"Hey Ninoto do you mind if I scare them." Itaka says "No in fact I would love to see you do that." Just then Itaka starts laughing crazily as he walks towards them. "I could kill you in a second if I really wanted to get out of here before I do." Itaka said with a truly evil grin. They ran off with the most horrified look on their faces. Ninoto laughed and said "Huh it's really almost like you meant that" Ninoto said with a nervous smile. "OH BUT I DID MY FRIEND HAHAHAHAHAHA." "Listen to me I have something to talk to you about after school is that fine with you?" Itaka said. Ninoto said "Yeah I guess that is fine." as Itaka and Ninoto parted ways Ninoto said to himself "Did he really mean what he said back there? Is he really that powerful or is he just bluffing?" Itaka thought to himself as well "Haha I know he is thinking about what I did before I am sure he thinks that I was just joking but he does not know that I am not joking at all in fact everything I said I meant even the 'I could kill you in a second if I really wanted to' now you may ask why would I do that and why am I so powerful? Well that is because of my power to write or draw anything and it will become reality! HAHAHAHA NOBODY CAN STOP ME!!!" Then Itaka goes into his first period classroom which is english. The teacher says to the class "Hello class my name is Mr.lubo now as you know you are all high school freshmen and I do not know any of you so please do tell me a few things about yourself!" there were at least 10 people in Itaka's class and everyone said what they wanted about themselves. Of course Itaka did not listen to anyone because he did not care about anyone besides himself all besides one that is. Her name is Sawakori Notaka and what she said was "Hello my name is Sawakori Notaka and one of the things I like is close friendship. A few words to describe myself are powerful, compassionate, loving, and reliable." After Sawakori sat down Itaka could not stop looking at her Sawakori looked to her right and saw Itaka looking right at her. She started to blush and then looked away throughout the whole day Itaka found himself looking at Sawakori. He thought to himself "Wow she is perfect'' he looked at her until lunch and then he said to her "Hey do you want to sit with me?" Itaka said with a warm smile Sawakori blushed as she said "Yes I would love to!" they talked to each other the entire lunch period. After that they discovered that they were being watched by the other girls and boys. Itaka yells at them "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT?!" a group of boys the same that were at the entrance came over and said "We were looking at you two love birds what of it?" "Yeah yeah what is your problem?" Itaka's expression went from happy to angry very quickly then from angry to calm "Hey buddy what happened to that fire in your eyes huh?" Itaka responded "We just wanted to talk and get to know each other." After that Itaka punches him and knocks him down "Now will you let us get back to our conversation? Or do you want to get knocked down again? Either way I can comply'' the group of boys left and that was the end of the lunch period a few more periods after that Itaka and Ninoto met in the back of the school. "Hey Ninoto guess what I found someone else to be my friend somehow haha." "Hey Itaka that is awesome!!! Now what did you want to talk to me about?" Itaka says "Ah yes well here are a few questions to evaluate whether you're ready or not." Ninoto starts to get concerned "Ready for what?" Itaka says "don't worry about it I will tell you if you get every question right so if you are really that concerned I hope you get these questions right don't worry there are only three." "Ok." Ninoto says seemingly less concerned "Question one: do you believe that some crime is justified?" Ninoto answered "Yes" suddenly after that he felt a tight pain in his chest. "Question two: would you ever do such justified crime" Ninoto answers "Yes" the pain in his chest got tighter. "And last but not least the third question: Would you commit justified crime with someone else?" Ninoto answered "Yes" and at that moment the pain in his chest was gone and he had a sword for a hand!!! Then he tried to make it a knife and it happened then he tried to make it a gun which did not happen. "What is this? Did you have something to do with this?" Nioto asks "Quite perceptive are we? Yes I had everything to do with this. What you have there is now your power to help me make this world a better place." Itaka said with that usual sinister grin. "Huh alright well I am guessing that this power can make my hand any type of handheld weapon besides something that has to do with firepower this power will surely be useful." While Ninoto and Itaka were talking two men were discussing something "So are you ready for the plan?" A man in the shadows said the one he was talking to responded "Yes the plan is in place and is working as we speak." The man in the shadows was pleased to hear this and said "Good thank you for all your hard work. Those kids are trouble it's better if we take them out now then wait till later." Both men nodded their heads in agreement and left there place. That was the day of the incident.....