
The sound of the voice from up above caused all five of the group to look upward toward the upper edges of the depression that they were now in. The call came from someone who had a rather full of themselves opinion, and Wesley frowned as he looked up the hill to see a young man, likely the same age as all of them, standing with his arms over his chest. His features were smooth and chiseled, and his bright blonde hair had a few streaks of black in it, which meant that he was very likely near the wealthier sides of Haven, if he ahd the money to afford such cosmetic things.

"We're not going to give you anything," Wes responded evenly, feeling a low pulse in his ears. Not that he particularly wanted to do battle with someone, but at the moment, he felt that strange need to just go and do something once more. It was a different sort of feeling, and he could feel the impulsiveness chomping at the bit within him. "Just go back to your own camp."

At that, the young man atop the hill laughed, glancing over his shoulder to one of his allies. "You hear that, John? He's not going to give us anything." As he called, another one started to make their way forward. His skin had a coppery tint to it, much like his eyes, and his dark hair hung in long strands down his upper back. "Johnny here is a Tier Two. So unless you want to have him come down there and teach you all a thing or three, you'll hand over your tents."

"We're not scared of you, so you can just go suck on a lemon!" Evie called, sticking out her tongue at the pair of them at the top of the hill. She scurried up the back of Mr. Woodhead, the giant puppet looking at the pair of them with the blank, empty expression on its face as it did so.

John's eyes narrowed, and he charged down toward the group, as if he were going to attack them, but slid to a stop at the bottom of the slight ravine. "I don't want to fight amongst ourselves," he spoke, his deep voice even and without much waver. "If we have the choice, I would prefer if you simply hand them over directly. I would like to keep my strength for the Beasts and not our allies."

"Then if we're allies, why attack us at all, dude? Just go back up to your friend and you guys head back." Jay had come forward a bit at this point. "I don't really care if you're a Tier Two or not, guy. I just want to get through our first day without anything getting too crazy, y'know?" he spoke, folding his arms over his chest.

John seemed to pause, at that, glancing over his shoulder. "Andrew, I don't know if we need to be pressuring them," he spoke, clearly not wanting to get into any altercation with the group.

Above, Andrew sneered, as if having expected that the group would fold when presented with the Tier Two. But they were still just fussing out at him as if they were something to be feared. "You worms took forever in the battle practice today. Our team was done in about ten minutes and you took nearly three hours! I don't care who you think you are, that's trash, right there. So why don't you trash do as you're told and give up your tents? I'm sure everyone would be a lot happier."

Wesley's hand darted out, instinctively catching onto Sasha's wrist, the brunette's golden eyes flashing in annoyance. "I'd be a lot happier if he was choking on his own blood," the woman hissed, her jaw set. "I'm using them. He can go eat shit and die."

The other four, of course, hadn't had time to talk with Sasha over perhaps dividing up what they had and each of them using some of the material from the tents, but all the same, with her having claimed them for herself, she was clearly quite pissed off at the of someone else taking them. "We'll just talk him down a bit, Sasha," Wesley spoke, his own jaw set a little with these two pissing him off. John almost moreso because he was just taking orders from the other guy even if he was a Tier Two, and presumably that Andrew guy wasn't.

John frowned, looking back from Andrew down toward the five of them that had gathered and seemingly not at all bothered by the fact that he might be entering into a five-on-one here in just a moment if he kept pushing his luck. "There is no way that I can get you to surrender it peacefully?" he asked, looking to them. "I do not wish to fight."

"Then don't, dude. What's that douchebag Andrew got on you anyway?" Jay responded, his fists starting to raise up as he took on a defensive fighting stance. "Just tell him to screw off, man."

"That I cannot do," John spoke as he began to spread his feet into a wide stance. He moved both hands forward and as he did so, a pair of wolves began to appear behind him, not unlike Mr. Woodhead. "Do not wound- simply take their things," he spoke to the pair of creatures which gave a low, rumbling growl of assent before they began to move forward towards the group.

Wesley's mouth twisted into a frown. This isn't how he wanted to have his first night here at all. At the very least, it might at least give them some renown if they could put a stop to this Tier Two fellow right here and now. "Ted!" he called out immediately as soon as the two Summoned wolves started to come forward, and immediately their footsteps slowed down as the reduced speed effect from Ted's Skill took root.

He glanced to Jay before both siblings shot forward, one going toward each one of the wolves. Of course, Mr. Woodhead came in following Wes, given the fact that he wasn't able to use any Time Framework skills, which meant no on Acceleration. As he drew close to the wolf, he felt his Death Framework that he'd acquired pounding in his ears and threw a fist out, aiming to use the full power of his High Impact that he'd gotten to send the wolf packing.

But as his fist moved forward, the wolf just vanished, and he heard its steps behind him. "What?" he asked, turning quickly to see what was happening. John hadn't been anywhere near the Wolf, and yet he could still Teleport it? Dammit- he didn't realize that was even possible. Sasha could teleport herself, and Evie could teleport others as long as she was touching them but to do it at range? That was even more ridiculous than he'd thought.

The other wolf wasn't quick enough- Jay was faster than Wes was, now, and he managed to sock the wolf right in the jaw, snapping its head to the side with a single powerful blow. The entire body of the creature crashed to the ground from the force behind it, and Jay was already making a beeline for John as well. "Sorry about this, dude!" he called as he pulled his fist back.

Wind gathered around his fist as he thrust it forward, aiming to blow right through John's guard with all that he had, but the copper-skinned fellow threw out his own arm as well. His palm open, he let Jay's fist crash into it, and he stopped it cold. There was a sudden calm between the pair before a blast of wind erupted out- the two powerful forces clashing for a brief moment.

"Tch... what the hell," John spoke, showing some emotion for the first time as he looked at his own palm. "That's one hell of a punch."

Jay, on the other hand, had darted back away as soon as the blow hadn't succeeded. If John was strong enough to stop his attack, who knew how strong he'd be on the attack. "I don't just rely on my Skills, you know," he called back, mostly just trying to keep the man's attention on himself.

John did, in fact, miss Evie creeping forward, and the girl set a hand on his side. He blinked, looking down as she gave him a wide grin before he vanished from sight. "What goes up must come down!" the girl cheered, throwing her hands up in the air in her own excitement as John appeared in the air a few dozen feet above them all.

He fell for a few seconds, before he vanished once more, appearing in front of Evie, the man standing tall over the girl. "That was unfair," he said simply, as if his own ability to teleport wasn't considered to be such.

"All right, that's enough of that shit!" Sasha's voice called out, the woman standing with her hand up around Andrew's throat, the girl's normally radiant skin purple and corroded with her Venomtouch Skill. "Back off," she hissed, staring directly at John.