allways looking at you

The alarm sounds. I get up to get ready to go to work. I'm going to the bathroom to get ready. I put on my clothes and go down. I feel a pain in my back, something common when I sleep with a bad position ... it feels like a thousand hell ...

I prepare my breakfast and leave at a good time, 5:13 AM.

I walk under a gentle drizzle, which only moistens my hair. There was no one on the street yet. I wonder how warm it will be to be inside a house at this hour. I get to the building in which I work, put some things in some cabinets and go to the work area. The way to the area passes by the side of the dining room, so I could see that you can eat, it is still early ... and there is hardly anyone. I pass by the dining room, and at a rather excluded table I see Stewart, with his back to the entrance. He was eating a slice of cake, but he didn't look so cheerful.

— Hi Stewart.

Stewart is shocked in a huge way. He stares at me somewhat flushed, to which I giggle.

— g-garret? Hey hello! How are you? I didn't think to see you here.

— Well, I'm fine and how strange you haven't thought of that. Anyway, how are you?

— very well thanks. This ... do you want a coffee?

— sure thanks.

We walk to the ordering table and Stewart orders two coffees, and we go back to the table.

— and why the long face?

Stewart, who was taking a taste of coffee, chokes, because he was surprised by the question.

— I-nothing ... I-I mean, what could happen?

— I do not know. that's why I asked.

Stewart thinks for a moment, and then responds.

— is that ... there is something that I wonder, something that makes it difficult for me to stay focused, something that makes me think a lot about different kinds of things ...

— And that would be?

Again, Stewart is silent, staring at his hands, while playing with his fingers. Then he looked at me, and saw me with a face of shame. I was staring at him, wondering what could be the reason for his face.

— well ... it's just ...

Stewart keeps thinking, not saying a word. Suddenly, in a small and not very noticeable jump, he tells me:

— I-I am seriously thinking about moving to another house. oooh yes, it is a very crazy decision for me right? Hehehehe ... heh ...

He stares at me with a worried face, or really worried and idiotic ... I guess.

— oooh that's the reason ... well, you should think about it. I mean, if you have a good job, I mean this one, you shouldn't move, unless you really want to and find a better job offer elsewhere.

— awh ... well ... I guess I should think about that ... well, I'll leave you. I have to sort out some paperwork from my group. See you later.

Stewart leaves the cafeteria, leaving me alone, while I finish my coffee. It's still a bit early, 5:51 AM and no more people arrive ...

I finish my coffee and Amelia walks through the door, staring at me.

— Mr. Garret, Deputy Chief Samuel is waiting for you in his office.

— oh, I'm coming.

I get up and walk over to where Amelia is, and then I follow her to the elevator. As we made our way to the elevator, no words came out of our mouths. As soon as we got to the elevator, Amelia let her hair down a bit.

— uh ... down there I can't do anything but look like a model secretary ... oh my god, my feet hurt ...

— oh, that's why you didn't say anything.

— and what else did you think? That I like to be upright all day looking like flamenco, with heels everywhere and carrying papers where the light does not reach in this company? Obviously not! ... oh true. Tell me how it was yesterday.

— Ah, well ... nothing, I just chose Samuel as the deputy chief.

— oh, and tell me, is there an exact reason for this?

I look away, slightly flushed, to which Amelia is a bit surprised.

— Do you like Sam ?! Oooooow, a love story between an underboss and a low-level secretary, what a romantic gay love story!

I blush quite a bit after that.

— Yeah, well ... uh, yeah, I like Sam.

altought the truth that explanation has more background than a single "like" ...

Arriving on the nineteenth floor, Amelia begins to tell me about some things that I should know ... although I suppose she should have told me at another time ...

— He does not like very sweet or very salty things, he told me that he loves massages, he told me that he likes to take pictures, he loves Italian food, I mean pasta and that kind of thing ...

We were arriving at the office door, and Amelia kept telling me endless things, of which a few she knew, the rest was unknown to me.

— oh, and one last thing, he's hyper ticklish, be careful with his belly and ribs.

... ok, I guess that's not that strange ... I didn't know, but I think it would be useful ... somehow.

Amelia opens the office door and stands outside. From the sound of the footsteps that sounded after closing the door, I guess she was gone.

In Sam's office / room, I start looking for him. He didn't seem to be there. I check in several parts and nothing, apparently it was not. Suddenly, as I approach a door, I hear a sound or two. Water fell, softly to the ground, and someone could be heard humming a happy song. From the tone of voice I can assume it's Sam. He must be showering, or something ... it seems. Suddenly the water stops falling, and I hear some pretty loud footsteps on the floor. I put my ear to the door a little to better hear what could be happening. I hear footsteps getting stronger every time. Suddenly, I begin to feel a little moisture in my ear ... I detach my ear a little and see that there was Sam, staring at me with a smile on his face, with his body still somewhat damp and a towel around his waist. Without being able to say anything, he comes closer to me and gives me a big hug.

— How is my dear Garret?

— ehehew, hi Sam. I'm fine. How are you?

— Good that my bear is well.

Still with his big, strong arms grabbing me, he made his way to his bed and lay down, with me by his side.

— e-eh ... w-why did you take a bath here?

— Awh, because yesterday we stayed up very late and we didn't have time to go home. I haven't even slept at all ...

— ooow, poor bear.

— At least, this day we have it "free"

— and why that different tone when saying free?

— Well, we don't have it exactly free, but for me it is. We have to be here, and we can go home at 7:30 PM.

— oh, I can go home today at-

— 4:15, I know. That's why I sent you to call. I wanted to ask you if you would like to stay with me while we wait for it to be time to go home.

— really? Of course I want to. I can be with you longer. Still, I had thought of seeing you after I was able to return home, so it's okay because it's the same.

Sam looks at me with a happy face, and hugs me very tightly. He leaves me so close to him that I feel his member on my knee, which felt hard.

Oh god, sam is hard. the reason? I don't know what it is ... but am I really that little? I mean, I feel it in my knee, since it should be in my crotch ... well it doesn't matter. I'm still not sure how completely bear I am anyway ... I'm an orphan after all ...

— Sam, you're hard ...

Sam detaches a bit from me, and looks at me embarrassed and flushed.

— is that ... I was thinking about the things that we could do while we waited, and suddenly some quite ... hot thoughts ... went through my head ... and that's how I finished.

— hehehe, don't worry. they are normal things.

I get out of bed calmly to give Sam space so he can get dressed and get ready to avoid the cold that follows after having bathed.

After a while I can see how Sam had finished drying off and putting on some simple clothes so he could stay in bed for a while. I lie on the bed next to him. He stares at me, and kisses me. A long, tender kiss. Then he puts his big, strong arm on top of me, hugging me.

— I love you, Garret.

Apparently he was falling asleep. I check my cell phone, and see the time. 5:59. I have to go downstairs to work ...

— I love you too, Samuel ...

I kiss him, and get out of bed.

— I have to go to work, you know. I'll be back at check-out time. Sleep well.

— See you ... and thank you very much ... for deciding ... to stay here ...

He says groggy. You can tell he's very sleepy. I tuck him up well, since I don't want him to catch a cold. I look in the closet for a large blanket, which I was able to find soon, and I put it on the bed, to give it a little more heat, and then I left.

I took the elevator down to the work area, went straight to the group booth and entered. I saw Berny, sitting in an armchair, looking out the window. Apparently he doesn't even realize that I'm in the room. I walk quietly behind him and give him a big hug.

— Good morning Berny.

Berny is surprised, bristling completely and looking at me, flushed.

— G-Garret, h-hi! uh ... why is this so affectionate greeting?

Garret: I wanted to greet you in this way ... in itself it was because I just wanted it that way.

— awh, okay, I got it ...

I still hug him, more than anything it's because I'm happy with him like this, also he feels quite warm ... I guess that's why and that's it ...

Suddenly, Berny takes my arms, hugging them too. This feels ... pretty nice I have to say ...

I stop hugging Berny, to which, he looks at me with a face of slight fear. I sit next to him on the couch, and I make him lean towards me. I hug him ... Berny just stays there, enjoying the moment, just like me.

A long time passes. You can hear how people begin to arrive little by little outside. Suddenly, the door was opened. It was Sophie, who had arrived recently.

— good morning guy -...

We look back, seeing Sophie. She stares at us at something serious, and then she turns to me.

— How much money did he offer you?

— What do you mean?

— He didn't offer you money? Thats weird. I thought Berny was going to get to his last resort, which is that, but apparently ...

— I do not give up so easily ... also we have barely known each other for a day. I don't think he will accept me so quickly.

I look at Berny a little surprised.

— Wait a bit ... do you like me?

— Is it not obvious?

— Owh ... right ... well ...

— Uh ... do you like me?

— A-ah?! ... ahm ... well ... I don't know how to answer ...

I guess that gave Berny a little spark of possibilities, that was made clear to me by his face. So, Sophie breaks the moment.

— Well, if that's the case, that leaves you, Berny, with a 3.72% probability of being able to be officially with Garret taking the time from here to 4 more months. If you remain as friendly as you are now, that percentage could rise to a 22.30% probability, or it could decrease depending on how you behave ... to 1.32% or maybe -5.82%, depending on your actions.

— God, Sophie, can you put the work aside for a moment?

— It's working hours, I'm ready for work, I'm at work. Is there a reason not to think about work?

Berny fell silent after that. I suppose that still bothers him a bit that kind of attitude from Sophie.

— Well ... I have to accept that I would like to see you together in the near future. I love gay stories.

— Seriously?

— Any problem?

— no no no, of course not. It was just ... I didn't think you liked them. You don't look like it.

— Appearing something does not mean that it is not the other.

— OK sorry.

After that Ricky arrives.

— Good morning group. Today promises to be a very productive day, so let's not waste this opportunity to ... continue to be the No. 1 sales group in the company! ... I know, we are still first. Apparently the others have not tried as hard as they should ... it does not matter. Let the work begin guys.

The four of us started working. Sophie and Ricky, as always, were together, looking at the sales and marketing possibilities of the company, while I jotted down a few things in the boys' notebooks. In itself, I write the obligations of each one. They always forget, at least one of these. Berny approaches me from behind, while I write to him in his notebook.

— aaaaawh ... do I really have to do that? ... how boring ...

— these are your duties.

— Instead of doing them, I prefer to tell you all day how cute you are - he said as he got a little closer to me - you are really beautiful, you must be sure of that ... - He tells me with his strange hoarse voice, as he approaches a little more to me.

— And that voice ... is it your way of harassing? ... or is it just a kind of poorly done flirting?

Berny stares at me, somewhat embarrassed.

— Well ... whatever it is, you always look cute trying to do that to me ... at least directly to me.

— Is it? ... I mean, am I?

— cute? Of course. You are very cute, and I love that about you ... —. I walk outside, but before leaving, I tell him — by the way ... a soft voice suits you better, like your normal voice —. After that, I go out. Berny stares, very flushed, and then goes out to find me again.

— H-hey, Garret ... w-wouldn't you like to ... go somewhere after work?

— owh ... really?

— yes. W-would you like to?

— Of course I -... oh, right ... I'm sorry Berny, but I can't today. I have to stay a bit longer at work today ... but how about Saturday?

— I guess it would be better. There will be more time because it is a day off from the group.

He thinks, looking at the floor very seriously, and then he looks up directly at me, with a big smile.

— Well, Saturday will be. I will have a few things we could do in mind. Well, you can get on with the job. Thanks a lot.

— Well, see you later —. I answer and then give him a sweet kiss on the cheek.

The day passed like yesterday. Everything normal, everything calm.

4:15 PM

The bell has already rung, meaning the workday is over.

— Very good job guys, you are the best —. says Ricky, giving a stretch — Have a very good afternoon and rest well.

The first to go was Sophie, who left slowly and silently. Then it was Ricky, leaving me and Berny alone in the group room. I was finishing a few things, paperwork, you know. I look out the window, and I see Stewart looking over here. He says goodbye to me, to which I respond in the same way, and he leaves. Finishing the paperwork, I feel big arms on me, which hug me gently.

— Berny?

— yes?

— were you waiting for me? Or waiting for everyone to leave for this?

— who cares...

— I care...

— Well yes, I was waiting for you.

— It is a very nice detail, but you must go to rest. You were here a long time today, working.

— Well yes ... I only stayed for this. Well then, I'll go.

He says, as he gets closer to me, and lightly bites my ear.

— eheheh ... very soft ... softy ...

— Is that my new nickname?

— you know? Yes, it will be. Thanks for the idea, softy! Hehehehe ...

And he goes. Well ... that wasn't an idea that I gave him myself ... whatever, it doesn't matter. I finish doing the paperwork and leave it in its proper place. I prepare my things to go up, when before leaving, Ronald intervenes, putting himself right in front.

— So dating Berny, huh? Pair of fags. What do you think, that you can come to this company to spread how gay you are? No sir, they won't do it under my corpse.

Ronald picks me up, again by the neck, and takes a razor from his pocket. I was trying to get away from the claw of that tiger, an almost impossible act for me. He was strong enough that I could get out of this on my own. How hateful it is ...

— how brave. Wait for everyone to leave, to be able to hit the weakest without problems or worry about someone else coming ... my God, you impress me ...

— owh, I know. There is nothing to praise ...

Suddenly, a hand appears on Ronald's shoulder again, just like this afternoon — well, if there's nothing to say about it, let me tell you the last word ...

Ronald turns around, to look at who this person is, and I, even with his paw on my neck, look at this person too. It was a big-looking moose. He was part of the security group.

— You know something, he has a very pretty face to be a bully ... —. says the moose, and then hits him, leaving Ronald on the floor and making him let go of me — what a pity that it has been completely damaged ...

Ronald stayed on the floor for a long time, rubbing his face, while the moose helped me up.

— you're good?

— y-yeah ... thanks for helping me.

— You're welcome, it's my job anyway, there's no problem doing it right, right?

After that he leaves. I see Ronald, completely still on the ground and with a bleeding nose. I take out of my backpack a few tissues and a spray with antibiotics. I sprinkle some of that spray on his nose and wipe the blood from it. After that, I write him a little note and leave.

'' Ronald.

I'm really sorry about the problem that just happened, although it was your fault to begin with. I solemnly ask you, please stop trying to kill me! ... whatever. I hope that having healed your nose a bit makes up for the fact that you were beaten. Without so many regrets.

Garret S. ''

I walk to the elevator so I can go to Sam's office / room. I enter the elevator and press the button for that floor. As the elevator goes up, I look out. It had started to snow. The city looked beautiful from my point of view, especially when it was snowing and the lights were on in the dark of sunset.

I arrive at the selected floor, and advance towards the office door. I open it and find Sam, still in bed, still naked. I take off my clothes, put my things on a nearby seat, and lie down next to him. I hug him. Apparently he woke up, because he felt movement nearby.

— Hello little bear. You finished working?

— Yep ... and I had a pretty exhausting day ...

— ow ... poor thing ... and those marks on your neck ?!

— It was Ronald. I was taken by surprise when I left. He was about to kill me, but luckily a security moose had arrived and hit him in the face.

— So Daniel helped you. I always saw a good heart in that moose, although his ex-wife has said otherwise.

— He looked young enough to have married.

— it is. Just a month ago he turned 27 years old.

— Ah, so his wife was not sure how good a person he was ... poor thing ...

— Well ... I will thank him in a special way from you. Now, I want you to sleep with me ...

— it's okay. Will we sleep until 7:30?

— no. We will sleep until tomorrow. Can you

— I am a bear. What I've slept the most has been 37 hours in a row.

— Awesome ... me about 63 hours straight, hehehe.

— so much!

— yep. But that's only because I'm already an old bear.

— I would not say old ... you are just very adult. Also how are you going to be old if you are only 48 years old. I believe you say that being someone with ... 65 years or more, I do not know. Something like that.

Sam smiled at me tenderly. I returned the smile.

— you know what? Someone grown up likes to be told they are young ...

— Then I'm very good telling you that ...

Little by little, the two of us began to fall asleep under the dark blanket of night, being only illuminated by the dim light of the street, covered by a layer of snow. The room didn't feel cold ... it could feel, but no. Sam hugged me gently, while I fell asleep on his soft belly, under his warm arms ...

— I love you Samuel...

— and I love you, Garret ...

I was just beginning to wake up when I realized the time ... 3:27 AM. I sat up in bed to find out exactly what was going on. Apparently Sam had gotten up before me. How early he gets up. It was obvious that he was bathing. I wait sitting on the bed for him to come out, while I check my cell phone.

Sam comes out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel, which he takes off after getting to bed.

— Good morning my sleepy bear ~

I wiped my face a bit and responded.

— Good morning Samuel ... how are you?

Sam, sitting on the bed, tells me.

— pretty good ... although I have work in 13 more minutes. They will have to deliver the work order to us through a specific social network. I have to be present in that.

— owh ... well I hope you have a wonderful job.

— Thank you little bear. You can sleep as long as you like, if you wish.

Sam gets up and starts dressing. I was just looking at him, with a blush all over my face. After dressing, he leaves.

I go back to bed, but a constant sound bothers me and does not allow me to get to sleep. I get up to find where the sound is coming from. Apparently Sam left his computer on. I turn on the screen to turn off the computer. Apparently he left the messaging platform open. The only thing I see is a last message sent by the senior boss, mentioning that today's meeting is canceled.

I get a little nervous to discover this. So did he lie?

He had already done it once. Does he want to do what he did to me before? ... no. I don't think I want that again. Anyway, it is quite early to worry about this kind of thing.

Having a headache with the problems it caused me, I leave the computer there and start dressing to go down to work. I put on a couple of clothes that I had in my backpack and in no time I am ready for work.

I leave the bed made and enter the elevator to go down to the work area. As soon as I arrive, the first thing I see is Berny, sitting on the couch, again with a coffee in his hands and very distracted looking at the horizon.