Plans and Planning

"I seriously cannot believe he made you run laps for just showing that arrogant little shithead up," Sasha commented, the girl spearing some of the food on her plate aggressively with her fork. "You'd think that they would have praised you for doing a good job, or like, I don't know. Something," the girl spoke, looking a little more annoyed than usual as she shoved the food into her mouth, chewing it aggressively.

Evie grinned, throwing her hands up wide at Sasha's words. "She looks a lot more mad about this than you do, Wes!" she called, the girl's irrepressible mood something that, at least, was helping them all feel a little bit better at the moment. "Maybe you should've tried getting mad at the teacher. Pow pow!" she called, mimicking a few punches back and forth.

"Nah dude. I don't think that woulda gone over well," Jay commented, leaning back a little. "He's a Tier Two Death Specialist. That would've whipped all of our collective asses pretty easily," the man grunted, looking at his brother. "Besides, we got to run a bit and that was good- it wasn't like there was a lot of things taught today. Mostly just the basics."

Wes nodded. "Yeah. There were a few things that I didn't know, but for the most part, it felt like all pretty basic information. What about you, Ted? You learn anything?" Wes asked, glancing over at the fellow, who had remained mostly quiet up until this point.

Slowly, Theodore shook his head. "No. The information given... was very surface level... nothing new was learned..." he murmured. "I do hope that there... is more to be learned..." he spoke after a moment, giving a small breath as he paused to get a drink of water. "But I do hope that... we learn what needs to be done... against the Ignotus."

It wasn't often that someone used the official term for the Beasts, and it took Wes a half-second to actually remember that was their actual name. "Yeah that's about what I figured. It just seems weird to keep all of us in classes when it seems like there's all this combat going on at The Wall."

"You're such a glutton for fighting, Wes," Sasha spoke, pointing her fork directly at him, almost like a weapon. "They don't want us to get killed out there. You know, like we almost did earlier today," she muttered, shaking her head. "They're investing time and resources and all that into us so we don't go out and get our heads taken off in the first engagement we get into. Do you ever stop and think or do you just go and do?"

At that, Jay snorted, grinning slightly as he nudged his brother. "C'mon, Sash. You know Wes is the one to act before he thinks about it. How much trouble have we gotten in over the years because of him going off and getting into trouble when he should've just stopped and thought for a second?" Wesley didn't comment, merely grunting in response to the words. "He thinks too quick on his feet for his own good."

Conversation lulled a bit after that, with food becoming the main focus, the dinner meal becoming a way for them to recover the energy spent throughout the day. It wasn't until Evie piped up again then, that conversation took a sudden shift.

"So, did they say why the Beast was in the City? Anyone hear anything about that?" she asked, looking wide-eyed at the rest of the group. "There were a few people talking about it here and there but I couldn't get close enough to really hear what they were saying. Everyone being all hush hush."

The group didn't respond at first- it was hard to come up with a response to that when everyone new so little. But it was Theodore who answered first, with a small shake of his head. "I do not know. There were... possibilities... but nothing has... been investigated. But that does not... portend well... if they can get... inside," the man spoke, his tone low and wavering as it always was, even if his gaze flickered from Evie to the others as he spoke with a cold certainty.

"Yeah, nothin' here either, dude. It's like it just happened to be there outta nowhere. No one knew what the hell happened," Jay commented, frowning.

Sasha set down her fork at that, looking pointedly at Evie. "It's not like anyone's just going to come out and tell us, you know. Just because we were there doesn't mean anything. The Firebird died back then and that was kind of our fault because of it. Maybe it's just better to let those up top handle it because clearly we don't know what the hell we're doing."

Her bitter tone led another slight period of silence to fall over them, before Wes shook his head. "No way. I say we go back out there tonight. If the Beasts are getting into the City somehow through the Wall, we need to figure out how and why. Besides, if the Government isn't putting the resources into figuring out how, then we seriously need to at least find out what's going on."

"Woah woah woah, dude. We don't know that the Government isn't doing anything about this. All we figured out was that there wasn't anything happening yet or any announcements or whatever."

"Yeah, Wesley," Sasha spoke, purposefully drawing out his name, "we aren't going back out there with just us. We're going to get ourselves killed. Is that what you want?"

"I think it'll be fun!" Evie called out, pushing a hand up into the air in her excitement. "We should totally go!" the girl added with a wide grin. "C'mon Teddy- don't you want to know what's happening? There could be things to learn~!" the girl called out, and Theodore gave a small sound before he shifted a bit, pushing up his glasses before nodding slightly, looking at the girl. "All right! C'mon Cool Jay, Pretty Sasha!"

Jay snorted in amusement, shaking his head. "Wes, you know if you're going then I'm going to have to go and make sure you don't do something stupid, dude." He glanced at Sasha then, and the brown-haired beauty gave a scathing sigh.

"Fine. Someone has to keep you idiots alive," she muttered. She blinked then, looking up over Wesley's shoulder and narrowing her eyes, the scowl coming right back as if it had never left. "What in the hell are you doing here?" she snarled.