Chapter Five: Mall Visit

Then came Saturday and Itaka called Ninoto and Sawakori and said "it is time for us to go to the mall meet me in the store to the left of the entrance." they both responded "Ok." As Sawakori was walking she thought to herself "Ok don't be nervous around Itaka. It's not like this is a date or anything right? Maybe it is and Itaka just doesn't want to say it ah well my only mission is to not be nervous around Itaka." Itaka heard her mumbling this and said "Nervous?" when she looked up she was already in Itaka's arms Sawakori smiled and said "In your arms? Never." "Hey you two lovebirds are we gonna go inside?" Ninoto said with a smile. "Yeah let's go." Itaka and Sawakori both look at each other and smile. The three of them go into the mall and to Itaka's surprise they all see Soraso. Ninoto goes over to Soraso and hugs her. Itaka said "Wait hold on does that mean that you two are-" Ninoto stops him and says "Yes we are in a relationship just like you and Sawakori." Sawakori starts to blush and says "T-That's not true!" Itaka smiles and says to them all "Yes it is true." Sawakori says "Really?! It is?!" Itaka says "If it wasn't true then why are you hugging me and getting all happy over me saying it?" Sawakori says in her head "I'm so happy he finally admitted to it!" Then Ninoto looks at Soraso and she blushes. They spent some time at the mall but then they ran into a problem… some inhumane creature appears before them but nobody else sees the beast. But they didn't really care about the other people; they just wanted to kill the creature. The creature called out to them "Hey! How come you brats can see me?" Itaka didn't really care about what the creature said but then looked at Sawakori and saw she was very scared of the creature which made Itaka very angry. And as soon as he saw that he immediately drew a spear and started to fight the beast. Sawakori, Soraso, and Ninoto looked in amazement as they saw Itaka fight with such skill Sawakori was especially amazed at this and was also very happy to see that Itaka was willing to protect her at all costs. Sawakori accidentally blurted out "Wow Itaka is amazing." Ninoto and Soraso nodded their heads in agreement. As they were talking Itaka walked back to Sawakori's side and hugged her after that Itaka opened his notebook and noticed something odd and said "Hey isn't this the same monster I just fought?" they all nodded their heads and then the monster on the page started talking…"I am not part of your notebook, If you deploy me you can use and control me the same rules apply to other monsters you catch. But be careful for once you use it and the monster has done its deed the paper shall evaporate making it never to be used again." then Sawakori shut the book because she didn't want to hear anymore of what the creature had to say then she said to Itaka "I don't want to see or hear that thing ever again please don't open that page i'm scared of it can you promis-" Itaka stopped her from talking by sinking her into a calming hug then said "Dont be scared Kori you'll be ok you're with me." Sawakori then said to Itaka "Thank you Itaka but why did you call me Kori?" Itaka then smiled as he said "Because I thought it was a cute name." Sawakori was happy to hear why Itaka did this. She then said "Then your nickname is Ita." Itaka with a smile on his face said "I love it." Through this Ninoto and Soraso felt closer to eachother even though they didn't even talk. They just smiled at eachother. After all this happened they all left the mall and when my their seperate ways. Itaka held Sawakori's hand and said "Are you ok now Kori?" Sawakori then said to Itaka "Yes Ita I'm ok thank you for asking and comforting me." After Sawakori said this Itaka kissed her. Sawakori flustered by what Itaka just did scrambled in her head while saying "Huh? Why did he kiss me? I'm so happy! This proves that he loves me!" Itaka and Sawakori walked to the orphanage and went to bed.