The Night Crown (1)

In a certain private room, the atmosphere was thick with uncontrollable desire. A trail of scattered clothes could be seen on the floor, which started from the entrance and ended before a red luxury bed. Seemingly, the owners were desperately trying to undress as fast as possible. On top of the shaking bed, two figures could be seen connected to each other passionately.

Sweat and saliva, all those things were flying around and sparkled under the room's dim, romantic light. One of the figures was a bewitching lady with body that could make any man willingly kneeled before her in submissive manner. The lady was naked, and roughly being pressed against the room's smooth wall, moaning loudly in lusty pleasure.

"Ahh… ahn… ah…mn…"

The female's breasts were ample and firm, her figure stood tall and defiant, and her body arched backward. Currently, the nubile woman's pelvis was vigorously rammed by an enthusiastic customer.


Her sexy moans suggested the woman was enjoying the copulation. After some time had passed, her moans quickly became whimpers of ecstasy, and echoed throughout the room.

"Ahn.. more…more…more…"

The womanhood expanded to welcome the customer's thick shaft, and her breasts leapt, defying gravity with every thrust. Her partner, amused by the motion of the mature woman's breasts, took both hands off her hips and began squeezing them lovingly, further arousing the lady.

After experiencing several minutes that felt like eternity, the two climax in unison.


The dominated lady gasped, as she received a torrent of love from her partner.

…Later on, the lady was lying on the fluffy bed, out of breath. She thought it was finally over, as they had been making love for hours without taking a rest. However, instead of a warm embrace that she received, her attractive visage was met with the partner's brick-like clenched fist.

The woman did not know what just happened, it was all too fast for her to register anything. When she touched her face, a portion of it was painted in her own blood, and something was softly moving under her skin like broken glass. At that point, she felt indescribable pain, and finally understood that her partner just did something unforgivable.

"…W-what are you doing?!"

The lady showed intense anger, yelled that she was one of the top flowers in this establishment, and there would be hell to pay for his unmannered action. Yet, her partner kept his silent. Instead of guilt, he made a sinister smile, and his bottom part was becoming hard once again.

At that time, the woman knew she was in danger.


Before the trembling lady could ask for help, continuous strong punches assaulted her face and body, disabling any kind of speech and movement from her. Bruises and blood started to appear on her previously flawless skin, not to mention eerie sound of broken bonds that accompanied it. As if not satisfied, the partner viciously kicked her in the gut, making the poor lady crouching in pain on the cold floor as a result, while coughing up blood.

Undoubtedly, the assailant had a dysfunctional mentality where he loved to induce violence on his partner. Seeing them quivered in pain and fear after a moment of bliss was the highest sexual pleasure he could hope for. Then, he let out a maniacal laugh, unable to contain his distorted excitement.

Seeing an opportunity, the lady mustered up her strength and ran toward the door, trying to escape and seek help once again. Unfortunately, her wounded body could not take her far and fast enough, it took only a second for the man to grab the terrified woman on the neck with one hand, and lifted her up easily.

"Ggagghh… please… stop…"

The man was elated seeing her twisted facial expression that begged for his mercy, that feeling was amplified by the fact the woman on her hand was gasping for air. He wanted to see more. MORE. Then, the unthinkable happened.

He energetically threw the woman toward the window, causing the glass to shatter, unable to withstand her weight. Additionally, this was the third floor…


The last thing she saw was that the hard ground outside was closing in on her with terrifying speed.


Just before, a sneaky pickpocket stole Alfraed's wallet while he was distracted by the novelty of the scenery around him, and ran away. The pickpocket was someone with fit physique and surprisingly able to use wind magic enhancement, as gust of wind dutifully followed him. The wallet only contained a meager amount of money, but money nonetheless. So, Alfraed gave chase while fuming in anger and unknowingly let out a visible threatening vibe.

"Hiiii! What are you?!"

Alfraed was gaining distance, this was a first-time happening for the pickpocket. Until now, he had always managed to escape from any pursuer without problem.

Realizing that he stirred up a hornets' net, the pickpocket's very soul was clad in horror, and immediately maximized his wind magic enhancement to increase his running speed like never before. Unfortunately for him, even in normal condition, this particular pursuer was someone faster than even the fastest horse, and that level of enhancement was child's play. As such, in seconds, he was overtaken, and their eyes met.

"G-get away from meee!!!"

The pickpocket admirably not losing hope in face of a monster-like existence, and began to attack Alfraed in desperation. The later evaded it without much effort, and performed a counter by sending a light jab to the thief's abdomen, making him lost consciousness instantly due to obtaining a sudden severe pain. After all, Alfraed had enough raw power to smash giant beasts, taking down a small-time villain was an easy task.

He dragged the senseless pickpocket to the guards in charge. Apparently, the pickpocket was a notorious wrongdoer who had been terrorizing the district's visitors, and the guards unable to apprehend him because of his wind magic. On top of that, there was a reward for his capture. Thus, after finalizing their report, Alfraed received a generous 10,000 rune for his spontaneous effort that was only trying to retrieve a 300 rune-contained wallet.

"…Should I become a bounty hunter instead…? Nah, too much trouble, better focus on what I'm doing"

Habitually, Alfraed began calculating how much he could earned hunting bounties. The figure was tempting. However, to steadily received reward he would need to frequently leave town, well, not much different from what he currently doing, and lived a life of constant danger. That was not the lifestyle he envisioned. So, he decided to focus on his current progress, and back to sightseeing.