Chapter 13— Nat geo wild comes to Nigeria

Eniola sat on the chair she had brought from her room to the toilet cubicle. She couldn't imagine herself sitting on a toilet seat when she couldn't tell the people who had used it.

In all, the hostel toilet had 15 cubicles and she had chosen the eighth one because it was half way from the door and the toilet switch, which was at the far end of the toilet, far away from the door. It gave her easy access to both. If the door was blocked, she could put on the light.

Vice versa.

The toilet was quiet and that was great because it meant she was the only one in the toilet. If there was any Lady koi koi, she would come faster and Eniola would be able to get over with it and quite assuredly dismiss the rumours.

Come morning, Eniola had no doubt She would regret her decision to wait in the toilet for the supposed Lady koi koi. The sleep she was losing would definitely hit her with a vengeance, she wouldn't be able to resist.

Eniola couldn't decide if she wanted to sleep in the next day and miss her classes or go to class and sleep during the lectures.

If she missed school, her mother would be sure to hear about it. If she slept in class, the principal would only chastise her. But sleeping in the hostel was more comfortable.

She shook her head. She was indecisive . Sleeping in the hostel meant risking mama's fury. Sleeping in class meant her neck would hurt all day.

The darkness was thick and she could barely see in front of her. She should have brought her lamp but didn't lady koi koi hate light?

What if there was truly a ghost haunting the school grounds? Eniola shook her head, it was too late for doubt. She stood up from the chair and used her hand to feel for the door. When her hand touched the rough wooden surface of the door, She continued until she felt the bolt beneath her hand and bolted the cubicle door. If Lady koi koi was real, she would have a hard time getting to her. Eniola realized how stupid that was. Weren't ghost supposedly able to pass through doors? So why would a bolted one stop Lady koi koi? She hesitated. Then she shrugged her shoulders and went back to her seat,

She heard a slight sound and froze.

What was that?

Lady koi koi?

Oh God, why had she volunteered for such a creepy job.

She strained her ear to see if she could pick up any more sound.

Nothing. She took a deep breath in relief. Of course, there was no lady koi koi.

She heard a squeak.

Where did sound come from?

She looked up and two shiny eyes looked at her from the top of the door.

She was surprised she could even see it. The eyes moved immediately and she heard the sound of the rat as it scurried away.

The rat was as afraid of her as she was of it.

Oh Lord, please don't let the rat come back. She prayed. If it came back she would be out of there before any one could say pim.

She opened her eyes. She had dozed off for a minute or two. On a normal night, she could stay awake till sometimes past two but this night was different. She was already sleepy.

She shook her head to push away the sleep She couldn't sleep. She had to be on alert.

What would keep her awake?

The sound of the frog croaking? She remembered one documentary she watched at the house of a friend on frogs. She could exactly remember all the information but there was something about how you could tell a frog apart from their croaking and how only male frogs croaked.

she listened carefully to see if she could differentiate them.

What a stupid exercise that was. They all sounded alike.