
Chapter 446 - Blood Lamp Extinguished

This is a distant and unknown land.

There seems to be an endless flow of evil in the endless darkness, and black rivers run through the entire earth vein, extending to that distant and unknowable place.

Ten blood-red lamps across the sky, with extreme bizarre fluctuations emitted, but somehow, ten blood-red lamps have quietly extinguished three, only seven long light.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

Suddenly, there are four blood lamps after a sudden brightness, quickly extinguished.


Black rivers scurried and surged, and two mysterious demonic shadows surfaced one after another.

"The blood lamps of the fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth people actually went out at the same time, who was it? Who did it?"

Looking at this incomparable loss, the handsome face of the left devil shadow was pierced by a hideous wound through most of it, and a pair of devil eyes instantly became scarlet.

"Old Fourth and the four of them are going to the Sea of Chaos to look for the Devil Suppression Prison where the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King is imprisoned, and while rescuing the Great Heavenly Evil Demon King, try to solve the Lord of the Flood and the Lord of Inferno who are also sleeping there."

"The only ones who can simultaneously solve the four king halls of my Devil Prison are our old rivals back then-the Eight Ancient Lords."

The other demonic shadow was a clean-cut teenager in appearance, and on his seemingly childish and incomparable face, he had a pair of pitch-black demonic eyes that were evil to the core.

"If we add the Old Seven, Old Nine and Old Ten who fell some time ago, my Demon Prison Ten Kings Hall has fallen seven of them, leaving only three of us."

"Damn, why did the eight ancient lords' style of action suddenly become so thunderous? In the ancient war, if the eight lords could have such means, the great war would never fight to that tragic extent."

"This is not at all like the handwriting of the eight masters, could it be that their core has changed? Who is advising the eight masters? And who can command the Ancient Eight Lords?!"

The furious Three Kings Palace slammed down a fist, immediately raising ten thousand feet of waves in the Dark Underworld River, the river turbulent and terrifying.

"Old Three, calm down. Since we were able to kill all four of them at the same time, it means that the Ancient Lords have awakened one after another and have begun to gather and consciously counter my Demon Prison's actions, and I'm afraid the moment of showdown is not far away."

The clean-cut teenager-looking Second King's Palace, always behaved unusually calmly.

"The third Devil Suppression Prison suppressed by the Lord of Life and Death we can not find, can not release a large number of low-ranking warriors of our clan, I am afraid that the Great Heavenly Evil Devil King is also in grave danger, and the ten of us have fallen most of the people, what should we do?!"

Three Kings Palace took a deep breath and quickly calmed down.

"In fact, our preparations are nearing the end, and now we are only waiting for the Heavenly King Palace to wake up. The only thing we have to do now is to stall for time, it doesn't matter if we can't find the third Devil Suppression Prison, ten thousand years down the line, the clansmen we took away have multiplied quite a lot."

"Let the army all go out and go to all parts of the Tianxuan continent to set off a demonic plague and buy time for the awakening of the Heavenly King's Hall. It is an honor for them to be able to give their lives for my emperor's great cause, and no one is allowed to resist."

A hint of madness faintly flashed across the tender face of the Second King's Palace.

"Good, that's all that can be done, big brother, when exactly will you be able to awaken ..."

The Third King Palace's gaze subconsciously looked into the dark depths.

At the end of the dark underworld river, a pitch-black ancient coffin constantly above the surface of the river constantly sinking and floating, faintly visible a tall demonic shadow dressed in dark golden robes sleeping in it, as if all the evil Qi collection in heaven and earth.


Outside the Martial Assembly Island.


Faint ripples rippled as the figures of the five ancient lords surfaced one after another.

"Huanhuan, how is the situation on your side?"

Lin Dong put away the Thunder Ancestral Symbol, and an ice-blue silhouette swept over on its own initiative.

"The Fourth King Hall and the Fifth King Hall have been killed, currently only the Heavenly King Hall, the Second King Hall and the Third King Hall are left in the ten king halls of the Demon Prison."

Ying Huanhuan's beautiful eyes moved and smiled coquettishly.

"The Devil's Prison has suffered such a huge loss this time, it will not stop there, we will see a crazy counterattack from the Devil's Prison below."

"But fortunately, although the Great Sister of Life and Death has entered reincarnation, the Devil's Prison has not found the third Devil's Prison where tens of millions of foreign devils are held, which is fortunate among all misfortunes."

"This means that even if the Devil's Prison intends to set off a shocking demonic disaster, only with the ten king hall back then took away part of the foreign devils with the number of ten thousand years since the reproduction, can not last too long, the successor is inevitable."

The Lord of the Flood leaped to with one step, and his ten-thousand-foot flesh body shrank rapidly to about two feet.


That is to say, as long as we can block the next dying counterattack, the Demon Prison will no longer be able to fight back and become a climate."

Several Ancient Lords all nodded thoughtfully.

"Don't be careless, even if the Demon Prison's army is weak, it can still set off a heavenly demonic disaster that will affect the entire Tianxuan Continent.

"At present, our immediate task is to find a power to settle down, and then form an alliance in the name of the Six Ancient Lords to lead the Tianxuan spirits to resist the demonic disaster."

Ying Huanhuan's cicada head lightly raised, cold gaze swept over all of them one by one.

"Just the Inferno God Temple in the Sea of Chaos, it's just right there, let's go, this is not the place to talk."

Lin Dong looked down at the thousands of strong people who were staring at them with feverish faces, frowned slightly, and a large silver spatial vortex steeply erupted from his body, swept all seven people present into it.

Below, is still immersed in the unspeakable shock of the martial meeting island.


The Sea of Inferno, Inferno God Temple.


Space suddenly distorted, and seven figures appeared in unison within the hall.


Lin Yi saluted the green-shirted figure that had been waiting here for a long time.

"Qing Pheasant greets the Lords of the Far East."

Qing Pheasant smiled and waved his hand at his disciple before respectfully bowing to the six ancient existences behind Lin Dong, as respectful as if his subordinates were meeting their old superiors.

"Green Dragon King, I don't think that the little green dragon that barely entered the Reincarnation Realm at the end of the Great War has grown to this level. If I'm not mistaken, you're already trying to impact the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation, right?"

The Lord of Space let out a soft eek after taking a careful look at Qing Pheasant.

"UU look at the book www.uukanshu.com是, Qing Pheasant still needs some guidance from Lord Ice Lord."

Qing Pheasant's words caused Ying Huanhuan to casually raise her slender hand.

"Space, Qing Pheasant is my teacher, can you not put on a show like this? Where can I put my face?"

Lin Dong pushed the Lord of Space in a good-natured way, the relationship between the two of them was getting closer and closer, and their demeanor was casual as well.

"Oh, Lin Dong's teacher?"

Several Ancient Lords looked at Qing Pheasant with a somewhat changed gaze.

Lin Dong had already used his strength to win their respect and had long ago treated him as an existence equal to theirs, so naturally Lin Dong's teacher should also give a few face.

See Lin Dong frivolously a push the Lord of space, Qing Pheasant when the teacher's little heart is a twitch, just about to apologize for Lin Dong, but found that several ancient lords look at their own eyes are a little softer.

Qing Pheasant: "???"

Chapter 447 - The Alliance of Demon Suppression Prison

"Lin Dong, did you finally give up and come back?"

A soft voice fell, and a fiery red enchanting silhouette came in style.

"The Sea of Chaotic Demons needs me."

Feeling the dense killing aura coming from behind, Lin Dong returned rather witty.

"Snort, what a cunning man."

The Fire Fairy in the long red dress turned her beautiful eyes and swayed back to her seat again, a thousand times more charming.

Moro looked as warm as an old dog as he watched all this, but in fact, his heart was panicking a lot.

My disciple is ready to grab a man with the ice master, the first of the eight ancient masters, what to do?

Wait online, quite anxious!

The people exchanged pleasantries for a while and took their seats.

"Well, let's talk about the business."

"Demon prison four king hall, five king hall, six king hall, eight king hall has been successfully killed by us, the following will inevitably usher in the demon prison army's crazy counterattack, so we must have some response, probably initiatives have three."

"One is to form three alliances in the three regions of the Chaotic Demon Sea, the Demon Domain and the Xuan Domain, to join forces to jointly defend against the amazing demonic disaster that will sweep across the entire Tianxuan Continent."

"The human forces of the Chaotic Demon Sea are dominated by the Yan God Temple and the Ten Thousand Seas Heavenly Palace, and the sea demon clan is dominated by the Immortal Saint Whale clan and the Sea Giant clan, the top hegemonic clans, joining forces to form an alliance."

"The demon domain is dominated by the four hegemonic clans, the eight king clans, as well as the four elephant palace, forming an alliance."

"The four Xuan Domains, on the other hand, are bounded by their respective regions, with the major top super sects of their frontiers dominating, forming a four-division alliance."

"We, the Ancient Lords, then serve as patriarchs and are not responsible for the running of specific affairs."

Ying Huanhuan, who was the Ice Lord, naturally announced in a benevolent manner.

After Moro and Qing Pheasant finished digesting this explosive information, they gently nodded their heads.

The formation of the Chaotic Demon Sea Alliance with several major forces of the Yan God Temple as the main force was a great opportunity to expand the Yan God Temple's influence, and Moro couldn't be more pleased.

"Since it is an alliance, there should be an official name, the foreign devil side is called Devil's Prison, then we will call it Devil's Prison. Whether it's the Chaotic Demon Sea, the Demon Domain or the Xuan Domain Alliance, they are all part of the Demon Suppression Prison under its jurisdiction."

Lin Dong opened his mouth at the right time and said.

"Demon Subduing Prison? That's a good name for an alliance."

The several Ancient Lords all lit up when they heard this and praised it.

"Also, the headquarters of the Demon Suppression Prison will be located at the Inferno God Temple for the time being."

"Secondly, to wake up all the ancient powers in heaven and earth that are still sleeping, to summon our eight ancient lords' men to come back to the building and tell them that war is coming."

"This task will be accomplished by our Ancient Lords themselves."

The Reincarnation Realm great powers bred in the Tianxuan Continent were far more than those on the surface.

For one, most Reincarnation Realm great powers were more or less traumatized in the Ancient War and were healing through slumber, or closing down to impact higher realms.

Secondly, even if there are reincarnation realm great power did not fall into a deep sleep, but because of the huge destructive power of this class of superpower, so they have always seldom strike.

Otherwise, the foreign devil side is comparable to the reincarnation realm power of the king class foreign devil, is heaps and heaps of appear, while the Tianxuan side of the reincarnation realm power in addition to the ancient eight masters, there are only a few of Qing Pheasant, which is simply unrealistic.

In ancient times, if the Tianxuan continent is really only this weak strength, long ago by the foreign devil race to the collapse, but also 50-50 to now?

Moreover, the eight ancient lords have never fought alone.

Under each ancient lord, there are also a huge number of high level powerhouse for its allegiance.

Such as the Lord of Space, the Lord of Life and Death, the Lord of the Flood and other demonic beast bloodline, under the command of the strongest people are mostly the strongest people of the demonic beast clan, their mother clan stronger, the other ancient lords under the command of the human race strongest people.

As long as the news of the successful return of the six ancient lords once spread, that hidden in the heavens and earth a large number of reincarnation realm and even reincarnation realm strong people, will be like springing up to the chaotic demon sea flocked to return to its sovereign banner to listen to the pronouncement.

"Thirdly, summon the Ancestral Palace Que to create more powerful people."

The Ancestral Palace Que is a supreme cultivation secret realm left behind by the Talisman Ancestor.

It could help people cultivate and increase the chances of breakthroughs for strong people, and strong people who walked the two dao of Yuan Power and Spiritual Power all entered it to cultivate, especially for the strong people at the level of Reincarnation Realm and Minor Talisman Sect to increase the most.

Through it, the Tianxuan side was able to produce a large number of high-ranking powerhouses in a short period of time, accumulating more reserves for future duels.


Ancestral Palace Que ..."

Qing Pheon nodded thoughtfully.

As an old monster who had survived since the ancient war, he naturally knew the wonderful use of the Ancestral Palace Que, which was significant to the middle and high ranking powerhouses.

Seeing his friend Moro's bewildered look, Qing Pheasant took the initiative to explain in a low voice for a while.

"Lord Ice Lord, I suggest that the Ancestral Palace Que be placed over my Yan God Temple."

Moro listened to a soft cough and suggested in a serious manner.

What do you mean by near the water, he Yan God Temple is!

"Yes, our original plan is also like this."

Ying Huanhuan glanced at Mo Luo in amusement, where she did not understand the latter's small mind, and turned her head to look at Lin Dong, softly instructed.

"You are now in the middle stage of the Great Rune Sect, so this time go in the Ancestral Palace Que and use your teacher's legacy to directly impact the Divine Palace realm. Among the Eight Lords of the Ancient World, except for me who is at the Divine Palace realm, the other seven senior brothers and sisters are only at the half-step Divine Palace realm, so it's up to you this time."

"By the way, the array disk and array spirit of the Qiankun Ancient Formation should also be in the Ancestral Palace Que, remember to collect them and return the Qiankun Ancient Formation to its complete state."

At present, Lin Dong's spiritual power cultivation is already comparable to the second reincarnation robbery strong person in the middle of the Great Rune Sect, according to the normal way to go, if you want to advance to the late stage of the Great Rune Sect is afraid that there is no more than ten years of work.

This time, with the help of the ancestral palace queue, you can go beyond the late stage of the Great Rune Sect and directly enter the legendary supreme realm of the Rune Master - the divine Palace realm!

"God Palace realm? I will."

Lin Dong nodded gently, but in his heart, he thought: this time, he could also raise his Yuan Power level upwards as well.

"Good, then it's settled like this, first summon the Ancestral Palace Queue to descend and open it up to the entire continent. Then all of the Ancient Places will go to all parts of the continent, guide the major regions to form the Devil Suppression Prison Alliance, and awaken the many Ancient Powers that are still sleeping."

Ying Huanhuan finally patted the board and said. uu read the book www.uukanshu.com

"There's no time to lose, let's do it now."

The thunderous dark lord rose up long, and his oniony jade finger nudged Lin Dong's chest: "Rock, how long are you guys going to eavesdrop? Without your breath pulling, the six of us cannot successfully summon the ancestral palace queue to descend."

The Ancestral Stone has always been in the hands of the Rune Ancestor and has never left, the Ancestral Ancestor's aura on it is also the most dense, so the Ancestral Stone needs to be used as a guide to sense the location of the Ancestral Palace Que hidden in the void.

And gather the power of at least six ancient lords in order to summon it out.

"Haha, I've been waiting for a long time."

A light shadow laughingly swept out of Lin Dong's body and lightly landed in the palm of the ice blue silhouette.

"Let's go."

Ying Huanhuan clutched this warm and ancient stone talisman and led the people within the hall to disappear within the hall in unison.

Chapter 448: Forging the Divine Palace

Above the Inferno God Palace, the six ancient lords stood in a circle around.

Not far away, was Lin Dong and Qing Pheasant, a group of people who were watching from afar.

Inside Flaming Flame City, hearing that the six Ancient Lords were all present, the millions of Inferno God Temple disciples in the city instantly boiled over, a black sea of people occupied the tops of the major buildings, even the streets and alleys were filled with good people who wanted to get a glimpse of the Ancient Lords.

"Rock, let's begin."

The ice-blue silhouette standing in the north position looked at the warm and ancient Ancestral Stone in the center of the six Ancient Lords and spoke.


The Ancestral Stone trembled slightly, and in the next second, an ancient light formation with a diameter of up to 100,000 feet immediately rose into the sky, and a gap existed in each of the eight positions of the diffuse ancient formation.

"Make a move!"

The six Ancient Lords tacitly glanced at each other, and then in unison, they struck a thick pillar of light of different colors, filling in just six of the eight positions.

"Cold ice! Fire! Darkness! Space! Thunder! Flood!"

The six rules of power finally converged in the center of the ancient light formation, condensing into a huge pillar of light with a chaotic hue, plunging straight into the nether heaven.

Faintly, a lofty and towering ancient palace shadow at the end of the pillar of light faintly appears, and quickly condensed out of shape, the shape is not magnificent, but unusually ancient and majestic, some of a suppression of the supreme sovereign aura of the heavens.

When the ancient palace queue was completely formed, the six ancient lords looked relieved and began to withdraw their power in unison.

"Go in, the time flow rate between the Ancestral Palace Que and the outside world is ten to one, don't worry about not having enough time, break through the God Palace realm without worrying before coming out."

Ying Huanhuan returned the Ancestral Stone to Lin Dong, and stroked the slightly wrinkled shirt on her lover's chest as if uneasy, causing Tang Xinlian to secretly roll her eyes several times.

"Well, wait for me to come back."

Lin Dong wrapped his arm around that soft, boneless little waist and gave the young girl a peck on her fair forehead before he turned around and swept towards that ancient palace without hesitation.

"What a nasty guy ..."

Ying Huanhuan, who was surrounded by millions of pairs of eyes in unison, her pretty face swiftly became incomparably red and subconsciously murmured.

But that elegant arc that raised from the corner of her mouth was so intoxicating.

"Lord Ice Lord, I wonder when this ancestral palace queue will be opened?"

Moro's heart was like being scratched by a cat's claws, his heart was itching.

"Naturally, we will wait for the formation of the Demon Suppression Prison Alliance, and then select those who meet the requirements to enter, and there is only one Lin Dong."

Ying Huanhuan said back in a double entendre.


The old and wise Moro respectfully led the order.

It seemed that it was probably impossible for him to let the people of the Yan Divine Hall to enjoy this supreme cultivation secret realm ahead of others.

"Let's move, immediately split up and head to the three regions of the Chaotic Demon Sea, Demon Domain and Xuan Domain, make sure to set up the Devil Suppression Prison Alliance within another half a month, and then select people to send to the Ancestral Palace Que for further training."

With an order from Lord Ice, the six Ancient Lords disappeared in unison, leaving behind a city full of worship and awe.

The Lord of Flood, who came from the Sea Giant clan, was responsible for the liaison of the Sea Demon lineage of the Chaotic Demon Sea; Lord Yan, who had instructed the initial Palace Master of the Ten Thousand Seas Heavenly Palace, was responsible for the liaison of the human forces of the Chaotic Demon Sea; the Lord of Space, who came from the Sky Demon Sable clan of the Demon Domain, was naturally responsible for the Demon Domain area.

Ying Huanhuan, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Thunder went to the four great mysterious domains respectively.


A year's time passed in a flash.

Within this year, the Devil Suppression Prison Alliance covering the entire Tianxuan continent was completely formed, and every day, high-ranking powerhouses from the Chaotic Devil Sea, Demon Domain and the four Xuan Domains came to enter the Ancestral Palace Que for dive training.

The Six Ancient Lords led the Demon Prison Alliance, which fought with great enthusiasm and ease.

Gradually the follow-up powerless demon disaster, has been completely pacified trend.

In the war, the demon domain a nine tailed fox of the hegemonic clan reappeared in the world, as soon as it appeared will shock the entire demon domain, greatly strengthened the power of the demon domain branch, because its clan has three reincarnation realm strong people sitting in the town.

The young clan leader, Xin Qing, is a super strong person who has crossed the first reincarnation tribulation.

The sea of Yan of the Chaotic Devil Sea, above the Yan God Temple.

A huge group of floating islands slowly rotating around the ancestral palace que.

From time to time, there was a figure with an obscure aura going back and forth between the two places.

Yes, in order to facilitate the entry and exit registration of the alliance's strongest people, several reincarnation realm masters who had woken up from their slumber simply joined forces and detained several extremely large islands from the surrounding sea, and held them around the Ancestral Palace Que, orbiting it.


Space slightly rippled, a slender figure floated out of thin air.

"Huh? A floating island? It seems that the alliance has produced some interesting changes during the year of my absence."

The slender figure was naturally Lin Dong, who had emerged from the Ancestral Palace Que, and he stomped on the huge land beneath his feet, murmuring with considerable interest.

Compared to a year ago, Lin Dong had not changed much.

The aura was more restrained, looking more like an ordinary person without half a trace of cultivation, but the pair of jade-like ink eyes were so bright and radiant, with an indescribable sense of sharpness.

"Huanhuan and the six of their breath are not here, is it out to sit around? Forget it, just find someone to ask."

Lin moved the palms of his feet, bizarrely like disappearing, surrounded by the flow of people coming and going but ignored all this, as if nothing had happened in general.

Inside the Fireflame City.

"Teacher has passed the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation?"

Lin Dong, who had returned to the Inferno God Hall, looked at his teacher with considerable surprise.

"Well, it was three months ago, I can't watch you little ones keep taking big steps forward while the teacher himself is standing still, right?"

The green-shirted middle-aged man with elegant appearance nodded with a smile, and then patted Lin Dong's shoulder: "You have successfully stepped into the divine Palace realm, right?"

"No wonder I can still feel a vague threat from your body even after crossing the Triple Reincarnation Tribulation, so it's like that."

After receiving an affirmative answer, UU read the book www. uukanshu.com Qing Pheon smiled brightly instead.

"Where is Huanhuan and the others?"

"Lord Ice Lord they are still running around between heaven and earth, leading the alliance to suppress the repeated demon prison armies everywhere, but rest assured, the scale and intensity of the demon plague has been getting smaller and smaller these past few months, the demon prison is afraid to count the poor."

Green Pheasant thought, expression playful look at his disciple, and said: "But recently there are a few claiming to be your friend's mysterious strongman visit, in the Alliance headquarters waiting for you to come out, I have sent someone to invite."

"Claiming to be my friends? Could it be that they are visitors from the demon domain? Or is it a female?"

Lin Dong raised an eyebrow, vaguely guessing the identity of the visitor, and tentatively asked a question.

"Huh, you kid knows all about it."

Qing Pheasant smiled in surprise at his words and said meaningfully, "My master advises you better deal with your feelings as soon as possible, otherwise when Lord Ice Lord returns, it will be ..."

Chapter 449 - 2 beauties come to join

"Lin Dong, I just came to the Chaotic Demon Sea to look for you as soon as I got out of customs, huh?!"

The tall silver-haired beauty flew into Lin Dong's arms, the cold and beautiful temperament of the past was gone, only the arbitrary attachment of a daughter.

"How is it possible? If I forgot about you, wouldn't the Lord of Devouring be so angry that he would run out of the Devouring Divine Hall and give me a severe beating?"

Lin Dong embraced the bumpy and delicate body in his arms and laughed.

"Pfft, nasty, Lord Ancestor has long since fallen into eternal sleep, how could he still run out from some corner, you dead man only knows how to make me happy."

The silver-haired beauty who broke into laughter hammered her show fist and gently pushed Lin Dong away.

"That's not necessarily true."

Lin Dong smiled non-committally.

Kun Ling'er only thought that her lover was comforting herself and gave him a funny white glance.

This two-year-long Kun Peng Clan's heavenly pride, as soon as he broke the barrier, was at the early stage of the Great Rune Sect plus the Reincarnation Realm, worthy of being a blood descendant who had inherited the talents of both the Kun Peng Clan's ancient great Kun Qing'er and the Lord of Devouring.

"Lord Lin Dong"

The soft and squirming voice then rang out, adoration mixed with a little envy.

The person speaking is a small and exquisite white dress beauty, slender and soft, a pair of big watery eyes timidly looking at Lin Dong, innocence reveals the sense of seduction that makes countless male creatures go crazy, charming bones are made in heaven.

"One reincarnation robbery peak, not bad, Xin Qing, the nine tailed heavenly fox clan reappeared in the demon domain matter I have heard, you did not fail Lord Xin Qin instructions, your clan successfully regained the demon domain hegemony clan."

Lin Dong smiled as he looked at the white-skirted beauty who had stepped forward.

"Xin Qing never forgot her mother's oath to raise her clan's allegiance to Lord Lin Dong on behalf of the entire clan, so she took the initiative to ask for orders to come to Lord Lin Dong's seat to listen to the proclamation, and her mother and the girls will also lead the strongest members of the clan to come as soon as possible after the demon plague in the demon domain."

Xin Qing pursed her delicate red lips, her gaze fiery and boldly looking at Lin Dong, the corners of her mouth inadvertently outlined a subversive demonic smile.

The ancestral lord had told her that following the person she liked required sufficient strength so that she could be accompanied for a long time.

Strength she now had, enough to always follow her favorite Lord Lin Dong by her side, without complaint even without any response.

"Huh, are you girl using the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox clan's natural divine ability? Even if you have achieved the real Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox, but it can't affect me."

Lin Dong, who was dazzled by that enchanting smile, instantly reacted and nodded amusingly at the young girl in vain.

"Yes sorry Lord Lin Dong, people are just curious."

Xin Qing adorably spat out her tongue, and that amazing charm also instantly disappeared without a trace, as if she had returned to her initial innocent and moving appearance.

"You, ah, have become quite a bit bolder than before."

Lin Dong shook his head helplessly and asked about the recent situation of the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox clan, and Xin Qing was exceptionally well-behaved and answered one by one.

The three reincarnation realm powerhouses of the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox clan, in addition to Xin Qing, the peak of the first reincarnation robbery, there are also two ordinary reincarnation realm, one is the mother, Chief Xin Xuan, and the second is the Chief Xin Xuan's best friend, Aunt Hong.

In addition to that, there are nearly twenty other Reincarnation Realm powerhouses.

Currently, the Nine Tailed Heavenly Fox Clan was joining the Demon Domain Alliance in Demon Prison under the leadership of Clan Chief Xinxuan, cooperating with the four hegemonic clans of the Demon Domain, the Eight Kings Clan, to clean up the demon plague.

"Humph, what a nasty fox charm."

Looking at the charming young girl who was smiling in front of her lover, Kun Ling'er viciously gnashed her silver teeth, and cursed the young chief of the Nine-tailed Heavenly Fox clan many times in her heart.

However, the surface did not reveal the slightest bit of discontent.

In the devouring Lord Reincarnation Sea closed three months, Kun Ling'er and Lin Dong's divine sense fusion, mutual knowledge of each other do not know how many past events, she can know that she is not Lin Dong's original mate.

If Xin Qing is a junior, then what is her Kun Ling'er? The sixth? Or seventh?

Aya Qingzhu, Ying Huanhuan, Tang Xinlian

As soon as she thought of the stunning beauty she saw in Lin Dong's mind, Kun Ling'er could not help but want to strangle her lover with her own hands.

Before her, how many other girls did this bastard provoke?!

Tonight, she will definitely give this bastard a great look!

Two days later, the ancient lords scattered in all corners of the continent returned one after another.

"The demonic plagues all over the continent have been cleared one after another, the Demon Prison has really not found the third Demon Suppression Prison, they are out of their skills."

"Haha, the devil prison moves have become old, life and death grand master sister bless ah, the following it is my turn to attack the devil prison."

"All the signs show that the Devil's Prison seems to be consciously stalling for time, they seem to be preparing some amazing plan."

"Snort, it's just waiting for the Heavenly King Palace to recover and trap the beast. Although the Heavenly King Hall is the same level of opponent as Little Sister, but after all, Little Sister is slightly stronger than him. Little Sister's injuries all take ten thousand years of reincarnation to recover, the Heavenly King Hall will only take longer."

"That's right, the alliance has become a big moment, we just need to push across in an upright manner, the Heavenly King Hall, Second King Hall, Third King Hall three terms is already alone."

"Since we want to open the duel, then is it necessary to wake up the life and death of the Grand Master Sister? Although the Great Senior Sister has not yet awakened from reincarnation, but the matter has come to this point, we can only forcefully summon her back, this heaven and earth need her power."


Several returned Ancient Masters were exchanging cheerful whispers.

Ying Huanhuan did not participate in the discussion of the master brothers, but fixed a pair of wonderful eyes on her lover and softly said, "Congratulations, you have successfully forged the divine Palace."

She could feel what astonishing greatness was hidden under Lin Dong's seemingly thin body, which was already nearly on par with it.

Once it exploded out, it was enough to shake the entire heaven and earth.

"That's, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com也不看看我是谁."

Lin Dong gripped the jade man's slippery jade hand and played with it without scale.

The ice lord lord no good look at the lover this childish action, really take him can not do, really love him miserable.

"Well, little sister, can the talk of love be postponed first? Let's talk about the business first."

A flirtation from the Lord of Darkness under the hall caused the young girl to act like a frightened rabbit and extremely quickly pull her catkins away from that nuisance's hands.

Even though Ying Huanhuan has fully awakened the ancient memories, but in the face of these senior brothers and sisters, but still can not do the romance openly.

The disturbed Lin Dong glowered at the slender figure in dark battle armor without a trace, but drew a smug look back from the other party.

"Senior Sister Darkness, speak up, what is it?"

Ying Huanhuan elegantly righted her sitting posture, slightly unnaturally playing with a strand of long ice blue hair that fell down in front of her forehead.

Chapter 450 - Where the Devil's Prison is

"Prepare the Soul Invocation and summon the Grand Master to descend, the time is ripe."

Saying that, the Lord of Darkness carefully took out a black hair from his sleeve, on which black and white light flowed, as if the cycle of life and death.

This is the backhand left by their eight ancient lords.

In fact, each ancient lord has the personal belongings of other brothers and sisters in their hands, in order to deal with such extreme situations, there are ancient lords still sunk in the cycle of reincarnation, not awakened.

As long as one Ancient Lord can successfully return from reincarnation, he will be able to use the Soul Invocation to wake up the other Master Brothers who are still sleeping one by one and pull people from reincarnation.

"Pulling the Great Sister of Life and Death out of reincarnation? Also good, then we will prepare the soul attraction here to receive life and death ..."

Ying Huanhuan nodded gently, the smile on top of her cheeks gradually converged.

"No need to look for it, I'm already here."

Light smile fell, space suddenly distorted, two large and small silhouettes emerged one after another.

One is a tall beauty in a goose yellow dress, mature and graceful.

One is a ponytail girl in green, about eleven or twelve years old, a pair of big black eyes dripping straight turn, very cute.

A large and a small beauty hand in hand, as if the sister holding his sister, the relationship is quite intimate, even the breath has three or four points similar.

"Big brother."

As soon as the girl in green appeared, she waved her black ponytail and quickly flung her petite body into Lin Dong's arms.

"Ling Shan, long time no see."

Lin Dong smiled as he received the little one, his eyes just opposite the tall and delicate figure.

The latter nodded to it without a trace, and Lin Dong instantly understood.

"The Lord of Life and Death?"

"Grand Senior Sister?!"

"Grand Senior Sister of Life and Death!!!"

Several shocked voices rang out in unison as the six ancient lords stood up in unison.

"What? Haven't seen me for ten thousand years, so you don't recognize me anymore?"

The Lord of Life and Death smiled serenely and slowly stepped to the empty seat beside the Lord of Darkness and sat down.

"But Eldest Sister, aren't you still in reincarnation and have not awakened yet?"

The Lord of Darkness looked at the seated Lord of Life and Death and asked in a dull voice.

"If I am still in reincarnation, then who is guarding the third Devil Suppression Prison? If I hadn't awakened from reincarnation in time and returned to the Demon Prison before the Demon Prison, I'm afraid your operation to clean up the Demon Plague wouldn't have gone so smoothly."

The Lord of Life and Death took a sip of fragrant tea and smiled faintly.

"No wonder how the Demon Prison couldn't find the third Devil Suppression Prison and released those tens of millions of foreign devil armies, it turns out that it was the Grand Master who awakened from reincarnation in time and returned to the Devil Suppression Prison to sit in the town."

Several ancient lords were all looking dumbfounded.

"Darkness, there is no need to dwell on when the Grand Master Sister awakened, what is important is that the Grand Master Sister of Life and Death rushed back in time, that is enough."

The Space Lord called out to the Darkness Lord who was still about to ask a question.

"Still, Senior Brother Space has a point."

The Lord of Life and Death nodded gently before waving a hand at the Lord of Space and smiled, "Yo, little empty, long time no see~"

The Lord of Space's face turned green as he listened.

He's been living for tens of thousands of years, and he still wants to be called Little Empty!

"Eldest sister, who is this child again? The aura is vaguely similar to yours, it can't be the bloodline child you gave birth to with someone during your reincarnation, right?"

The Space Lord's eyes twitched and once again did not hold down that heart of death.

In the next second, a chestnut fell down.

"Bullshit, open your dog eyes to take a good look at who this is? You're still the Lord of Space who is in charge of the power of space!"

The Lord of Life and Death picked up the ear of the Lord of Space and growled in a low voice.

"Huh, she's actually from the Immortal Saint Whale clan, from the mother clan of the Grand Master, and her aura is a little bit involved with the Grand Master. No, this is the power of the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death?"

"Such a dense power of the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death, even the bloodline descendants who inherited part of the power of Eldest Sister can't do this, right?"

"There's something wrong with her demon spirit, it doesn't look like someone from the pure Undying Saint Whale clan."

"In my opinion.

It should be transformed by the spirit of the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death. I didn't expect that Senior Sister Life and Death had evolved the Life and Death Ancestral Symbol to such an extent that the spirit of the Ancestral Symbol took on a human form and could still cultivate normally."

Several Ancient Lords guessed Mu Lingshan's identity in just a few words.

"Well, after I disappeared into reincarnation, I left my physical body with the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death in my clan's ancestral tomb. I didn't expect that after a thousand years, the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death actually fused with my remains, and by chance, Ling Shan was born."

"After I returned from the reincarnation, I returned to the clan to bring Ling Shan to the Demon Prison and join forces with him to purify the army of devils in the Demon Prison."

"Originally to see if I could try to divorce Ling Shan with the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death, so that Ling Shan from then on to survive as a pure immortal saint whale, but found that it is impossible to do this. I'm afraid that only when I step into the realm of my teacher will I have a chance."

The Lords of Life and Death affirmed the speculations of the Ancient Lords.

Mu Lingshan was lying in Lin Dong's arms, smiling and listening to all this, her expression did not have the slightest fluctuation, afraid that she had long known her origin and identity from the Lord of Life and Death.

"Ancestral realm, big brother will definitely step into that realm in the future, and then separate Ling Shan from the Ancestral Symbol of Life and Death, isn't it?"

Mu Lingshan attached to Lin Dong's ear and said carefully.

"Of course, that day won't be long."

Lin Dong was slightly stunned, and then he responded with a smile.

"Good, then let's pull the hook, big brother can't back out."

Mu Lingshan nodded her little head heavily and solemnly pulled the hook with Lin Dong.

"Since Senior Sister Life and Death has returned, then we will join forces to open the Heavenly Eye, detect the location of the Demon Prison headquarters, and fight a duel with the foreign devils."

"Although using the Heavenly Eye to detect the heaven and earth may disturb the Heavenly King Hall and alert the Demon Prison side, the time is ripe for a duel, so my Demon Prison Alliance can crush through in a dignified manner."

The ice-blue silhouette high above the main seat, knocked on the table.

Heaven's Eye, a super large detection secret method activated by the power of the Supreme, can penetrate the whole heaven and earth condition and minute, so that all hidden secrets have nothing to hide.

The corresponding upgraded version, UU Look Book www. uukanshu.com is the Eye of the Plane.

The latter can only be summoned by those who have achieved the master of the realm, and only one person in a realm has this authority.

The Heavenly Eye, on the other hand, can be activated by any superpower who senses the supreme.

"There is no need to open the Heavenly Eye, I have already found the headquarters of the Devil's Prison, it is hidden in the Western Xuan Domain of the Four Great Xuan Domains, under the ancestral court of the Western Extreme Sect, the first of the seven super sects of the Western Xuan Domain."

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded inside the hall.

"West Xuan domain? West Xuan Sect?"

"What? The Devil's Prison headquarters is under the West Extreme Sect's ground? Then wouldn't the ancestors of the West Extreme Sect have started their sect at the head of the Devil's Prison? Tsk, this is too much luck."

"Where did you learn such information?"

Lin Dong's words were really astonishing.