The day of the incident was the worst day for Itaka and his friends but before the incident happened Ninoto and Itaka had a conversation. "Yes it will be useful that is why I wanted you to do this. If you want I can show you my own power." Itaka said "Sure I would love to see your power." Ninoto says curiously Itaka takes out a notebook and a pen. Ninoto looking confused says "I don't follow. What do you plan on doing?" Itaka says "Just watch." Itaka rips out a page with a dog drawn on it and puts it on the ground. Shortly after the dog materializes out of thin air. Itaka puts down another paper with an AK-47 drawn on it and that also materializes. "So this is your power?" Ninoto asks "It sure is. throughout the day I find my power to be very useful and the best thing about it is that the pages regenerate." after Itaka was done they heard a big explosion and ran but Itaka had saw that Sawakori was stuck under a part of the building so went back to where Sawakori was and helped her get out of the building and then asked "Can you walk?" Sawakori then said "Yes thank you I can't take it from here." As he goes back to the orphanage he thinks to himself "I have to talk to Sawakori as soon as possible she could be a very useful asset to my cause. Plus she is a very good person and friend I'm sure." After 3 weeks and the school is built back and Itaka is determined to get Sawakori on board and have her power unlocked. Itaka already has the plan figured out he goes over the plan in his head "Sawakori and I will have lunch together again and I will ask the questions at lunch. It may be risky but it is the only way I can ask her since she leaves as soon as the bell rings. I am sure this plan will go perfectly. I mean I did make it myself and-" "Hey Hey Hey! Itaka! Are you listening?!" Just then Itaka realized he was still in class "No I was not listening." Itaka responded and Sawakori laughed. Once he heard Sawakori laugh he turned to her and smiled and Sawakori blushed again. Then came lunch and Itaka started to ask the questions to Sawakori. She said yes to all three after that she disappeared but then reappeared behind Itaka and hugged him from behind. "So when you get the power you also get courage huh? That would explain Ninoto's calm attitude yesterday." "Your power is being able to manipulate and disappear in shadows right?" Itaka asked "Yes it is Thank you for giving me this power." Sawakori said Itaka said "I want you to meet my friend. He has power as well. He is nice, don't worry." Sawakori said "Do you mind if I hold onto you? My power takes a lot of energy to perform anything." Itaka responded "I don't mind if you hold onto me what are friends for? Haha." they walked together to the table Ninoto was sitting at and Itaka noticed he was talking to someone. "Hey Ninoto who's this? A new friend?" Itaka asked with a surprised look on his face. "He is a new friend. How are you Itaka? Who's that holding onto you?" Ninoto responds "Oh her? She-" Ninoto stops Itaka and says "Who else is on your shoulder haha." Itaka laughed "She is a new friend of mine remember? I told you about her yesterday." When Sawakori heard that she thought to herself "He talks about me? Does he say anything bad? You know what I think i'll ask him right now." "H-Hey Itaka? What did you say about me with Ninoto?" Itaka looks at Sawakori and then holds Sawakori and says "Do you really think I'd say anything bad about you? Well don't worry I would never do that to you." Sawakori regains her smile and holds onto Itaka tighter than before. Ninoto says "Yeah I remember now. How are you Sawakori was it?" Sawakori said nothing, Ninoto said "Ok then I'll ask when the three of us meet again." Itaka and Sawakori walked away Ninoto talked to the guy he was sitting with before "Hey Serosi did they seem weird?" Serosi said "Yes they did, maybe it was because Sawakori was nervous around us because then again we are in different classes. Anyways how do you know Itaka?" Ninoto smiled thinking back on the bus "Well on the first day of school we met on the bus and we talked the entire bus ride so that is the reason I know him. He can be scary sometimes though." Serosi seemed perplexed "Why would he seem scary? To me he seemed calm and collected. Did something happen yesterday that made you think that?" "Well he asked me three questions" Serosi asked "what were said questions?" Ninoto said nothing. After that Ninoto said "It is nothing important, I handled it well." the bell rang and they all went back to class. It is the end of the day and the three meet in the back. Ninoto says to the Itaka "Why is Sawakori here?" Sawakori heard Ninoto and said "Because I have a power just like you and Itaka." Ninoto said "What?!" Itaka said "What?" Ninoto calmed down and said "You know this is a very good thing since that means that she has the same views as us." Itaka said to the both of them "Listen guys since today is friday and tomorrow is saturday do you guys want to go to the mall?" Ninoto said "Sure." Sawakori said the same in Sawakori's head she said "Is this like a date? No that can't possibly be the reason in any case I have to not be nervous around Itaka." They all parted ways and Itaka and Sawakori walked home together Itaka said "This is my stop do you want me to walk you home?" Sawakori said "You already did." Itaka said "Huh? What do you mean? Sawakori said, I live here as well." Itaka looked surprised but overjoyed and said "Really?!" Sawakori said "Yes I do." Itaka hugged Sawakori tightly "Alright then let's go inside."