Chapter 12— James Bond

Eniola looked around to see if they agreed with her but she saw she had only shocked them into more silence.

Abigail finally sputtered. "Are you stupid? What if she comes and then kills you?"

"She probably thinks this is some American movie" Helen said snidely.

She wasn't going to respond to Helen... Later, She would deal with Helen.

"No you guys should think about it na. If I die, you will know there is truly a Lady koi koi. If I don't, we know then that both Mimi and Chibunna lied."

"So, where will you stay?" Helen asked

"I will use the hostel toilet. In fact I might as well get it over with. I will try this night."

Helen hissed loudly.

This time around Eniola saw the dark look clearly and had no doubt what it was.

Hate, pure unadulterated hate.

Enough was enough. She had it up to the neck with Helen and she didn't care if she had offended Helen or not. The girl needed to be put in her place. She could intimidate anyone but Helen couldn't intimidate her.

"Helen, what is your problem this evening? If you don't want to be here with us you can go instead of hissing."

"Did I say I was hissing at you people?"

"So who are you hissing at?"

"Is it not that fowl that doesn't know her place" she pointed at something or someone behind Eniola.

They all turned including Eniola to see who she was pointing at.

It was Ireti. who was sitting at a table about 6 metres away and was bent over a book.

"Pretending as if she is reading while all along she has been listening into our conversation. Abeg I am leaving here before her body odour will kill me." Helen said.

Helen voice was loud. Eniola turned again to look at Ireti and knew that there was no way she didn't hear what Helen had said but Ireti stayed bent over her book.

Eniola was almost sorry for her. Almost

She did not actually have body odour. She didn't just use perfume and Eniola Knew that even Helen knew this.

"Lower your voice. You know she can hear you" Abigail chided.

Helen voice became louder. "I don't care if she heard me. In fact, I want her to hear me"

She picked up her her bag. "Are you people not coming?"

Olanna took her bag and they left together.

Eniola was feeling already feeling sleepy. She decided to leave too.

"Let's go to the hostel" she told Abigail.

Abigail stood up picked her bag and hesitated.

"Don't do it." Abigail said quietly.

"Don't do what?" Eniola was confused.

"Don't go to the toilet. You can lie to Helen and Olanna that you went there"

Eniola looked at Abigail. Wow, the girl was really scared and she was scared for her.


Eniola infused the calm she didn't feel into her voice, looked into Abigail's eyes and assured her. "There is no lady koi koi. Trust me if there was I wouldn't offer to do it.