The Night Crown (2)

From what Alfraed saw, a red light district or pleasure district was a carnival of vice. He could see skimpily-clad 'models' in brothel windows, raucous bars, haze-filled 'coffee shops', strip shows, and mind-boggling museums. He was excited, yet dizzy at the same time. The district was definitely not for everyone.

Though, he had to admit all the models were pleasing the eyes.

"…One more place, then I'm going home"

In front of him, there was a three-story mansion constructed with mannerist and baroque, two very different, even opposing styles of architecture. Despite of this, the result was captivating. The mansion was the biggest and most famous brothel in Anspia called the Night Crown, said to have peerless service and unmatched flowers in the industry. Simultaneously, all customers who came wore fine clothing, and there were no 'models' luring in customers outside their workplace to maintain their exclusivity. Unlike other brothels that he saw along the way here.

Out of curiosity, he asked a servant waiting outside about the fee, the cheapest was 15,000 rune per session and the higher end could be up to a whopping 100,000 rune, not including foods and beverages ordered during the activity, which he was sure to have inflated prices. Only those with thick pockets could afford such pricing, and he saw no end to that kind of individual coming in. Morality aside, it was a lucrative business, and the reward he received earlier felt like a dry joke.

Anyway, what kind of service would he received by paying 100,000 rune? No matter how wild Alfraed tried to be, no image could form in his imagination.

"What the…?!"

When he was about to turn around and called it a day, suddenly, Alfraed and everyone around him heard the loud sound of shattered glass from above, urging all of them to look up to find the source. There, everyone shrieked in horror witnessing a woman was thrown out of a window from the third floor. Falling from that height could prove to be fatal, especially for non-combatant who did not wear any 'equipment'.

"Excuse me! Coming through!"

Reflexively, Alfraed ran toward the woman while avoiding people blocking his way, when the distance was right he leapt upward to carefully catch her, and landed softly to prevent her from meeting the hard ground. Fortunately, he wore a long coat on top of his usual clothing this time around, and used it to cover her bare body swiftly.

"Move aside! Move!"

A second later, a group of tough-looking people who seemed to be this place's securities stormed over to where he was.

"Hey yo…"

"Where's the infirmary?? She's in danger!"

The security was about to ask a question. But, Alfraed threw a question first in loud voice and told them about the woman's severe condition, and she needed immediate medical attention.

After taking a glance alternatively at Alfraed and the woman to assess the situation, a person who most likely be the security leader told Alfraed to follow him, and they moved hastily toward the the Night Crown.


"Skull fractured, nose broken, and swollen eyelids. Not to mention, broken arm and ribs…" announced Alfraed after conducting a thorough analysis on the woman's condition in a special room where sick or injured people received appropriate care and treatment. Of course he was not alone, standing beside him were the Night Crown's owner and other several personnel.

Valgin Marblewind, a middle-aged halfling with his gray hair transitioning from long to short around the temples, making him appeared stylish and smart. As the owner of the biggest brothel, he wore splendor clothing and always surrounded by several bodyguards to maintain an intimidating image.

Currently, the halfling had been cursing the one who did this to one of his treasured assets. From his conversation with the security leader, the woman lying weakly in bed was assaulted by a client after finishing her service, and that client was now being restrained in a room, forced to pay hefty penalties and must reimburse them for the damage he caused.

'The assailant caused this much injuries and paying penalties is all he needs to get free?' thought Alfraed, unable to make peace with the reality. Having said that, what happened in other people's business was none of his concern, they had their own management to take care of this issue.

"By the way, do you have any High Grade potion?"

"Hey! Immediately bring that potion here!"

"…B-but, sir, we are out of potion at the moment"

Due to frustration, the owner lashed out on the poor employee who had the role to infoem him of the unfortunate news. But, seeing how the employee was practically twice his size, the punches he took felt like taking hits from a tantrum kid. So, it was mostly harmless. In this situation, Alfraed could just leave as he was not part of this establishment, and the unconscious woman was a complete stranger to him. Rescuing her from the fall was more than enough good deed already.

…But, abruptly leaving felt like something he ought not do, and it would be a challenge for them to procure a potion at this late hour. Basically, he was concerned of the woman's condition getting worse when he actually could help.

"QUIET!!!... I'll heal her now"

As Alfraed shouted toward the noisy people in the room, the commotion subsided. He placed both hands on top of her, and concentrate. Then, his hands began to shine as his healing magic took action.

As usual, Alfraed scanned the woman to confirm whether there was more damage in her body or not. Fortunately, there was none.

The next moment, he proceeded to the healing process itself. He prioritized to amend her fractured skull and broken nose. Then, to connect the broken arms and ribs. Within minutes, the injuries were gone. Though, with closer look there were several white line remaining.

Lastly, he proactively conducted minute adjustment to her body to increase the woman's stamina, which something he imagined useful in her career. Overall, his treatment lasted no later than three minutes.

"She should be fine by now. Though, after she woke up, please tell her to meet me in my store. I have something to deal with the faint marks"


After seeing the unexpected spectacle, none of them could utter even a single word.

"Err, hello?"

"...Oh, yes! Yes! I'll make sure she comes to meet you after she recovered. Thank you! I'll never forget this!"

With his tiny hands, the owner grabbed one of Alfraed's hands, and cried. The latter could feel and see genuine gratitude from him.

Not just the owner, other personnel also showed their relieve. It seemed, the woman he saved was not a bad person and had strong bonds with everyone here. Putting aside the industry they were in, all of them were just trying their best in life.

"Young man, may I know your name?"

After finally managed to collect himself, the owner asked the name of the man who helped him and his employee.

"It's Alfraed Logick sir"

"…Logick? Hrmm.... Say, are you in any way related to Herbs & Lotions?"

"Yes, that's my store, what about it?"


Valgin told him that he had heard of the business since a while ago, and heard rumors about his better-tasted potions, yet did not have the time to confirm it yet. So, he decided from now on the Night Crown would buy potions from him.

A wonderful opportunity presented himself to Alfraed. But, the man proposed that he visit again at Day of Moon before the Night Crown opened to bring samples of his potions before finalizing its decision to buy potions from him. At the same time, Alfraed could also check on the woman's condition again, so there was no need for her to go to his store.

Valgin accepted his arrangements with open arms, and was reminded that he almost made a foolish mistake; buying without knowing the goods.

However, the root of tonight's incident had not been dealt with, and another incident would rise once again...