Chapter Six: The Secret Is Out

On Sunday Itaka was walking around and saw Soraso talking to an adult with a suit on. Itaka thought "I sure as hell know that ain't Ninoto. Something serious is going on...." Itaka leaned in on there conversation and heard something he never thought he'd hear "The criminals Itaka Ishito, Ninoto Tieno, And Sawakori Notaka who I've been following have now gained my trust and think of as one of them. Please wait a few more days for me to get more information on them." When Itaka heard Soraso say this he got very angry and noticed that the person in the suit was writing it all down....Everything Soraso said Itaka then thought "If that gets to the police then we are all done for. I have to do something!" So Itaka drew the scene right in front of his eyes but without the notebook and with that the notebook dissolved in to thin air. Itaka then erased the man in the suit and sure enough he dissolved as well. Then Itaka ran back to the orphanage and told Sawakori everything that he heard. "WHAT?! SORASO IS A TRAITOR?!!" Sawakori yelled loudly. Itaka with a very slum face said "Yes she is a traitor." After this Sawakori started to cry and said "I thought Soraso was my friend. I guess not." Itaka smiled and said "Don't worry I'm still your friend Kori." Sawakori then latched onto Itaka and they both fell asleep in each others arms. The next day came and Itaka notified Ninoto and Soraso that he had to have a very serious conversation with everyone. Soraso then got very intimidated and thought "Oh no....did he figure out that I'm a spy? Well I'm not just a spy I really do love Ninoto but my job comes first." Lunch came Itaka started out with small talk but then become very serious and turned to Soraso and just straight up said "I know you're a spy for the police I was the one who stopped that person and dissolved his notebook. But don't worry I don't feel like being bad anymore because I don't want your relationship with Ninoto to end. In the same regard I Sawakori and I's relationship to end either so I promise none of us will ever do any crimes again. But under one condition." Soraso beaming with hope then said "That condition being?" Itaka then said "You don't report us to the police or whatever organization you work for." Soraso agreed and that was the end of the day. Then came Tuesday Itaka and Sawakori noticed that Ninoto nor Soraso were in school that day. This kept happening until one day Itaka and Soraso walked into the door and heard news they never wanted to hear. On the loud speaker they heard a man say "I am a police officer and I am sorry to report that your classmates and friends Ninoto Tieno and Soraso Minsa are dead." When Itaka heard this.... He fell into deep despair and didn't even want to stand up. He then fell to the floor and started to cry. All the kids there started to laugh at Itaka as they said "Are you really crying? Are you that weak?" Itaka then said "I'll make all of you cry if you don't shut up. I don't want to hear all your unimportant banter." As Itaka was saying this residuals of this white substance were all around Itaka and it scared all of the kids saying that crap away. "I guess I scared all of them away huh?" Sawakori was scared as well and said "What was that? Why was that white stuff all over you?" Itaka said "What white stuff? But don't be scared Kori you're with me." Sawakori quickly got over it and said "You're right I shouldn't be worried." After a few days a kid with red hair and blue eyes said "Come to the back of the school when school is out I want to talk to you." Itaka said "Why should I?" The kid said "Just do it." Itaka said "Fine I will." Then the kid who said this had a very evil grin when he heard Itaka say yes and then walked away. After he left Sawakori came and said "Who were they Ita?" Itaka then smiled and said "Nobody you should worry about because you're with me." Sawakori said "Ok." But Sawakori was still worried about it. The end of the day came so Itaka left for the back of the school and Sawakori followed. Itaka came and without hesitation Itaka summoned a sword and tried to strike the red haired kid but it was as if he saw right through it and dodged it. The kid then said "Hey hey hey hold on we just came to talk man we don't want any trouble." Itaka said "We?" The red haired kid then said "Yeah..... we did you not see them?" Itaka was so focused on the red haired kid that he didn't even realize that there were four other people there. Itaka still angry sat down and said "Then state your business with me." the red haired kid then said something that made Itaka's rage flow out so much that the white substance started to form again. the red haired kid said "There is an organization named Rose and they killed your friends Ninoto and Soraso. The reason? Well that was because they were close to you." As the White substance was forming Itaka said "So they died because of me?" The red haired kid said "Yes." then Itaka with an angry look said "Then how did they know where I was?" The red haired kid then said "Well that is because someone there can control eyes and lets them see what that person sees." Then the red haired kid said "Do you want revenge?" Itaka said "OF COURSE I DO!!!" The red haired kid then said "Oh? Well we need two people and a name to make a counter organization." Sawakori then came running but they all thought she was a threat so they went to attack which forced Itaka to yell "STOP DO NOT HURT HER!!!!" They all felt his anger and stopped in their tracks. Sawakori ran to Itaka and Itaka said "Don't worry Sawakori you're with me!" Then the red haired kid said "So will you join us to make the counter organization?" Itaka said "I'll think about it...."