A New Home

"Each group of five will be assigned an area that they will call home. It will have very little in tnhhe way of accomodations, but you are free to make any changes to it that you wish to. We will be passing out the lot information to each group. Once you have received yours, you are dismissed for the day. Training will begin at six a.m. Be sure to be awake and ready. Each delay will cause more training for everyone else."

The woman pulled her arms back together, folding them behind her as she stood tall at attention, and there were several other Soldiers that had long-since passed training coming about, each of them holding onto several slips of paper that were gradually being passed out to those around, and soon, one of them approached their group. "Here you are," the woman spoke pleasantly, handing Jay the slip of paper with a slight wink as she moved past to the next group.

"Thirty-Seven C," he spoke with a slight frown as he looked up at the others. "I got no idea where that is," he spoke, glancing over to the open area a short distance away, where some of the other teams that had receieved theirs started to migrate.

As he wore the expression of confusion, Evie hopped up and grasped the paper, yanking it from his hands. "C'mon, I thought you were a Death Framework! No think, just do!" she called, before running forward to where the others were headed, laughing wildly as she did so.

"Is she always like that?" Sasha asked with a frown, glancing toward Theodore.

He nodded slowly. "As long as I've known her."

"Ugh. How exhausting," the other girl spoke before she began to move forward, pausing momentarily to glance at the others. "Are we going or what?"

Wes nodded, clapping his brother on the shoulder as he began to move along as well, his mind elsewhere. Major Ellen had indicated that there was a chance that even if they hadn't finished training that they'd still be called upon to fight the Beasts if it was warranted. He couldn't help but to hope that was the case... and sooner, rather than later.

Of course, they were a free source of Elemental Frameworks for his Devour Elements Skill, and that was one main reason why he wanted to see about going up against them... but more than that, he still wanted revenge for his parents. The thought of their deaths had never left him, and he could feel the anger, even now building behind his eyes. His pulse quickened and he could feel the frustrations starting to rail against his mind for a moment.

That sudden anger and need to act on it as strongly as he felt it was new... and he paused for a moment, a sudden feeling washing over him as he paused in his footsteps, glancing back at his brother and Sasha. She was already up ahead and didn't really see him stop, but Jay did, and set a hand on his shoulder. "You okay, man?" the fellow asked, concern on his features a bit.

"Yeah. I think. I don't really know," Wes responded, before he shook his head. "I'll talk about it later. We need to get going."

Jay's hand on Wes' shoulder held for a moment before Wesley pulled away, and Jay frowned, watching him go. But he didn't let it linger and moved to follow along afterward, not voicing his thoughts.

It didn't take long before they found the 37C site that they had been given, and as they arrived, Evie and Mr. Woodhead were already present. They were looking around at the various tent implements and such that were present, a frown on Evie's face as the rest of the group began to arrive. "What took you guys so long?"

"Sorry. Just taking our time, dude," Jay responded with a light grin, before his gaze flickered to the materials that were scattered about. "Is this seriously all we have to work with? We gotta sleep in tents and shit on the ground?" he asked aloud, the grin fading into a frown. "Man we used to at least have an apartment. This is a serious downgrade."

Sasha tossed her hair then in annoyance, her hands setting on her hips. "I am /so/ not sleeping on the ground," she spoke, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at the area, noting that the other groups were in a similar state, with many of them looking at one another in some confusion as far as how they were to put the tents together.

Most of the new Soldiers here weren't used to roughing it at all. In fact, the vast majority of them were either from homes that were far away from the Wall, where people lived in a relative luxury, or they were like Wes and Jay, living in the government-provided tenement buildings. They weren't at all nice to live in, but they were four walls and a roof with heating and food. Right now, all they had were a number of tent poles and some fabric which Wes assumed was supposed to be the tent.

"Anyone have any experience in setting up tents?" Wesley asked, glancing at the others, ignoring Sasha's own annoyed look at the tent as if it had done something to personally offend her and her entire family. "Evie, you got any ideas? Mr. Woodhead at least has one of the tent poles. At least I think that's a tent pole."

"Nope! No idea! We're just kind of trying to figure this out as we go," the girl spoke, giving a wide grin as she pointed over toward the giant puppet who was carrying the pole. "I just ordered him to put the tent together, but I don't think he has any idea either," the girl spoke, before throwing both hands up in the air with a wild grin. "What a dummy!"

The joke lingered in the air for a moment before a snort of laughter was heard, coming from Sasha. "What? It was funny," the girl responded when the others cast a glance at her. "Sorry you idiots don't know good humor when you hear it."

Wesley exhaled slowly, before he looked at Theodore. "You've got a lot of random knowledge. Any ideas on how to setup a tent?"

Of course, Ted had been studying the pieces, and was starting to figure out a basic idea for it, when Wes had asked. "I believe I... understand the basics."

"Hey," Jay suddenly spoke, and the others turned to face him with some curiosity- it wasn't often that Jay was offering an opinion into something, especially when he didn't have much stake in the conversation as a whole. The Time Framework in him tended to make him basically check out of any conversation where his interest wasn't immediately front and center. It was just kind of how things worked with him, and so to hear him suddenly voicing a thought either meant one of two things. One, he was weirdly interested in the idea of setting up a tent or camping... or two, he had an idea related to it. "Can't we just get Ted to hook us up, dudes?"

There was a slight pause from the other four as they tried to follow through with what Jay was trying to say, but it seemed that whatever it was had been lost upon them. "Dudes, seriously? Okay. I can't be the only one with this idea. I know Ted was playing with his Restoration Skills before... but did you all forget he had that other one too? Earth...something. Move?"

"Earthshape..." Ted spoke, the man responding now as he realized what Jay was now getting at. "They... did say we could do... as we wished with our plot of land..." he commented, before he glanced to Evie. "Have...Mr. Woodhead remove... the tent."

Evie blinked, but did as requested, with Mr. Woodhead gathering all of the parts of the tent before it hauled them off of the main area. The area they had wasn't supremely large, but it was big enough to create something that would be able to provide shelter for them all. Ted glanced at the ground before he knelt down, pressing his hand against the ground for a moment as if he were beginning to test and see what the ground was made of before he started.

"I will... apologize in advance... for any crudeness. Construction is not... my specialty." As soon as he said thsoe words, the ground began to break apart and change as it swarmed together, forming a slight pit where they were located. The dirt, rocks and clay swarmed together, before forming several small buildings that weren't anything to write home about... but they looked solid.

Each one was sort of a rounded structure, with an opening that would function as a door, and a pair of smaller holes that would work as windows. Within were little more than raised platforms on the ground which were probably supposed to be beds.

"It looks like a screaming face," Wesley commented with a small frown as he looked at the building, before he glanced to Ted, who merely shrugged.

"I'm using the tent to make an actual bed," Sasha spoke as she grasped ahold of the tent parts, before beginning to haul them toward the building that she was apparently claiming as hers.

Before Wes (or the others) could object, a voice rang out from atop the outer area that led down into the little pit where their 'houses' were formed. "Well how about that- the losers got themselves an Earthshaper. You don't need your tents then. Give them to us."