
Wesley was standing on the pad, his mouth slightly agape as he stared at the screen above him that told him supposedly that his Framework had none of the Four Elements at all. When the first Zero had been shown for Life, he had still thought that something might be possible. After all, he could have been balanced in the other three remaining Elements, or something to that effect. But when it showed that Death too was at Zero, he had no idea what that could mean.

"What in the heck is going on?" he heard the tech say behind him, and he turned around to glance at the man, confusion on his features. "I wonder if we've got another one on the fritz? It worked just a second ago..." he spoke. The tech scratched his head, before making a gesture toward Wes. "Hey, you want to try and step on one of the other ones there? Maybe that one's having an issue too? I can't imagine that's the case, but I've never seen that before."

From where the group of four stood that had already determined their Frameworks, Jay was looking on with some confusion at his brother. They were both from the same parents, right? Even if they weren't, getting a zero percent in all four categories was almost unheard of. If he had a one hundred percent in Space at the end, he wouldn't have believed it, with how his brother acted, but at least that would make sense as for as his Framework in general. "Yeah- maybe I was just so awesome that I caused an issue with that one."

Despite himself, Wes tried to force a smile, and to show some amusement at the situation. "Yeah. Maybe I should try Sasha's," he called, stepping off of the one that Jay had been on before, and moving over to the platform that Sasha had been standing on before.

"Wesley if you're insinuating that I'm somehow not up to par, I'm going to break your arm," Sasha spoke, pointing a finger at the young man as he moved to her platform. "Just do the stupid test again, get your Framework, and then we can finally move on from this dark warehouse and go somewhere interesting." The girl's arms were crossed over her chest, and it seemed that she was more than a little annoyed at the moment- but it was difficult to tell where that annoyance was directed at.

Wes merely smiled at her, not saying anything, before the smile fell from his features. He had made it to the platform that she'd been using. "All right. Let's see it." He heard the tech start to press a few buttons on his system, and before long, that skull-rattling thrumming sound started to emanate from the working devices once more, and Wes' vision started to shake with the power of the vibrations that were assaulting him.

Trepidation in his heart, his gaze slowly shifted up to the screen once more, curious on if he would see a different result, or if it was going to be exactly the same.

Life: 0% | Death: 0% | Time: 0% | Space: 0%

Code: 00L00D00T00D

The calculations processed in the same way they had before, showing that Wesley had no Elements in his Framework at all. Which, of course, had been impossible up until today. Each person was formed of the Four Elements- it determined their personality, their ability, and even, as they had discovered from Gustave, who they would prefer as allies. And for it to show Wesley that he had none at all... this hadn't been seen before.

"I don't understand it," the tech spoke, frowning as he leaned forward, peering at the screen that he had, which showed the same result as what Wesley was looking at. "There's got to be some sort of mistake. Maybe a malfunction?" he asked, scratching at his head again as he peered down at the systems. "I've been running these for almost ten years and I've never seen it act like this."

From down below, Theodore cleared his throat, and the others all turned to look at him. " is a system...limitation?" he asked, looking at the group. "Could it be...Wesley has hundred percent rating... and the system simply...cannot process it?" he inquired, his hands moving this way and that as he spoke, as if he were trying to put the words together in some format that would be communicable to others. It was almost as if he were attempting to manually adjust the words in a way that the others would understand.

"Yeah! When's the last time we've seen someone with a Pure Element?" Evie asked, bouncing slightly. "That was before we used these, right? They had to do the old test!" she called out, waving her hands over her head. "So maybe it just can't read a Pure Element, and you guys need to fix it!"

The technician frowned, looking down at the systems that he had, when the front door opened, and the visage of Major Ellen made its presence known in the area. "What is the delay?" she asked curtly, not even bothering to ask if there was a problem but instead directly asking about the source of what was taking them so long.

"Major, we have a slight problem," the Tech spoke, looking at the woman, and at that, the door shut immediately, the sound of her boots on the cement floor approaching filling the room as she crossed the distance between them.

"What exactly seems to be the problem, Engineer Derek?" she asked, the woman asked, standing at attention, folding her arms behind her. The man didn't respond verbally, but instead simply gestured to where Wes still stood, showing the string of zeroes where his Elemental Framework should have been spelled out in full. The Major turned, looking at the screen for a moment as an unreadable expression moved across her face for a moment, before her gaze dropped down to look at Wesley. "I see."

Wesley wasn't feeling panic, necessarily, but he did feel a little bit off, as if he were a bug being examined under a microscope. His four allies, the Technician, and now the Major were all staring at him as if he were some sort of curiosity. Jay and Sasha, who had known him the longest, didn't seem to be too put off, even if the numbers were quite... strange. Their expressions were a bit comforting as opposed to the others'. Granted, Evie was just grinning like a fox, but he had come to understand that to be her default expression, so he wasn't so sure about what she was actually thinking.

"Have you yet Activated their Framework?" Ellen asked, looking to the tech, who shook his head. "Very well. Log him as an Even Split, and Activate the five of them. Activate the other four first, so we can determine their abilities. I wish to survey his Activation personally," she spoke, nodding to where Wesley stood, the young man swallowing slightly in response. "Step down. Your allies will go first."

Wes nodded numbly, not sure what else to do in that instance as he began to step down off of the pad he'd been on, before making his way back over to where the other four were. "Sorry I ruined everything," he spoke, a small (albeit forced) smile on his features.

"Dude, you're fine. I always knew you were weird but this is awesome. You're throwing a whole wrench into how everything works," Jay spoke, smacking his brother on the shoulder several times in his amusement.

As he went for a fourth one, Sasha grabbed Jay's hand, her gaze narrowed at him. "You're not helping," she spoke simply, before releasing it and beginning to make her way toward where she had been standing before. "Hurry up," she called over her shoulder to Jay, and the larger fellow hesitated before he began to move, giving his brother a grin and a thumbs up as he moved to his pad as well, leaving Wesley standing alone next to the Major.

"Are you aware of anything unusual in your past or in your ability that would cause such a reading?" she asked him directly, and Wes shook his head.

"No idea. Jay and I are twins. Fraternal, but still," he spoke, indicating the larger fellow. "I just figured I took after my dad. He's an Even Split too," he spoke, giving a slight shrug in response, doing his best not to let the current situation bother him. But all the same, he was finding it harder and harder to keep a lid on it. "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, looking back at the woman.

She didn't respond, merely staring straight ahead at the others as the process to Activate their Frameworks started. Wesley frowned, before he turned his gaze to look at them as well. He could feel trepidation starting to trickle down his spine, and while he knew there was little that he could do to rectify the situation... at least he could see what his allies would be bringing to their group.

Once more he looked to his brother first, watching the screen as the thrumming sound echoed out in the chamber once more, resonating with immense power as words began to scroll onto the screen for him.

08L46D41T05S Activation

Death Skills: High Impact, Shatterpoint

Time Skills: Restoration(Self Only), Acceleration(Increase Only, Self Only)

Tier: One

Wes didn't know what those meant, although he could guess at their meanings. High Impact was likely a physical talent, and Acceleration would affect his brother's speed. Restoration seemed to be something he could use to heal with...but he had no idea what Shatterpoint would be. Breaking things, perhaps? Rather than wonder on it too long, he looked to Sasha's screen.

15L32D03T50S Activation

Death Skills: Venomtouch

Space Skills: Force Shield(Large), Teleport(Self Only), Distance(Increase Only)

Tier: One

These were about as clear as what he had seen from his brother. He knew there were some who had Death Frameworks that were specialized in Poison, and she got a cut of that. She was also able to create shields and teleport herself, although he didn't quite know what the 'Distance' skill was. He had an idea already of what Theodore would have, but nonetheless, he wanted to see it listed.

44L11D38T07S Activation

Life Skills: Restoration(Medium Area), Earthshape(Medium Area)

Time Skills: High Restoration(Others Only), Acceleration(Decrease Only, Others Only)

Tier: One

Ted's were a bit easier to figure out, given that he'd seen some of the others. It seemed that if nothing else, Ted was going to be somewhat supportive... which made sense, given his high areas in both Life and Time, although he knew that any one of them could be used for offense. Curiosity couldn't stop him from looking to Evie's last, wanting to know what she could do.

41L22D00T37S Activation

Life Skills: Summon(Many, Weak), Summon (One, Strong)

Death Skills: Weaken(Others Only)

Space Skills: Teleport (Others Only)

Tier: One

That was... a weird set. Summoning wasn't extremely common, which gave her some unique abilities, but also she had ones from three different types. That was odd too. He wanted to know what each of them could really do, if given the chance.

He had also noted that they were all at Tier One, which was to be expected. It wasn't like there were very many Tier Two or Tier Three Soldiers moving around. However, he did also realize that with the four of them Activated... it was now his turn. The four of them came back to where he stood, looking more than a little giddy at what they'd seen on the screens, animatedly talking with one another about them before they saw Wes, and all four couldn't help but to gush at him all at once.

"You're going to get something awesome, dude!"

"Don't show me up, Wesley."

"I am...interested to see...your results."

"Do something cool! Don't be lame!"

He couldn't help but to smile at them, lifting his hands in defense, before the Major set her hand on his shoulder, and all the good cheer faded. "Now. Get in," she spoke, and he nodded. He stepped forward, his heart hammering in his chest as he did so. He could feel the acid roiling around in his stomach, jumping up his throat now and then before he finally came to a stop, shaking slightly. The resonating sound began to build...and he swallowed, staring at the screen...