Welcome to the company

Hi, I'm Garret, Garret Softless. I am a young bear with 26 years old, recently graduated from university and ready to enter my first job. I am 6 feet tall and weigh 249 pounds ... yes, I am plump, but my height helps me, it makes me look slimmer and not so fat. I have thick white fur, but I am a brown bear. I have this fur because I bleached it so they don't know who I am. In more, when I turned 18 I changed my name for the same reason.

As I said, I want to enter my first job, which will be in a company well known for its social-economic implements in the state, called F-corp. The F is for "Future" ... and you know why it will be corp. Anyway, my work starts tomorrow.

Currently, I am in my department. It's not a big deal, but it's cozy and ... pretty neat. I have what is right and necessary here. Anyway, I'm starting to get sleepy. I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow I have to get to work before 7:00 AM, so I will sleep early to get up at 5:45 AM so I can be prepared and ready to arrive early at the company.

I'm going to bathe, take a long hot shower, put on my pajamas and go to sleep.

Next day, 5:45 AM.

The alarm clock rings, which wakes me up (obviously ...). I get up and go to the bathroom to wash my face and teeth. I get out of the bathroom and put on my clothes; a shirt, black pants, a black suit and a red tie. I wanted to look presentable for my first job, of course, because if I'm not a good impression ... maybe I'll be bad at that job.

I always like to unbutton the first and second button of my shirt, because I like the way my fur looks between the shirt and the suit. It looks like a soft white beanbag ... that reminds me ...

I go to the first floor so I can eat something. Starving...

After eating, I check the time. 6:02 AM. Luckily I still have time to be able to get there on time. I go to the entrance of my house and take out a green fleece coat, my favorite ~

It was cold outside ... I love that cold. It feels so nice. The sky looked cloudy, apparently it will snow in the afternoon, or at night. I walk to the bus stop with my backpack on, with all my implements to be able to do a good job ... you know, post'its, pencils, my computer, chargers, essential things.

I started to wait for the bus, which did not pass at any time ... I was beginning to despair.

I play with my fingers looking down, waiting for a long time for a bus to arrive. Suddenly I started looking at that bus schedule board on the post next to me. I realized that no type of bus was passing today, since the snow covered everything ... How silly. How I did not realize before?

... I check the time on my cell phone ... 6:30 ?! Oh god I'm going to be late! I did not noticed it. Now I won't be able to stay at my job. I start running towards the building. It was several blocks in a straight line. I don't think I can run there. I look at the time again, it was already 6:43 ... I wouldn't make it.

I stopped and started walking, still in the same direction, with a bad feeling. Suddenly, next to me, a car stops and lowers the glass that faces my left.

— Hi, what's up?

A fairly grown bear spoke to me. I stared at him for a moment. His face was familiar to me. Then I replied.

— eh? ... ah, I ... I'm going to be late for my work.

— Do you want me to take you? I have no problem with it.

— Will you really bother to help me with that? Oh thank you very much.

I get in his car. That seat was quite comfortable. He had the heat on, so I took off my jacket.

— My name is Samuel, and what is your name?

I stopped to think before answering him. I had heard that name before somewhere.

— I-I ... my name is Garret.

— Garret? ... Garret Softless?

— Yes ... How do you know?

— I know because I'm Samuel Anderson, third deputy chief of F-corp, and they told me about you. Garret Softless, young, 26, you come to work in the accounting section in my group.

— ah ... oh, are you my boss ?! Oh sorry for being late sir, is that the bus never happened and-.

He put his big, hairy paw on my shoulder and said.

— do not worry. It's your first day here, it is obvious that the first thing you have planned would go wrong. Don't worry, stay calm and relaxed. Your accounting team is pretty good. They are all very hard-working, especially yours, team ... three?

— y-yes, that same one. And who are those who work in it?

— Well, I'll tell you. The leader of the team is Ricky Hoccet, a bulldog of great build, with a strong character, but quite soft when they do things well. The second in command, Sophie Griss, a Siberian husky, the genius in the group, knows everything, even the least expected, she commands if Ricky is absent. Then there is you, the secretary. You will write down all kinds of reports, conversations and others that you can find in your group. You must be very organized. Then there's Berny Flatface, raccoon ... he's another newbie, just like you. What he has to do is contribute ideas. He really is very good at it, because his high creativity generates very good ideas. Those would be everyone on your team. With them you will relate mostly.

Huh ... sounds complicated ... I think so. I can handle this, I'm sure.

It was already 6:53 AM, we were already reaching the building. We entered from behind, into the special parking lot for workers. The first to get out when the car stopped was me, and then Sam. It felt strange coming this way with my boss the first day ... although ... it still felt familiar.

I got into an elevator with Sam. We were just the two of us in that space that was a bit wide for a common elevator.

— Remember the floor you are on, ok?

— it's okay.

He raises his furry paw to press the button with the number 8. Floor 8 then ... how high. The doors begin to close and it begins to rise little by little. The air felt somewhat warm. The floor I go to is not that high. Not like Sam's floor, he has to go to the 19th floor. The elevator stops going up, a little "ding" sounds and the doors open. When I take a good look at the situation, I see that there are many people in groups, all staring at me. I get a little nervous about the fact.

— Well, here you must go out. I hope you do well on your first day, good luck.

He says goodbye to me and presses the button with a 19 in front. The doors are closed. I turn around and see that everyone was still looking at me, silent. I guess it's because I'm new and arrived in a ... very friendly way with one of the deputy chiefs ... I was feeling very nervous as they looked at me. I decided to move towards my place of work, which I did not know what it was. Suddenly, I see that from a sector covered by a wall a head rises with very raised ears. They were very dark brown ears with light spots below. Then that head peeks over the wall and looks at me. It was that bulldog that Sam told me about, Ricky to be exact.

— Oh, you must be the newbie the boss told us about. Come here please.

— o-ok.

I walked to the end of the room, all those piercing gazes fixed on me. I notice that on the right side, in another group, there was a deep blue dragon ... what a strange color. He didn't know it was me, I knew it because he kept looking at his computer. Either that, or it just wasn't interesting. Suddenly he lifts his gaze a little and looks at me. He looked at me with a face of mild astonishment. I blushed a little, which he also noticed, to which he responded with the same action of blushing. Getting to the bottom, some of them stopped looking at me. I sat down in an empty seat, which I assumed was mine.

— hey. That is my seat.

I hear someone hoarse behind me. It was the raccoon, Berny. He ... was quite big ... well, let's say big in height and big in fat.

— e-eh ... I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to-

He interrupts me with a rather strange look ... of those looks of ... pedophiles, let's put it like that.

— Oh do not worry...

He gently took me by the chin and looked up at me. I blush quite a bit with that.

— It doesn't bother me that a cute little thing like you takes my seat away.

It comes slightly closer, to which I respond by backing away.

Then Ricky arrives, berating Berny

— Hey, Berny, enough with that. Control yourself, yeah?

Suddenly Berny's voice changes, a less hoarse one.

— Nah, Ricky, don't worry. You know that I will not do anything to him, I am not someone dangerous nor do I plan to be ... although I was serious with the beauty in you- he said looking at me in the face again.

— ok ok, just try not to scare him that way on his first day.

Berny walks away a little, looking at me with a smile, and gives me the paw.

— Nice to meet you, I'm Berny Flatface, creativity.

With that said, he proceeds to sit in a nearby armchair.

— hm ... well, my name is Ricky Hoccet, leader of the group, main in command and visible face of the team. Something bad happens because of one of us, the culprit is me, regardless of who it is. Then comes Sophie Griss, who ... is in the bathroom ... She is the thinking head in the group and second in command. Then there's you, and then Berny, creative.

— Hi ... I'm Garret Softless, secretary and informant. It will be a pleasure to work with you.

The day passed normal. They gave me the first job to do. They informed me about many things that others had to do. I had no way to productively let them know with the things that had been delivered to me, so I came up with the great idea to use the postits. I wrote the things Ricky had to do in one and pasted it on his desk. The moment later, he saw it. He really liked the reporting method that I had devised, so he implemented it in the group.

Soon it was lunchtime, and when I went out through the main door of the place I saw a large room, with windows that reached from floor to ceiling. It was a beautiful sight. I noticed a door, which apparently led to a balcony. I went there without raising so many glances at me. It was covered, so there was no snow on the benches or on the table. I sat down for lunch. Suddenly, the same deep blue dragon arrives.

— uh, hi ... uh ... Garret, right?

— Does everyone in the company know my name? Hehe

— ehehe ... eem, I think so.

— and that I don't know almost anyone. Well ... never mind. What is your name?

— I, uh ... my name is Stewart Silph, nice to meet you.

— my pleasure.

— Hey ... why are you out here, with the cold?

— ah? ... Oh yeah. Well ... I really like the cold.

— really? ... ah ... well, I'm cold blooded ...

— really?

— yes. Feel it if you want.

He extends his paw. I, out of curiosity, touched his paw, which his was quite cold.

— woah ... how cold.

— I know ... well, at least that's good for you. It may be that with this you like ...

It stops in the middle of the word, which I didn't know what it was. He blushed a lot, for which I didn't know why.

— e-eh ... well, I-I'm going, I think they need me inside. Bye.

He left quickly, something strange ... whatever. I wonder ... what Sam is doing there, how he is doing it or if he at least wants to do his job. He looks happy with his work. I wonder if I will be able to reach a higher status in the company, as personal secretary to the third deputy chief ... so I could see him every day and ... wait ... what? I am thinking of seeing it every day? Well, it's cute and all, but ... uh ... I don't know what to make of this. I mean, it's not like I'm looking for a relationship ... yet ... but ... his look is very pretty ... his light eyes, his long hair, his soft legs ... aah he's very handsome ... maybe he's married ... yes, he sure is. I do not think that with such beauty this single ... or yes? It would ... it could be. It would be good ... I think, so be it. Hey...

— I fell in love with my boss ... the first day ...

Apparently ... if so. I like my boss but ... how could I ever tell him? Is it possible that my feeling becomes mutual?


Maybe you are already married ... maybe you have children ... maybe you find one of your possible children in the company and ...

And .... and if not?

Well, if not, I have a very great opportunity.

They called all the workers to come in. I go and join my group. Ricky walks up, putting an arm on my shoulder.

— Hey Garret, how do you feel? Are you okay with work?

— me? Ah ... uh ... yeah, I really like it.

— truly? Oh, so you can stay longer. Wonderful!

— why wonderful?

He thought for a moment, and then answered.

— you really do a great job. If you left, I don't know if someone else does a job much better than yours or similar.

Ah, that was it. Obviously. He seems to be ... I don't know, Sophie's boyfriend. They are quite close, they like each other too much, they look at each other and smile many times, they talk to each other nothing more ... I suppose they do jobs of higher status employees. After that conversation, we get to the work room, but Ricky goes straight to the bathroom ... he had a face to put up with a lot. Suddenly, I see a tiger in the other cubicle, No°2.

— Hey Garret, how was your work? You like?

— uh ... yeah, why?

— oh nothing, just that it's a job for idiots, don't you think? Or, also so to speak, for effeminates.

— ... what do you mean by that nonsense?

— Nothing my friend .... yes friend, I suppose that, for others, they tell you that way. Not me, you will be the idiot at work ... I'll put you ... hmm ... I know, Raquel, typical secretary name.

— this turned into a preschool kids fight. You know what? I better go. I'm not here to take this kind of offense from people like you.

When I started walking, the tiger took me, with one hand on my neck, and the other holding my arm.

— hah, sure you want to see them with me. If this is like preschool, then I will be the bully in the classroom.

It started to take my breath away. At that, Stewart arrives, putting his wide claw on his shoulder and saying in a very deep voice.

— Hey, do you have something against my friend?

With this, the tiger turns around and stares in fear.

— gah, uh ... n-no, uh, there is no n-n-no problem here ...

— I thought so. Now go better, if you don't want to see them with me, well, if we were really preschoolers, I would be your personal bully.

The tiger scared off to his group, loosening my throat. I fall to the ground and start coughing. Stewart picks me up and asks me.

— you're good?

— yes ... my throat hurts ...

— Oh do not worry. Come on, I'll take you for a drink of water.

We went to the bathroom, which I hadn't seen yet. It was very clean, quite pleasant and with a peculiar aroma of berries. I start to drink water, bending part of my body a little. Stewart looks at me with a little blush. When I stop drinking water and get up again, I see that in the mirror, Stewart was staring into my eyes, which later made him change the direction of his eyes, very flushed.

— Hey Stewart ... thanks for saving me.

— Oh do not worry. It's the least I can do for you, besides the fact that I hate my friends being bothered. Tell me, are you better now?

— Oh yeah. I'm fine, thanks for joining me too.

— do not worry.

After that, Stewart brings his hand to my face slowly. I blush a little. I could feel his scaly, cold hand on my cheek. He stroked me with a subtlety that I didn't think I would feel from ... someone with scales and who looked so masculine ... at least like him ...

— wow ... your fur is very soft ... I really like how it feels.

— I-really? ...

— Sure ... it's ... it's wonderful. Its beautiful...

That last thing he said made me blush in a colossal way. He blushes too, and removes his hand slowly.

— Well, you are quite soft, contrary to how your last name says.

— Yes, Softless, I mean without softness. I really ... like this last name ... a little.

— Well, it gives you something of a bad name.

— heh ... I know. It's the bad thing about this kind of surname.

We leave the bathroom, and the others look at us in a strange way. We blushed a lot, and our paths parted. He went to his group, No. 1, and I to mine. I felt how the gazes followed us, penetrating, like stakes in the back. I get to my cubicle and Ricky talks to me.

— wow ... with Stewart, huh? I'm not surprised with how you look and how you are.

— wh-what?

then Berny walks up to me.

— It is obvious, the entire group of workers believes that they are dating. A polar bear, small and cute, as well as tender and intelligent, dating the coldest boy, both in mind and body, with greater strength and a golden fidelity. You won the lottery with him ... in more, who would have imagined that you could get to be with someone like me ...

— Th-they're all wrong! ... I'm not dating Stewart. Yeah, he's cute and considerate ... but ... I'm not dating him. He was just helping me.

Berny perked up his ears and was impressed, thinking that he might get a chance with me.

— oh, that changes things.

He says, wagging his tail slowly.

— and, helping you with what exactly?

— well, a strange looking tiger from group two was bothering me ... or shall I say, he was hanging me. Suddenly Stewart arrived, made the tiger let go of me and leave, and then walked me to the bathroom to get some water.

— Ronald did that to you? He seems peaceful ...

— I know, but ... he did. His reason for doing it I don't know ... but it scared me a lot. To all this ... is his name Ronald?

— yep, he's the idiot of the second. So it ended up being called. We all decided to nickname him that way, so that's how it stays.

I laugh lightly, thinking of that strange nickname. Suddenly, the elevator door opens, the only point of going up and down in the building. There are also the emergency stairs, wide and many, but those open automatically in an emergency, only emergency. A cat comes out of the elevator, looking ... strangely indefinite.

— Garret ... Softless? Is Garret Softless here?

In no time at all, everyone looks at me, pointing to my exact position.

— Are you Garret Softless?

— uh ... y-yeah, it's me.

— You can call me Amelia, I am undersecretary of the main boss. He wants me to take you upstairs to an interview with the other four deputy bosses.

I'm walking a little fearful in the direction of Amelia. I wonder what kind of interview it will be. We enter the elevator and the doors close. Amelia touches the button for the twentieth floor, and the elevator begins to climb.

— Hello Garret, you have a conference with the boss and the deputy bosses. They want to know information, contact and interests in this company according to your choice.

— Ah, of course, that was ... hey, I don't know you from somewhere else?

— You really don't recognize me?

— hmm .... ah I remember, Amelia Linger. God, you look good. How did you get to such status so quickly?

— hah ... now if you remember me. Well, I came to this when I started to become close friends with the main boss. It was his idea from the beginning .... can I tell you something?


I'm dating the boss.

— Seriously? But ... won't it be something bigger for you?

— Do you really say that? You know age doesn't matter for love ... God, those psychological poetry classes were of no use to you.

We reached the twentieth floor. It was a giant living room. He had several pieces of furniture, which even with so many that he had, did not seem small. It had some beautiful carpets that it was difficult to step on them how clean and beautiful they looked. The windows were similar to the ones below, but since the ceiling reached higher here, it looks much bigger. Already standing in front of the door of the conference room, Amelia tells me.

— You must fill out this form, which I will pass on to the main boss later.

Amelia handed me a form, asking for the address, phone number, that kind of contact. I finished filling it out and handed it to Amelia.

— I guess you know what they want to hear and what they don't. Be careful what you do and please don't spoil it. You are in front of a world power, do not send everything to hell like other times.

I was a little nervous. Amelia steps forward a little and opens the door. He makes me come in and then closes. There was a man in his 50s or older who was sitting in the middle of a long table. On the right side, two sub-bosses, and on the left, another one ... and Samuel ...

— Good afternoon Mr. Softless. My name is Roger D. Rockefeller. I am the main boss of this company, and next to me are the four deputy bosses.

— Hello Mr. Softless, I am Demian Garmaunt, assistant chief number one, I am director of automotive mechanical design and operation.

— Good afternoon sir, I'm Erick Mc.warld, deputy chief number two, director of economics and international negotiation.

— Hello sir, I am Miguel Angel Jr, fourth deputy chief and director of electrical circuit and appliances.

I was expecting some presentation from Sam, but I had forgotten that he already introduced me. Apparently he wasn't the only one waiting for him, as everyone else was staring at him.

— ... okay, but I already told you that I already introduced myself. Hello Mr. Softless, I am the number three deputy chief of this great company, my name is Samuel Anderson, director of state advertising and commerce. We really appreciate your choice of job.

— Ahem, you can sit down Mr. Samuel, and you Mr. Softless, I would really appreciate if you make yourself comfortable.

Look at Sam, who sat down with a pretty serious face. Then I sat down on a sofa behind me.

— Tell us Mr. Softless, why did you choose this company?

— awh, well ... since I was a child I liked this corporation. I always dreamed of being a worker for this company.

— Well, and how did you find out about the job?

— I always checked the information on the company's home page. That was what allowed me to see my opportunity to be in this company.

— Anything you dislike since you came here?

— absolutely nothing. Everything is perfect, the space, the furniture, the places, the bathrooms. Everything is wonderful, more than I imagined.

— interesting. So far you are the only one who completely likes this company. Well, as a last question, and before raising it I will tell you. Here we want workers to feel satisfied. Since you were one of the best in your practice with a mini-company that helps us, we will let you choose between one of these addresses that each of the sub-bosses presented you.

Sam's face changed slightly to one of sorrow. Could I choose the job I want? ... hm ... it's a somewhat complicated question.

— We must also inform the possibility of being on other floors depending on the address.

Then demian gets up.

— in my direction you can get to the 17th floor without any problem.

Then Erick gets up.

— in my direction you can get to the 14th floor and access to the high-power bathrooms.

So it's Sam's turn.

— In my direction you can reach the 11th floor and you will have access ... — Sam starts to think about something, it was evident with his face. You could see that he was looking for something with which he could make me stay in his group, to which he hit the spot. — ... you will have access to all the terraces that reach up to that floor.

And then, the last, Miguel Angel.

— at my address you can get to the 8th floor and you can use the special conference rooms at your leisure.

The proposals of the first underbosses sounded wonderful ... but for some reason I knew that Sam wanted me in his group, so, determined to be with him, I accepted the position he gave me.

— All the proposals are wonderful ... but I will stick with that of the deputy chief number three, Samuel Anderson.

I see Samuel, who is looking at me with a happy face that makes me blush very slightly. I don't want suspicions to be aroused among bosses.

— Well, you've chosen the third direction. You can go out and wait outside for Mr. Samuel to come out and take you to his personal office.

I leave the room and wait, looking through one of the huge windows in the room. Apparently it was time to go home, as all the workers were leaving the company. Minutes later Sam comes out, who looks at me with great happiness. I approach him and walk beside him.

— Mr. Softless, follow me, please.

I wonder why he goes through with the formalities. We go to the elevator and Sam taps the button with the floor below, the nineteenth, apparently here is his office. It is a long way, with a calypso-colored carpet that continues to a door, somewhat wide. We walked down the hall until we reached that door. We entered the room, which I realized had everything. There was a mini fridge, a counter, a ... bed? Well, I guess it's for those days when they can't get off work ... maybe. There was a big sofa, a coffee table, a television, everything. Sam closes the door behind me and hugs me really tight.

— I knew you would choose me! I knew it, something told me you would! I am very happy to have you here at my address.

— hehehe, don't worry. I will be able to do many things ... for ... for you.

Sam pulls away for a moment, and starts stroking my face.

— oh ... how soft ... and that look. You remind me a lot of my son ...

— have children? Are you married?

— oh, no ... no. I ... had a son, he was adopted. His name was Meik ... we were very close ... especially the last week I lived with him ... then, because of some stupidity I said, he got very angry with me. He left and did not come back ...

Sam shed a tear after saying this. I knew he was known to me ... he is Sam, my adoptive father ... as I didn't realize this before. Oh, it makes me sad to see him cry like this ... Then Sam wipes the tear away, looking at a window, turning his back on me. I hug him from that position. He had to say something to him that would make him feel better. Sam turns around, and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

— ... thanks for that comforting hug ....

— You're welcome, don't worry ... anything for the best boss ...

Sam approaches me at a considerable distance. I could feel his breath close to me, caressing my face in a subtle and careful way. I felt his warmth combine with mine. He felt his sadness dissipate slightly. Suddenly he kisses me. I felt his lips next to mine, tasting quite strange, but relaxing. I felt like I was getting carried away by the moment. He followed the kiss like he was her boyfriend again, not just when I was younger. I felt that pleasant sensation again ... of how someone who really felt love for you kisses you. After a while, the kiss ended. I opened my eyes, looking at Sam. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle like glittering sapphires. Suddenly, a tear. A tear fell down my cheek. Sam looked at me strangely.

— What's up Garret?

— ... Sam, I'm sorry, but I have to go.

— no, Garret, please wait ...

I walk out of that room, leaving Sam standing there watching me leave his office. Get to the elevator and dial the first floor. I got to this, got my things out and left. On the way home I was looking at everything around me.

I got to my house around 9:37 PM. I was feeling a bit tired. I got to take a bath so I could go to bed. Suddenly, I feel my cell phone vibrate. It was Sam, texting me.

> hello Garret. I wanted to tell you, sorry for what happened. I got carried away by the situation. <

Ah ... you shouldn't worry. What can I tell you? ... I know.

> don't worry Sam, I got carried away too. I also wanted. The problem was another, but there is nothing to worry about. <

> really? You looked a little strange. <

> I know, but don't worry. Tomorrow we have to work, we must sleep. Good night Sam, sleep well and take good care of yourself on the way home. <

> How sweet you are Garret. See you tomorrow, rest and sleep well. <

Well ... he came back to my life. That man who saved me from the orphanage, the one whom I loved for years, whom I left because of an idiocy that he said ... I wonder how he would take the fact that I am maik ... maybe he would take it as a joke ... .I do not care. I could make him fall in love once, I can do it again. He is someone too beautiful to put aside ...

I get ready for sleep and lie down in my bed, hoping that tomorrow is a wonderful day.