
"He beat a captain? Let alone Charlotte? Luck is in trouble." Vanessa said as she turned back to the beginning battle.

"Ok, Madara! No holding back!" Luck said getting into a fighting position.

Madara did the same as he looked to the crowd for a countdown. "3 2 1 GO!" Asta yelled. The signal to fight began as Madara disappeared from his spot.

'He's fast.' Luck thought as he saw Madara disappear.

Madara knew if he wanted Luck to show some skills, he couldn't knock him out in one punch, so he held back. Madara then appeared in front of Luck with his fist balled. Seeing that the punch was for his stomach, Luck was fast enough to cross his arms and block the attack.


The force of Madaras' attack was felt throughout Lucks' entire body. Feeling the force, he couldn't help but smile because he found someone strong. After receiving the blow, Luck back up a few meters.

"Wow! You're fast and you're strong! But I don't know if that will be enough to keep up with me." Luck said as in a bright blue glow his grimoire opened.

"Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder God's Boots," Luck said as a pair of boots made of lightning materialized on his feet. The lightning boots were giving off sparks of electricity.

"Lightning Creation Magic: Thunder Gods Gloves," Luck said as a pair of gloves made of lightning materialized on his hands. The gloves were more than claws than gloves that reached up to his elbows.

With his Sharingan active, Madara copied the spells, as his grimoire shot open with a bright blue glow. The words read, 'Lightning Release: Lightning Cloak'.

The one thing he wanted. He couldn't wait to use it. Seeing the words inside the grimoire, a sinister smile appeared across his face. With a large amount of battle intent to the point, Asta could sense a little of it.

[Lightning Release: Lightning Cloak]

Madara felt his nervous system stimulate, as a bright wild blue aura surrounded him. Sparks of lightning started to come off of his body. Madara felt his strength, his speed, and his reflexes heighten.

"What the hell?!" Yami said as he almost drops his cigarette.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked Yami surprised seeing his reaction.

"That kid. He used air magic and fire magic in the exams. Now he's using lighting magic." Yami said as he got himself together.

"Yami you picked up a nice one. Being able to use not two be three elements is amazing!" Vanessa said looking back to the fight.

"This is getting fun!" Luck said as he dashed toward Madara.

Even though Luck was extremely fast, he felt like Luck was moving in slow motion. While Luck was rushing toward Madara, he felt an alarming sense of danger. He quickly used his hands and feet to move to the right.

"Huh? why did he stop?" Asta asked as he was ready to see them battle?

"He must have felt something ominous. I've rarely seen have such a serious face before." Yami said making Asta's expression go serious.

"Don't tell me you're backing out now," Madara said in a low tone clenching his fist feeling the power surge through his body.

"Hahaha! That's amazing!" Luck said as he kicks off the ground attacks Madara with his lightning claw. Madara dodges to the left, effortlessly dodging Lucks' attack.

Luck then sent a flurry of attacks which Madara effortlessly dodged. Little by little, Madara grew tired of dodging so he retaliated.


Madara landed a clean hard blow to the right side of Lucks' face.


Luck went crashing into a tree from the force of the punch. Madara hadn't expected the power behind his attack because he had held back. Everyone was surprised by the sheer power of Madara. No one except Yami had expected Madara to be so powerful.

"Lightning Magic: Thunderclap Crumbling Orb" Luck said as obs of lightning came flying at Madara at high speed. The same as before, Madara effortlessly dodged his attacks.

At that point, Madara started to become bored. He wanted a challenge so he cancels his lightning cloak.

"Why did he cancel it?" Asta asked seeming genuinely confused.

"Because he sees that Luck won't be able to match his speed," Yami said.

"Wow! I knew Madara was powerful, but I didn't expect this!" Asta as everyone else silently agreed.

"Hey... Why did you stop using it? Do you think I am weak?" Luck said as he released a little killing intent.

"No one said that," Madara said as he ducked dodging Lucks' attack. In such a short time, Luck had increased his power. Now since Luck was a little stronger, Madara decided to fight him.

Before Luck could recover from missing his target, Madara had appeared in front of Luck. Madara had kicked to Lucks' face, as he pushed off his hands and feet to dodge. In mid-air, Luck kicked toward Madaras' head.


Madara did the same, as the kicks met. The force of their kicks caused the wind around them to change. Luck gritted his teeth from the pain he felt after his and Madaras' leg collided. They then retreated a few meters, as they both of them jumped up into the air.

Luck threw a right punch, Madara parries with a left kick, Luck blocks then dishes out a right kick to the head. Madara leans back and kicks to his chin. The attack lands, as Lucks' head went back along with his body.

Madara then concentrates fire magic on the soles of his feet. In a quick motion with a flame trail following behind him, Madara does a front flip, as his heel lands hard into Lucks' stomach.


Luck came crashing down like a meteor, as the force from the kick was enough to make a large crater around Luck when he landed.

"Gawk!" Luck spit out a little blood as he crashed into the ground. His eyes went white, as he was knocked out.

Looks of shock were across everyone's faces. Madara went over to Luck and placed his hand on his stomach. A green glowed could be seen from his hand, as Lucks' injuries were healed.

"Wow! That was so awesome! Let's go again!" Luck said as he shot up from the crater forgetting what just happened not even a minute ago.

"Some other time," Madara said as he walked over to his new squadmates.

"That was amazing Madara!" Asta yelled while the others silently agreed.

"Now Asta! It's time for your initiation into the black bulls." Magma said to Asta with a menacing look on his face trying to scare Asta.

"Madara has already proven himself. Now, it's time for you to do the same." Magma said as a robe floated down and around Madaras' neck.

"So cool! I am ready to prove myself, sir!" Asta yelled as Magma had Asta do five thousand situps, five thousand pushups, lift and crack a boulder with his head.

Finally, he had Asta either block or dodge his attacks. Asta pulled out his rusty black sword and got into his stance. Magma pulled out a flame bat and started firing fireballs at Asta.

Asta dodged the fireballs with little difficulty. Magma then turned the pages in his book, as he created a large fireball. The heat around them increased, but it didn't faze some of them.

"Flame Magic: Exploding Fireball!" Magma yelled as he threw the fireball like a pitcher.

Asta's muscles popped out, as he swung his sword and body. Instead of cutting through the fireball, he used the flat side to send it back to its caster.


A big explosion occurred, as Magma was set ablaze by his magic. While everyone was amazed by seeing Asta repel his magic back to him, Madara couldn't help but yawn.

It had been a long day for him and he was ready to go to sleep. Magma walked out of the fire and congratulated Asta. Everyone else came as well.

"All right. Let's start the second initiation!" Luck said as he started punching the air.

"Come again?" Asta asked with a confused smile.

"Let's try and kill each other!" Luck said with a laugh.

On the right side of him, Vanessa blew onto Asta's ear making him blush. She then touched his face and said, "You looked great out there, little boy."

"Ugh, thanks..." Asta said stumbling over his words a bit.

"Here. Try it. It's yummy. Okay?" A small girl holding a cupcake up to Asta said.

"Oh, thanks," Asta said.

"Here! I'm being generous. You can have half!" The little girl said handing him half of the cupcake.

She then took another part of the cupcake. They both took a bite at the same time and had a look of satisfaction.

"Damn, why didn't they do this for me?" Madara said to himself.

"I know, it's hard being invisible when you're right there in front of them," Gordan said in a low whisper.

Madara smiled at Gordan causing him to smile back. Just when he was about to turn around, he heard someone call out.

"Don't think we forgot about our other recruit," Vanessa said as she put her arm around Madara.

"Here! You have some too!" Charmy said as she handed Madara a cupcake. Madara ate the cupcake and honestly, it was one of the best things he's tasted of than Sister Li- Reiner's food.

"Next time, we fight to the death!" Luck said punching the air.

"You were amazing out there as well," Vanessa said as she patted Madaras' back and felt the firm hard feeling on his muscles. She then took his shirt off and examined his body.

"What a nice body! These clothes are too big. We should go shopping sometime!" Vanessa said as she held Madaras' arm.

Madara then put back on his shirt because everyone was staring at him. Not that he cared, it was just someone might ask him about his scars and he was too tired for that.

A girl watching from above. She moved her hair behind her shoulder and looked down at them in disgust.

"So those are the recruits? What insects." She said.

In an instant, too fast for any of them to notice. Madara disappeared and reappeared behind the girl and said, "What was that? I didn't hear you." In a low tone.

When she turned around no one was there. She said it to be her imagination, but when he looked back down, Madara glared at her.