Chapter Four: Mysterious Girl

Now there is a policewoman named Soraso Minsa who is fifteen the same age as Itaka. She is in a special force in the police where she catches other people who have powers. She is very sneaky and agile hence why she was chosen for the job. On top of that she can manipulate people very easily making the power who have powers trust her. The police have made a bracelet that vibrates when someone with powers is near it. The bracelet can also make a fake power Soraso's 'power' is to make her body metal. "That Itaka kid seems to have powers since the bracelet vibrates whenever I'm near him." Soraso says "I want you to get close to him at all costs." her captain says "Yes Mr.Ishito'' So he says "Don't call me that call me Neino'' So Soraso leaves Neino's office and he thinks to himself "Itaka how are you? It seems that you've gained power. I will get you and make you my slave to do the fighting for me just like I did to your sister" Soraso arrives at school and sees Itaka talking to Sawakori. Soraso pushes away Sawakori and hugs Itaka So Soraso thinks to herself "Yeah he definitely has a power the bracelet is vibrating like crazy….wait if I can feel it doesn't that mean that he can too? Oh no I think I made a big mistake." Itaka says "Who are you? And could you get off me? Now I was having a conversation." Soraso lets go and looks towards Sawakori. Sawakori gives her the scariest scowl she's ever seen. Itaka extends his arms to Sawakori and they hug as Soraso asks Itaka questions. "How are you?" Soraso says "I am-" "He is fine" Sawakori interrupts Itaka "Why are you asking him questions? Is it because you want to get closer to him?" Itaka starts to laugh. "N-No it is not like that!" Soraso says "Yeah it better not be" Sawakori says Soraso walks away with a slum look. It is the end of the day and Soraso is back in the captain's office. "Sorry Neino I could not get any information out of Itaka but I am sure he has powers. You must be proud he made it this far in life." Soraso says. It is the next day and Soraso does not see Itaka or Sawakori anywhere she shrugs it off and heads to class but to her surprise she sees Itaka and Sawakori there and the students are all drugged and asleep "What is your purpose I know you have been following me and Sawakori everywhere so what is it? And that vibration yesterday was on your wrist. What was the cause of it?" Itaka says Soraso responds "Man you catch on fast that will prove to be quite annoying" Itaka says "Why will it be annoying what are you trying to do?" Soraso says "Oh no it's nothing you need to worry about." Sawakori says "I really don't like you at all, you better not put Itaka in harm's way neither of us would like that." "Oh well I can't promise that. Because the truth is I am not following you I am following the person that is actually following you." Soraso says "Well in that case don't we need to be close to you so you can check where the person is? Is this just another way to get close to me for some unknown reason? It can't be because you're jealous of Sawakori right?" Itaka says and immediately laughs after. Soraso starts to get aggravated and yells at Itaka "IS THIS A JOKE TO YOU? YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER AND YOU'RE MAKING JOKES? SERIOUSLY?" After that was said Sawakori let's go of Itaka and says "Now you listen here friend if you ever yell at Itaka again it will be the end of your life so never do that unless you want to live." Itaka says "Calm down Sawakori it is fine" "But-" Itaka stops Sawakori from saying anymore by hugging her and she calms down "Your arms are so comfortable and calming" Sawakori says. It is the end of the day and Soraso says to the captain "He is smarter than I thought I'll have to be even more weary of him from now on"