Void Element?

As the whirring sound began to escalate, Wesley could feel the platform beneath him shuddering slightly, as if the parts on the inside weren't able to keep up with what it needed to do. All the same, that resonant sound filled his ears and washed over his body, rushing over his arms and legs as it wrapped around him like a glove. Inside of him, deep in his core, he could feel something starting to move. It was difficult to describe, but it was as if there were a flower inside of him, and that flower was steadily blossoming at rapid rate within him.

He could feel his insides starting to writhe a little, and while it didn't hurt, necessarily, it felt as if there was a great deal of pressure inside of him threatening to burst outward. And then, just when he felt that things were going to go past that line of 'discomfort' into 'pain,' words started to appear on the screen, and the young man's eyes widened as the system was able to decipher whatever it was that his Framework was made up of.

00L00D00T00S Activation

Void Skills: Devour Energy (Others Only), Process Energy (Self and Others), Element Emulation (Self Only)

Tier: One

Wesley looked up at the screen with an arched brow. "Void...skills?" he asked out loud, before looking over toward the Major, as if she might be able to shed some light on the situation. "Have you seen that before?" he continued, before he hastily saluted as well. He knew that he wasn't technically a Soldier yet, but all the same, they were going to be, and so he might as well start off on the right foot.

The woman was peering at the screen with interest, and so too were his allies. "No. No I have not." Her words came slow, as if she were piecing her thoughts together, trawling through her mind for each and every word. "But the system seems to recognize it. On that front, I'm not going to question it. The five of you, carry on as normal." She turned stiffly to the tech, who was still looking absolutely bewildered by the whole thing. "Engineer Derek, get them over to the battle test- we're already behind schedule."

He blinked, before saluting, which the woman promptly returned before she began to head toward the front door again, and he made a gesture for the group of five new Soldiers to step closer.. "It'll take a few minutes for your Frameworks to fully Awaken. Until that time comes, go through this side door here," he spoke, pressing a button on his machine, which caused a door set into the wall not far from the machinery to open, a much brighter light coming from inside spilling out from the opening. "There's a practice area though there. Go on and see what your Skills will do, and when the light over the other door turns green, step on through."

Wesley was still reeling from the information that he had seen on that screen, not entirely sure what it meant. Devour Energy... well, it made sense to him to an extent, but the actual effects of what it would entail were somewhat lost on him. The same thing went for Process Energy. He assumed it was the energy that he had previously Devoured, but that was something to figure out as he went. Elemental Emulation was another weird one, but he guessed he could do things similar to the other Elements? Wouldn't that make it that the best Skill on its own?

"Hey." Wes blinked, coming out of his reverie as he saw his brother standing just in front of him, with Sasha standing nearby. "All's good, bro. Whatever power you got, we'll back you up. Who cares if it's not one of the Four Elements? As long as you can use it to defend your home, that's what matters," Jay spoke, sharing a grin with his brother.

"Yeah," Wesley spoke, exhaustion creeping into his words. Seeing the 'Zero Percent' in all Four Elements had rattled him more than he'd expected, and (at least for the moment) right now he was no longer concerned with avenging his parents or fighting against the Beasts... he just wanted to lay down for a little while, and let his mind recover from everything. "Thanks, Jay," he returned, giving his brother a small nod, before he looked at Sasha. "What, you have some inspiring words for me too?" he asked, a small smile on his features.

"I was just going to tell you that I don't care what weird shit you have, Wes, that I'm always going to stay one step ahead of you," she spoke, before she exhaled, looking away from him a little. "But I guess it's good that you were able to get something out of your Framework, so you can stay with us." She paused, then looked back at him, a red flush starting to form on her high cheekbones. "But that's just so we didn't have to deal with some other new person. I already have to deal with two," she spoke, before moving to storm off toward the door, with Jay following along after her.

Wes fell into step with the two new recruits then, glancing at Evie and Theodore both. "I hope that I'm not too weird for the two of you?" he asked, mostly just wanting to make sure that there wouldn't be any issues between them if they had to ally in a fight against Beasts at any point. From their history classes, they had been taught that one of the main reasons Humanity was on the defensive was due to the fact that the various nations from before the current hellscape they were in now didn't trust one another.

Space Frameworks accused Life Frameworks of summoning the creatures, and Death Frameworks blamed Time Frameworks for using the creatures as a reason not to have to do anything- the absurd nature of it all only made it that much more tragic that such things had led to the downfall of humanity.

"What? No way! I think it's super cool! You're like a mysterious stranger, with your had pulled down low over your eyes. You ride up on your horse and say something deep and thought-provoking, and then-" Evie began, beginning to get pulled into the story that she was telling before she was brought back to reality when Theodore set his hand on her shoulder. "Teddy! I was just getting to the good part!" she exclaimed with a small frown, the first time that Wes had ever seen that on her face.

Theodore pat her shoulder once before he released it, looking up to Wesley. "Not at all... if nothing else... I think it's very interesting," he spoke, the corners of his mouth quirking upward into a small smile. "I have to thank you for giving me the opportunity to witness what you can do in action," he continued, even as Evie sulked nearby.

Wes looked down to his hands then, as if he expected energy to just come shooting up out of it. "Thanks, I think. I just don't know what I can even do yet. But I guess... I can try," he spoke as he looked up, realizing they were nearly at the door into the training area. The light coming out was a little too bright for his taste, but as they started to go through, he heard the sounds of another group starting to come in. It seemed the military were trying to push this as soon as they could.

Within the room, Wes had just shut the door behind them when he looked up to see his brother darting around the room. There was a large open area with a few heavy duty training dummies set into the ground, and Jay was currently moving in between the heavy bags and back again, and each time he did so, it was faster than the time before. He wasn't quite vanishing from sight, but the speed he was showing was bordering on ridiculous.

At least until a faint, translucent projection appeared in between the open area and the dummies as Jay darted back toward them before slamming into the wall and crashing to the floor, causing the other four to erupt into laughter. "Well, I guess my Forceshield works," Sasha said with a smirk. "I didn't think it come together that fast. You all right, Jay?"

"The bruise on my pride is bigger than the one on my head," he called as he stood up, using one of the dummies for support. "But- what in the hell?" he called as he pointed toward the corner of the room, where Evie stood. Just behind her was a large, puppet-looking thing with what looked like wild dark hair atop its head. Its face simply bore two large holes for its eyes, and the whole thing was covered by a cloak, which settled just above where its ankles would be.

As she looked up, Evie cheered, hugging the giant, bizarre-looking puppet. "This will be Mr. Woodhead!" she exclaimed, before she set a hand on the puppet, who suddenly appeared on the other side of the room. "And look! He can teleport like Sassy Sasha!"

Wes glanced down at his own hands as everyone began to chatter about their Skills (with Theodore also helping to heal Jay's bruise on his forehead), he could feel something forming there, and a faint grey outline swept up around his palms. He could hear conversation starting to end as the others noticed as well, and Wes' gaze lifted to the four of them. "Who wants to take one for the team?" he asked, reaching out his hand toward them.