A Setting Sun Sets the Time

The rest of the day ahd passed with relatively little event. The day had basically ended at that point, and there was little else to do and a sort of 'free time' had fallen upon the students. That included Wesley and the others, even if he didn'te xactly feel 'free' knowing that the higher ups were all watching him. He hadn't voiced any of it to his allies yet, but he planned to out their outing.

He felt that it was relatively foolish to speak on such things that was supposed to remain a secret in the midst of the training grounds itself. There wasn't much reason to let that information be known amongst the general public. It made more sense to remain quiet and just keep his head down.

And so that's exactly what he did. If he one day had enough strength to be able to stand on his own against them, then perhaps he might actually be able to do what he wanted. But for now, it was best to play the game as it was in front of him and bide his time.

Besdies, aside from the fact that it had been mostly ineffectual up until this point in defending against the Beasts, Wesley had absolutely no reason to dislike the Government. They'd stepped in when he and Jay had lost their parents, had allowed them to continue living, and were now giving them a job to hunt and kill the very Beasts that had taken his family away from him.

He just wished he had the freedom to let out what he could do.

But the sun was dipping down toward the horizon line now as the group sat in a small circle around a fire that Wes had made with his fireshaping Skill. Or rather, his Elemental Emulation skill. As soon as the sun set, they had an hour to prepare before John showed up and they went on to try their hand at finding out whatever they needed to regarding the Beasts.

"So you learn to control that puppet of yours any better?" Jay asked, glancing over at Evie, who was currently playing with the weaker set of her Summoned creatures, the small puppets turning to look simultaneously at Jay.

Evie grinned back at him. "Yeah! Well these guys. Mr. Woodhead is very resistant to learning new tricks though. See, check this out!" she spoke as the three became translucent for a moment and then vanished. Evie exhaled slowly as she put her hands forward, and used her Summon skill again. As she did, the creatures began to form once more.

But this time, while they were still puppets, they were set up as four legged creatures rather than standing on two legs. Of course, they still had humanoid puppet heads which made them quite unsettling to look at. "See? Cool, right?" she spoke, reaching down to 'pet' the summoned creatures, clearly excited about her own progress that had been made.

"That is weird and creepy," Jay responded, earning a glare from the girl as she turned, sticking out her tongue at him. "Why do you have to make them keep their same heads, dude?"

She shook her head at that, the strawberry blonde ringlets dancing around her shoulders. "That part I haven't figured out yet. I'm still trying to figrue out exactly how to control them on a summon. I'm getting better at it though! It's just going to take a lot of practice before I can have them do some of the crazy stuff that Gustave's could do," she spoke, patting them on the head.

Wesley frowned as he looked at where Evie was still controlling her little dolls, making them move and dance to her whims. He kind of wanted to be able to practice the other parts of his abilities, but there wasn't anything that he could use Devour Energy on- at least not something that he would feel comfortable doing.

But more than that, he wanted to practice with the Energy Emulation Skill. There were a lot of options that were available from this- and he didn't know what else he could actually do. Gustave had mentioned that there was reading that he could do on all the Skills for each Framework, but he ahd been pushed around from here to there so much since he'd gotten through the first part that there just hadn't been any time to look them over.

"We're waiting another forty minutes and then we're heading out," Wes spoke quietly to the others, who nodded in turn to his words. "I've got some things I'm gonna want to talk to you all about while we're out there."

"What, things you can't talk about here?" Sasha asked, and at the nod from Wesley, she rolled her eyes. "Yeah okay, whatever. Everything has so many secrets here at this camp. At least we've got clothes now," she spoke, the young woman dressed in a rather tight-fitting black shirt and slacks. It showed off her generous curvature rather well, although like usual, the usual scowl upon her features tended to frighten away any would-be suitors.

At her words, Jay snorted in amusement. "You were the one who showed up to the training in a skirt. You should've come prepared," the man spoke, and Sasha responded with the middle finger, which was her usual response to such things that she didn't want to bother mustering up the energy to actually answer.

Evie was put into gales of laughter from the response, and Theodore too seemed a little more at ease with everyone now that hew as coming to get to know them all a little bit better. The young man hadn't really been one to deal with others very much, and so it was nice to be able to have those that he could count on as actual friends and allies if need be. "Do you... think that he will... arrive?" he asked, his soft voice nonetheless cutting through the quiet as he looked to Wesley.

"I don't know. I wasn't really on board with him coming along at first, but he made a few good points... and it would seriously help if he were going to come along with us. But like he said, if Andrew shows back up and needs him for something, then..."

"Andrew'd need help wiping after he took a shit," Sasha grunted, the young woman clearly not in the best of moods right now. "His high and mighty attitude pisses me off. And the fact that you got punished for putting him in his place pisses me off even more," the girl continued.

Wes lifted a hand in mock defense. "Chill, Sasha, it's fine. All right, let's go over the strategy again. If John's not here by the appointed time we'll just go," he spoke, before exhaling as the others leaned in for the planning talk once more.