The Plan is Laid

Just behind where Wesley was sitting, the current target of Sasha's glare, stood John. The young man spread his hands, lifting them both as far as a form of defense against them, as multiple looks from the group all fell upon him, and he seemed as if he were rather uncomfortable with so many staring pairs of eyes. "I am simply here to talk. Although having overheard you, now I am curious on what your plans are for the upcoming evening."

At that, Wes immediately stood, the feelings of wanting to inflict some sort of harm on him for eavesdropping upon them. His hand clenched at his side, and he had to slowly, steadily release his anger at the thought. He was struggling with all of the imbalance going on in him right now from his Framework. Everything had always been balanced at zero.

Honestly that was part of the reason why he had thought he'd have an even split like his father, but that wasn't the case, it seemed like. He had just been evenly at zero in each one of the Frameworks, and now things had started to change quite rapidly for him. The question, of course, became whether or not he was going to be able to keep up that level of progress. "We aren't planning anything," he spoke evenly to John, his dark brown eyes meeting the similar color from the fellow standing opposite him.

"You aren't then? I suppose then what I heard isn't coming to pass at all? I only ask because I would hate for someone to find out about your plan that shouldn't know."

"Are you threatening us?" Sasha spoke, pointing at John. "You and your whole crew are just scum buckets, you know that?" she demanded, glaring at the man, the usual scowl upon the woman's features.

There was a long silence that followed, and a few other conversations nearby started to die down in response to the altercation that was beginning to brew between both sides here. Sensing this, Jay gave a small smile, patting the fellow on the shoulder. "Hey, dude. Take a seat. No need for you to stand up while we're all just talking and having a good time," he spoke, trying to hopefully get rid of some of those watching them.

John nodded at Jay before coming to take a seat nearby, on Wes' other side, opposite where Jay was sitting as he spread his hands. "Look, all I'm saying is that I'm on your side on this. I want to know what's going on out there and I need to be abel to get there. Worst case, I can go alone if I need to, but that's going to be a real dangerous adventure."

"You'd be fine! You're super cool!" Evie spoke, grinning widely as the girl began to finish up the rest of her food. "You've got teleporting and summons and healing and all sorts of stuff. No way you'd get beaten up."

"Unless he... came across... another Beast..." Theodore offered, the man looking up at the other with a small frown on his features. "I can understand... where he is coming from... in seeking allies. I imagine... your own team... did not wish to come?" the fellow spoke, his gaze flickering over to where the rest of the team sat, looking a little guilty as they talked quietly amongst themselves.

At this, John nodded. "That's about the long and the short of it, yeah. Most of them aren't exactly fond of having to go out and do something that could potentially get them killed. It's understandable, I guess, but I feel if there's something going on that is allowing the Beasts to come into the City, it should be addressed sooner, rather than later."

With this on the table, Wesley's shoulders visibly slackened as he let loose some of the tense nature that he had been feeling from John sticking his nose into their business as he had. "I just don't know if we should talk to someone first or if we should just go."

"Who the heck are we going to talk to? Gustave? You know he'd report us up in an instant. You can't trust that guy, Wes," Sasha spoke, frowning. "He's one of those wolves in sheep's clothing, I guarantee it."

Jay frowned at that, shaking his head. "I didn't think Gustave was all bad. Maybe a little bit too... relaxed on a lot of things, but I think he's a pretty good guy. But with that being said," Jay spoke, lifting a finger, "he would totally blow the whistle if we tried to let him know we were going out there, dude. You getting cold feet already?"

Wesley shook his head. "It's not that. I'm mostly just wondering if the Government is working on a solution that they just haven't communicated down to the rest of us. And if they are, if we go in there if we're going to mess something up," the young man spoke, giving a small glance at Jay. "But at the same time... I feel like they're still working on actually deciding on what to do. And while they're doing that-"

"There... are more coming through... into the city," Theodore spoke, and Wes nodded. "That is... a fair assessment. Perhaps expedience is... for the best."

John glanced from Wes to Theodore before nodding slightly. "So am I in, or no? Andrew's been busy all evening so I haven't been asked to do anything in particular. The rest of the group is probably just going to stay here, but if you guys are going, then count me in. I can help- you know what I can do."

Wes exhaled slowly. Having a Tier Two along would be extremely helpful. Looking at the others, they were all looking directly at him, as if letting him know that this was going to be his decision, and his alone. He looked back to John, nodding slowly. "All right. You're in. Come meet us at our camp an hour after the sun goes down."

"Don't make us regret this," Sasha spoke, glaring at John, who gave a glance over toward Wes and Jay.

"Is she always like this?"

"Yeah pretty much," Jay responded, earning a middle finger from Sasha as the girl stood, going to put her tray back.

John nodded. "If I don't show up, go on without me. That just means that Andrew came back and was demanding my attention for something," the man spoke, and there was the very real sense that John may not have been as absolutely dedicated to Andrew as he first appeared...