the Life and Death Xuan Realm to death alive, and a torrent of magma that was wrapped around its huge demon body had a vague tendency to break.

"Hmph, don't even think about escaping my bindings!"

The ten fingers of the Lord of Inferno changed one after another as if they were flower butterflies, turning the endless magma in the huge lake of magma below into more long red dragons roaring down, winding, winding and winding again ...

For a time, a bizarre tug-of-war was formed.

"Younger sister, speedy strike!"

As strong as Yan Lord, against the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King who was burning his life and wildly recoiling, he was also a bit overwhelmed.

"Eternal Freeze!!!"

Under the gazes of the sky, only to see the ice-blue silhouette unhurriedly raised a jade-like lotus root arm, and then suddenly closed.


The endless ice layer spread out from the cold ice goddess' white wrist and instantly transformed into a tens of thousands of feet long ice blue phoenix, vibrating its huge wings that covered the sky and swooping down with a terrifying wave that froze everything.


With a hiss of extreme reluctance, the immense ice blue ancient phoenix came down with its arms around it, instantly freezing the horrified Great Heavenly Evil Demon King into a living, breathing giant ice sculpture.

Everything, came to an abrupt halt.


The ice-blue silhouette who made all this lightly opened her sandalwood mouth, gently blew out a mouthful of ice-cold through the bones, a loud boom, the huge ice sculpture turned by the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King then exploded and cracked.

The Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, the mount of the Foreign Demon Emperor and comparable to a triple reincarnation powerhouse, was easily killed by the fully revived Ice Lord in just one move.

"Younger sister's power has really fully recovered, even I feel that there is a tendency to vaguely exceed it than ten thousand years ago, could it be that love still has such a wonderful use?"

Witnessing the Ice Lord's great power, the chatterbox number one player - the Lord of Space - couldn't help but open his mouth to brag about his little sister.

"Join hands, together we will clean up all the foreign devils within this Devil Suppression Prison and clean the house so that we can welcome our guests."

Said the Lord of Darkness, glaring at the Lord of Space without a trace.

Can't you see that Lord Yan, the heartbreaker, is still here to stay?

Also love love love.

Love your head, believe it or not I'll punch your dog's head?!

"Yes, yes, clear the demon prison, together with the strike!"

Fiercely a witty Lord of Space shrank his neck and immediately agreed in a loud voice.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"

In the next moment, a torrent of energy representing the six rules of ice, fire, space, darkness, flood, and thunder struck out in unison, with a tens of thousands of feet long purple and gold dragon claw whistling down.

The seven superpowers joined forces and wielded their own light!

Under the joint cleanup of six Ancient Lords in their prime and a Reincarnation Realm powerhouse who could not be judged by common sense, the thousands of foreign devils hidden in the endless darkness wailed for an hour before they fell completely dead.

"Phew, that damn disgusting and disgusting smell is finally gone."

The Lord of the Flood slowly lowered his arm and took a deep breath.

"Senior Brother Hongwu, you return to your Flood Tower with Lin Dong and attract some of the Demon Prison forces to it, while the five of us, Senior Sister Darkness and I, stay here."

"Since the real target of the Demon Prison is the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, your way must be the decoy, our way is the real main force, so you don't have to worry too much."

Ying Huanhuan put away the Ancestral Symbol of Ice and began to issue orders.

"Hey, no matter how it is decoy, if you want to deal with my Lord of the Flood, you have to come with one Demon Prison King Hall, maybe even two. Little sister, don't worry, I'll take care of everything on the side of the Flood Tower."

"Well, we should go, keep in touch at all times."

With that, the two feet tall purple gold giant poked out a large hand and grabbed Lin Dong, who was as short as a child to him, before carefully placing him on his shoulder.

"Clack! Click!"

The Lord of the Floods was shaken and crashed a spatial channel in the void, carrying Lin Dong headlong into it and disappearing.

That's right, unlike the Lord of Space who travels the void by ruling the power of space,UU Readers www.uukanshu.com走力之一道的洪荒之主向来是靠肉身直接横渡虚空.

What? The super large void storm?

What is that thing? Can it break through your own purple and gold skin?

Oh, can't ah, then directly mangled over it is finished!

"This guy's hurrying style, Hong Dao, is really simple and rough as always ..."

The corners of the space lord's eyes twitched violently for a while and muttered in abnormal disgust.

For the Lord of Space who is in charge of the power of space, with the power of space to wander the void unrestrainedly, the heart's reach, that is, my reach, is the right way.

The Lord of the Flood, such as relying on the body, directly in the void to crash a space channel way to rush, is completely heretical! Heresy!

Damn, strong flesh body is great ah!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 443 - 2 Dignified King Hall

Martial Association Island.

The azure sky and sea level had been occupied by dense devil clouds.

Just a few days ago, endless armies of devils and devil corpses suddenly emerged from the bottom of the sea and frantically attacked the Wuhui Island, where the five clans belonged to, and the top brass of the five clans of the two cave heavens who were discussing the alliance here were surrounded.

It was because of the seven great reincarnation realms gathered here that the initial defense of Wuhui Island did not rashly collapse, until the appearance of a large number of foreign devils in the rear, only to press the battle line was once precarious.

At this time, an earthy yellow light shield fiercely opened from the flood tower, instantly covering the entire Wuhui Island, timely blocked the army of foreign devils outside the island.

For some reason, after the earth-yellow light shield was raised, the army of foreign devils surrounding the Wuhui Island became more and more frantic, attacking the earth-yellow light shield in a frenzied manner.

This is already the fifth day of the siege of the island by the army of foreign devils, and the light cover is still as strong as ever.

Just when the seven forces were secretly leaping for joy, a strange change occurred.

The dense devil clouds suddenly began to wriggle madly, even the army of foreign devils that were attacking madly also seemed to be ordered by something, and suddenly quieted down.


Six tall demonic shadows emerged one after another as space squirmed violently.

The moment the six demonic shadows appeared, the Yuan Power of heaven and earth were flying away from the area, sticky as if materialized huge pressure through the light shield, passed to every corner of the Martial Club Island.

The king of foreign devils, the king of foreign devils comparable to the reincarnation realm strong, or a full six!

The human powerhouses who realized this, their faces were all white.

This earthy yellow light shield that blocked thousands of foreign devils army, can still block the joint attack of six foreign devil kings?

"This smell of the ancient flood ... , there is no mistake, that guy the Lord of the Flood must be sleeping here."

In the center of the six foreign devil kings, an extraordinarily tall devil shadow crossed the crowd, gently sniffed his nose and murmured with unusual joy.

Only to see the tall demon shadow slowly raised its head, revealing an exceptionally pale and handsome face, looking down at the thousands of terrified faces below, and smiling gently and elegantly.

"Humans, I am the Eight Kings of the Devil's Prison, open the island protection formation and hand over the sleeping Lord of the Flood, and this hall will spare you from death."

"The Lord of the Flood? Could it be the senior who is sleeping in the eighth floor of the Flood Tower? No wonder the foreign devils are besieging my Martial Association Island."

When the seven great Turning Wheel realm powerhouses from the five great clans of the two cave heavens heard the words, they were all startled.

All these years down, they probably already knew that the unopenable eighth layer had a mysterious existence sleeping in it that was terribly strong. Only I didn't know that its origin was so big, actually the Lord of the Flood who was in charge of the Ancestral Symbol of the Flood among the Eight Lords of the Far East.

"No, we must not let go of the great formation, the foreign devils are the great enemies of heaven and earth in our Tianxuan continent, what they want is nothing more than to slaughter all the living beings in our world, there is no way we can survive."

Evil Wind Cave Heaven's cave master, Wu Xuan, shook his head and said.

"Oh, it's still Evil Cave Master who has insight, my Tianxuan living beings will never have the reason to surrender to the foreign devil, either you die or I live."

Light laugh fell, a slender figure appeared out of thin air at the side of Wu Xuan.

"Lin Dong? You actually stepped into the reincarnation realm?!!!"

The first thing you need to do is to look at the figure that appears at your side as if it were a ghost, and then feel the reincarnation fluctuations that are so dense that they are almost materialized, and then Wu Xuan subconsciously wants to turn around and run away after a fierce cry of alarm.

He did not want to find that his body had long since moved and lost control.

"Lin... Lin Dong, what do you want to do when a great enemy is at hand?!"

Wu Xuan turned his only controllable eyes and said in a trembling voice.

Two years ago, he could have struck out at Lin Dong.

But before he could do so, he had already been taught to behave by Mu Lan, that third elder of the Immortal Saint Whale clan, the top Reincarnation Realm powerhouse who had touched the Reincarnation.

The remaining six Reincarnation Realm powerhouses also had their bodies tensed, as if they were on guard against this sudden intruder.

"Oh, relax, I've long forgotten about the past."

Lin Dong smiled and waved his hand, releasing his control over Wu Xuan.

"You guys guard the island well, I'll leave the army of foreign devils outside to me."

Lin Dong lifted his paws and instantly disappeared in the same place, leaving behind the seven great power lords who looked at each other with blank faces.

Is this Lin Dong crazy?

Even if he had stepped into the Reincarnation Realm.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the market.

Outside the Martial Assembly Island.

"Tsk, five true devil kings, a devil prison king hall, the devil prison is a big deal~"

Silver spatial vortex emerged, a slender figure slowly step out from it.

"Lin Dong? I wanted to kill the sleeping Lord of the Flood, but I didn't expect to be able to transfer you to this big fish, or, simply kill it."

The eight kingdoms were slightly stunned when they saw the visitor, and then they laughed.

"Killed in one go? You're a loser? I killed the seventh king of the ten king's halls, which is ranked above you, in the Northern Xuan domain, so killing you is like killing a dog."

Lin Dong, who was surrounded by thousands of foreign devils, laughed without changing his face.

"Humph, arrogant, do you think that this Hall is really just one person coming this time?"

The face of the Eight Kings Hall, who had been humiliated by a human brat to his face, instantly pulled down, and then he coldly laughed, "Sixth Brother, come out."

"Oh, this was originally a great gift for the Lord of the Flood, but I didn't expect to let Your Excellency enjoy it first."

Jie Jie strange laughter sounded, a head covered with devil patterns emerged from the left shoulder of the Eight Kings Hall out of thin air, followed by the neck, chest, waist ...

Eventually, the demonic shadow pulled the entire demonic body out of the Eight Kings' body with one hand, and landed lightly in the void.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my seat is the Devil's Prison Six Kings Palace."

This Fey Devil True King, whose aura was at the peak of the Second Reincarnation Tribulation and was infinitely close to the Third Reincarnation Tribulation, shook his neck and courteously saluted Lin Dong.

"The appearance of your Demon Prison powerhouse is really disgusting as always."

Lin Dong shuddered in disgust, disgusted.

At least it was a Demon Prison King Hall, but it actually hid itself inside another King Hall.

"UU read the book www.uukanshu.com Since your Excellency killed Old Seven, your rank on my Demon Prison must-kill list has been adjusted upward to the same level as the Ancient Eight Masters. Today, the old eight and I will join hands to take care of you, so we can die without regret."

As if he hadn't heard anything, the Six Kings said to himself.

"A King Hall at the peak of the Second Reincarnation Tribulation and a King Hall that is infinitely close to the Third Reincarnation Tribulation, two King Halls joining forces might really hit me hard."

Lin Dong nodded in disbelief, and then smiled rather cunningly, "However, did you guys think that you were the only ones who kept a backhand?"

"What? Could it be that ..."

The two king temples smiled and their hearts subconsciously sank.

"Lord of the Flood, come out."

Only Lin Dong smiled and clapped his hands, crisp and loud.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 444 - Spatial Displacement


A dense purple-gold light swept out from within the Flood Tower, and a 10,000 feet tall purple-gold giant with muscles like gnarled dragons stood proudly on top of the sky and earth.

"Hahahaha, Six Kings Hall, Eight Kings Hall, this net can catch two Kings Hall of Demon Prison, the harvest is really not small."

The ten-thousand-foot tall purple-gold giant's gaze burned as he looked at the two demonic shadows, and his thunderous laughter roared out between heaven and earth.

"The Lord of the Flood, you actually awakened long ago?!"

The two king temples looked at each other and gritted their teeth.

The situation is really getting worse and worse, whether the two of them can retreat comfortably today is still two words, they can only grit their teeth first to hold on, waiting for the other way the army completely mission back to help.

"Not early, not early, just these two days, take time to go to the Lord of Yan first to help empty that Devil Suppression Prison, then rush back to wait for you."

The Lord of the Flood said with a big smile meaningfully.

"What? That Demon Suppression Prison has been emptied?

Two sharp and frightened demonic whistles sounded in unison.

"No need to think about the other way Demon Prison powerhouse returning to help, they are already on their own, there are more Ancient Lords helping to entertain them, any Demon Prison sending out a few King Hall will be a dead end, you should think more about yourselves."

Lin Dong's words made the two King Hall's hands and feet instantly go cold.

They... Seemed to have been tricked!


Skywind Sea, above Xuan Ling Island.

A large vortex of demonic Qi emerged, and two mysterious demonic shadows stepped out from it, one after the other, surprisingly both powerful Fey Demon True Kings who had crossed the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation.

"Old Five, this is the target, right?"

"This is the place, in the past few days, three of our clan's true kings who have passed the first reincarnation tribulation have mysteriously disappeared in this nearby sea, it must be the Devil Suppression Prison where the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King is imprisoned."

"That should be the Yan Lord in charge of the guard, right? That guy is quite tricky, be careful, later I will be responsible for distracting him, you go to release the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, be fast."


The two mysterious devil shadows whispered a few words, and then disappeared in unison.

Under the Xuan Ling Island, in the vast and boundless dark space.

"Here they come, it seems to be those two guys from the Fourth King Hall and the Fifth King Hall, follow the plan and try to leave them all behind."

The ice-blue silhouette who was playing with a strand of broken hair suddenly raised her head to look into the void, and then her body merged into the void like water.


A few low voice echoes came from the darkness, and then faded away.

"Come on, come on, come on."

The last remaining Yan Lord whispered a laugh, the palms of his feet lifted, his body appeared below the magma giant lake in the center of the crystal coffin, crossed his fingers in front of his chest, sleeping peacefully.


Outside the Martial Association Island.

"Hahahaha, less nonsense, eat my fist!"

The Lord of the Flood who was boiling with wariness did not want to say more, the terrifying flesh body that was ten thousand feet tall leapt to the Six Kings Hall in front of him with an unusually sensitive step, and with one punch, a large area of space collapsed for it.

"Damn, this hall brain is bad to compete with you flesh body!"

The Sixth King's Palace, whose scalp was numb, did not want to think, directly dodged and avoided it, and kept on fighting with it, trying to stall for time and wait for an opportunity to escape.

"Eight Kings Hall, look, are we now one-on-one again?"

Lin Dong lifted his foot and stepped forward, his aura firmly locked onto the Eight King Hall.

"Go to hell!"

The Eight King Hall, who knew that he was outmatched, did not hesitate to attack first, and with a lift of his arm, a bizarre devil's eye surfaced in his palm.

"Devouring Demon Light!!!"

The devil's eye that occupied most of the palm suddenly opened, and a wickedly sticky beam of light shot out from the devil's eye as fast as lightning, tearing through the void.

"Space replacement!"

Lin Dong raised an eyebrow and said unhurriedly.


The next moment, the space suddenly distorted, Lin Dong's figure bizarrely disappeared, far away in the distant plundering formation to observe the battle of the five true king of the foreign devil, the central one was unsuspectingly replaced over, appeared in Lin Dong standing position.


The weirdest sticky beam of light swept through the sky.

In an instant, the vitality in the body of this True King of the Alien Demon, who had crossed the first reincarnation tribulation, was completely robbed, and his demon body, which had steeply become stiff, fell into the sea.

"Space Blade!"

Lin Dong, who had been replaced in the center of the four demon kings, spread his arms, and two short blades of space as bright as silver flew out, and the sound of poofing sounded, and two large hideous demon heads rose up.

In just a few seconds, two more true kings of foreign devils have fallen by their hands!

"Howl! Humans, seek death!!!"

The only two remaining True Demon Kings were completely terrified and, in shock and anger, joined forces to blast at Lin Dong who had succeeded in his sneak attack.


Space rippled once again, the ghost-like slender figure had already hidden in the void, and the two attacks hit the empty space in unison.

"Aiya, Eight Kings Hall, how can you do it to your own people?"

Lin Dong, whose figure emerged hundreds of feet away, looked at the Alien Devil True King who had lost his life and fallen into the sea, looking very surprised.

"Ahhhhh! Lin Dong, I want you to die!!!"

Seeing this scene, the eight king hall, was completely mad, hate he raised his hand is a fist smashed out, the monstrous devil Qi condensed into a black fist seal rapid suppression down.

"Ten thousand devils wishful thinking, Abyssal Devil Seal!!!"

The extremely dangerous black devil's seal rose to a full 10,000 feet in size, underneath the devil's seal, tens of thousands of devil figures were faintly visible, and they all raised their devilish arms, struggling to hold up the 10,000 feet devil's seal, and kept shouting.

"Devil! Devil! Devil! ..."

Tens of thousands of big devils that the same voice shouted, gathered together a make the wind and clouds for the color of the terrifying fluctuations added to for ten thousand feet above the devil seal, distorted a strange vacuum can not see the end.

"Hahahaha, good timing, give me to shatter!"

Lin Dong saw the situation and let out a loud laugh, his body not retreating but advancing, on the right arm will fiercely swing out a fierce fist, rich purple gold light crazy sweep away.


The sound of a vast dragon roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, a full 30,000 purple gold light patterns nearly crazy from Lin Dong's right arm whistling out, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com在半空中凝成一只看不到尽头的紫金巨龙与那万丈魔印轰然相撞.


The terrible energy storm madly stirred all existence within a radius of tens of thousands of feet, a large swath of foreign devil army was instantly churned into a mass of blood foam, the sky devil clouds have backward crazy retreat.

"Eight Kings Hall, it's my turn to attack."

Lin Dong, whose figure appeared in front of the Eight Kings Hall, raised his arm in the midst of his unusually ugly eyes and flicked his ten fingers: "Endless Lotus Sea!"

The silver-white lotus flowers appeared behind Lin Dong out of thin air, vast and boundless, looking from afar, it seemed like a boundless silver ocean.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh"

The moment these silver-white lotus flowers condensed by spiritual power took shape, they swept towards the tall demonic figure like crazy, and a large area of space was cut up.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 445 - Judgment of Thunder

"Ten-fold Hell Miasma!"

The palm of the Eight Kings Palace, whose face changed furiously, fiercely pressed down, and the sound of gas explosion resounded one after another, with ten black portals of ten thousand feet high rising rapidly in front of it, and a hideous devil head with its head tilted up and roaring surfaced on the huge portal.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

However, this did not prevent the roaming silver-white lotus sea from breaking through one hellish portal after another, and the silver ocean that had exhausted most of its power crashed into the Eight Kings' Hall brazenly.


Even at the last moment, the Eight Kings Hall summoned out the Devil Emperor Armor given by the Foreign Devil Emperor in time, but still spat out a large mouthful of black devil blood, and his breath withered to the extreme.

"Lin Dong, this hall is dead today, but also drag you along!

The loud roar of the eight king hall face showed a trace of hideous, right fist hammered chest, once again spit out a large mouthful of blood, black devil blood wriggling and rising, turned into a fist-sized black skull rune.

The unspeakable terrifying evil fluctuations to the skull rune as the core, extremely fast to this heaven and earth spread, receive the evil fluctuations of thousands of foreign devil army immediately excited and frenzied roar up to the sky, and then brushed the knees and down.

Dense black light came out from the army of devils and poured into the black skeleton rune, which was rapidly expanding in size at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Jie Jie, descend, my emperor's shadow!

The eight kings of the temple's hands changed the seal knot abruptly, also with a frenzied face, kneeling down, the monstrous devil Qi from his body crazy pour out, a continuous source of injection into the black skull rune.

"Buzz! Boom!"

The black skeleton rune, which was replenished by the last powerful force, suddenly exploded with a dazzling spectral aura, and the light mass rapidly surged, turning into a huge demonic shadow that covered the sky and stood across heaven and earth.

It is illusory and blurred, but the majesty is unparalleled!

The moment it appeared in the world, the hearts of all the Tianxuan beings present were sunken, a strong sense of disgust and palpitations emerged, fearful, almost want to flee.

Devil Emperor's Void!

"Lin Dong, fall under the majesty of my emperor!"

Sacrifice a large amount of essence blood of the eight king hall face incomparably pale, but strong to hold the devil body once again change the seal knot, the devil emperor's shadow under its control slowly raised the right arm, a strong sense of crisis quickly surged to Lin Dong's heart.

"Hmph, big talk, just a virtual shadow."

Lin Dong coldly laughed, the majestic sea of spiritual energy constantly swept out from his body, under the shocked eyes of the sky, transformed into a topsy-turvy silver-white giant.

The silver-white giant, which is made entirely of compressed substantial spiritual energy, is ten thousand feet tall, and when he raises his hand, he exudes a terrifying wave that can destroy the sky and the earth.

A spiritual giant!

"Spear of Judgment!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Finger pointed his finger in the air, and the black, silver, and purple light lingered between the mind giant's palms, and a huge dark-colored spear rapidly condensed in his hands.

The three Ancestral Symbols in his body also seemed to be called upon, and the power of the three Ancestral Symbols was continuously poured into the Spear of Judgment.

As more and more Ancestral Symbol power poured in, its aura became more and more obscure.

A great force called Tai Shang descended from outside the sky, imbuing it with a chaotic and ancient fluctuation while giving it an indestructible character.

"Evil devil, you have sinned, meet the judgment!"

The silver-white giant raised the Spear of Judgment, and in the midst of a frenzied shout of judgment, like an ancient disciplinary knight holding the commandments, he bravely met the attack.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The two ancient beings collided with each other with a deafening roar that resounded throughout the entire world, and the terrifying energy shock wave swept out recklessly as if it was going to tear the space completely.

"How is it possible? How can you possibly block my emperor's shadow? No, my emperor is an invincible existence!!!"

The Eight Kings Hall, whose bottom cards were all out, simply couldn't accept the scene in front of him and shook his head frantically, turning around and wanting to abandon the army of foreign devils and the Six Kings Hall and vanish into the void to escape.

"Want to leave? Can you leave?"

Lin moved his gaze slightly, palm fiercely clenched down, space rapidly rippled, in thousands of shocked eyes under the gaze, a can not see the end of the silver-white dragon to cover the sky in the posture of the void winding coiled, stretching.

The extremely terrifying aura was so strong that even the Eight Kings could not help but be moved.

"Imaginary Dragon, swallow him for me!"

Lin Dong's arm was raised and

He pointed at the Eight Kings Palace, who had turned around to flee.


The Eight Kings who's spiritual awareness was beating madly thoughtlessly, and frantically accelerated his body technique to vanish into the depths of the void, and then accelerated his escape.


In the next moment, amidst the deafening roar, the tens of thousands of feet long silver and white dragon swung its tail nimbly, shattered the air, tore through the void, and swooped down madly in a humongous posture.


The sky and the earth shook violently, a huge black hole appeared out of nowhere in the canopy, and the dragon of empty thoughts actually swallowed the Eight Kings' Hall together with the piece of space where it was located.

"Crunching crunching crunching crunching ..."

The dragon of empty thought that bit down a piece of space immediately closed its huge mouth, unusually brutal munching, constantly a creepy chewing sound came out from within.

Soon, it completely disappeared.

On the other side of the battlefield.

"No! Old Eight!!!"

The Six Kings Palace, who witnessed this scene with their own eyes, was gobsmacked.

"Hahahaha, Sixth King Hall, you go down with him too!"

The Lord of the Flood, who was keenly aware of the battle opportunity, let out a loud laugh, and an incomparably dazzling purple-golden light steeply erupted from his body, bursting the seemingly sturdy Devil Emperor Armor and the Sixth King Palace with a single punch, shaking the sky with blood mist.

Even if the Six Kings Palace is infinitely close to the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation, it will not be a match for the Lord of the Flood who has long been at the peak of the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation.

But in an instant, the two kingdoms of the Devil's Prison had been defeated!

"Flee! Quickly escape!"

The army of devils who witnessed the fall of the two kingdoms no longer had the courage to continue fighting, and under the leadership of the two remaining devil kings, they frantically fled towards the sky.

"UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com雷之审判!"

Lin Dong indifferently point to the void, an ancient rune wrapped in thunder swept straight to the sky, and in a moment there are countless thunder clouds madly gathered to this area

Black thunder clouds covered almost the entire heaven and earth, the sky darkened!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The endless thunder clouds contracted after a sharp writhing, descending thousands of violent thunderbolts, sweeping the masses of devils, countless powerful devils that once ravaged a sea were vaporized out of thin air.

"Cold ice! Flame! Thunder! Space! Darkness!"

At this moment, five more pillars of light as high as 100,000 feet descended from beyond the sky, blasting in unison into the midst of the army of foreign devils, burying the last remaining foreign devil powerhouses.

The five Ancient Lords have arrived!

(End of this chapter)