The Flame of Life

The entire group felt like Wesley's suggestion on the answer to the riddle was correct. Fire seemed to encompass just about everything the riddle was trying to say. But in correlating his answer into an actual target, there was a little more resistance as Evie was insistent on there being something with an enormous bonfire somewhere.

In the end, Wes and Theodore's certainty on the matter was enough to sway everyone else and the group began to turn back toward the actual training camp itself.

Theodore used his Skill to Accelerate the group as a whole, and Wesley continued to use his Skill to Decrease Distance to shrink the path needed to walk from the group to their destination.

Between both of these, even though they were quite far away from the actual camp itself after everything, they were able to make it back relatively quickly. In just a few short moments, the buildings began to come back into view.

"All right dudes. It's this way," Jay spoke up, leading them toward where the Death Framework Class had taken place. As they came closer, it seemed they were not the first to discover the answer to the riddle as another group was already present to get their stamped meal tickets.

Evie's gaze looked around at those gathered, looking between the various young men and women who were waiting patiently in line, before she looked toward Theodore. "Teddy, I don't recognize most of these people from the other line. Maybe we did good?"

Theodore nodded slowly in response. "I think so..." he agreed quietly, his tone deep in thought- likely about the other two riddles. Currently, Wes had the paper flipped over and was muttering to himself regarding the other two that still remained. "Need two more answers..."

"We've got two of the four, right? It's not like we're going to starve, now," Sasha spoke, the woman shaking her head. "Besides, I don't know that anyone besides these two are going to be able to eat a four course meal every time," she muttered, gesturing to Wesley and Jay.

Jay grinned at her in response. "I've just got a wild appetite, dude. I can't do much about that," he spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. "I gotta eat when the hunger calls. It's why I'm hoping we manage to get all four."

Sasha looked like she was ready to respond, when the line of people had died down enough to show Instructor Faremont standing, the fellow looking as serious as he always did. "Man. I wonder if he knows what a joke is," she muttered under her breath.

"He looks as serious as you do, Sassy Sasha!" Evie cheered, and Sasha gave a small choking sound in the back of her throat at the thought of being compared to Faremont. "Neither of you like to smile!" she added, and Sasha's brow knitted in irritation, even if she bit her tongue to keep from snapping back.

Wesley's own thoughts were turned toward the riddle. Life and Time were the two riddles remaining, and while he had read over them a number of times, the fact that he was so tired was working against him. His brain felt like it was running on sludge.

Not to mention the conversations around him kept distracting him. He coudl feel some annoyance bubbling under his skin but he didn't give any voice to it, and instead tried to redouble that anger and irritation into focusing on this riddle, but he was having a hell of a time in doing so.

"Not having any luck, dude?" Jay asked his brother, and Wes glanced back at him, before shaking his head. "Damn. Well once we get this one, we can get out of the way and see if you and Ted are able to figure anything out. I already looked it over a couple times and I've got no idea."

Wes smirked slightly at his brother. "Don't worry about it. We'll figure one of them out soon enough, I'm sure. You don't need to worry about not getting to eat, Jay."

"Next!" Instructor Faremont's voice cut through the din of conversation, and it was then that the group realized that they actually were up next. Wes and Jay exchanged a glance before the group moved forward, beginning to present their meal tickets to Faremont.

As he saw the brothers, Faremont gave a small sound. "Looks like you're halfway there," he complimented as he stamped the tickets, pausing briefly at Sasha's. "I suppose it makes sense that you're part of their group," he murmured, glancing to the twins.

"Haha! You're all troublemakers!" Evie called out with a cheer, presenting her own ticket. "Naughty kids!" she added, before the rest of theirs were stamped, and the group was ushered along out of the way to make room for the rest.

Once they were off to the side on their own again, Wes glanced at Evie, a small smirk on his face. "Look, just remember that by associating with us, that makes you a trouble maker too," Wes commented, earning a scandalized gasp from Evie, the spritely girl raising her hands up to her face in shock.

"Hey hey, enough clowning around. What's our status on these last two riddles?" Jay asked, frowning. Per usual, once it was something that he actively cared about, he lost some of his good cheer and that Death Framework of his began to take a more active role, and he became more than a little touchy.

At that, Theodore cleared his throat, and the rest of them turned to look at the fellow, curious on what he had in mind. Whenever he spoke, the rest of the group listened, and this time was no different as he gave a small sound of thought.

"I may have... an idea. About the... Life riddle," he mused out loud. "I found an area... while going to the... Life Framework class..." He paused, as if talking so much were a strain on him, before he continued. "It seems to fit... the answer."

Wes glanced at the others. "I don't have any ideas on it. I'm all for checking out Theodore's answer," Wes spoke, and unanimous agreement came shortly thereafter, before the group immediately began to move toward where Theodore had directed them.


A short distance away, Andrew scowled. "It looks like they've got another one. Come on," he ordered. The others nodded, and Mason raised his hands, beginning to follow their group with his group Teleport Skill.

John looked on at them in quiet contemplation, but said nothing. So far, he hadn't revealed Wesley's secret... but it wasn't an easy one to keep.