A New Truth

Much like before, the group utilized their Skills to the best of their abilities, allowing them to traverse quite quickly, and while Theodore wasn't the quickest guide for directions, he was still the only one of them who had seen what was being talked about.

While they walked, Wesley was debating something internally with himself regarding the Lessons that were being taught. He understood that generally speaking, one who was a Twenty-Fiver would only go to two of them.

That was to ensure that they received enough focus and training in at least two of their preferred Elemental Frameworks so they wouldn't be a liability on the field. But with that thought in mind, Wesley wondered if there was a way for him to get in one of each.

It wouldn't be as effective as if he were focusing on two, and he understood that, but with the vast potential that his own unique Skills brought him... he felt as if he should certainly try to expand out as much as possible.

So deep in thought was he that the young man didn't realize that everyone else had come to a stop, and he very nearly crashed into Jay. "What? Are we here?" he asked, glancing to his brother, who shrugged in response.

"We are... close. But..." Theodore began, his words trailing off.

"But what?" Sasha demanded, turning to face him as she set a hand on her hip. "Why did you stop?"

Evie cracked a grin at that, giving a small spin before pointing behind them. "Teddy's trying to say that we're being followed!" the girl called with a grin.

Wesley, Jay and Sasha all startled slightly at the news before turning to look behind them, unable to see anyone coming up behind them. "Who is it?" Sasha demanded, looking at them. "How can you tell?"

"It's just kind of a sixth sense! Like eyeballs on your tongue!" Evie cheered, which caused Sasha to frown immediately, whereas Jay cracked up laughing.

Wes sighed. "That's just combining two senses. But regardless," he continued, not wanting to get too far off track, "you're sure that we're being followed?" he asked, looking to the two of them.

Theodore nodded. "I am."

"What's the big deal?" Sasha piped up, looking to the others. "You act like we haven't been following other people too. So what if they're following us? As long as we get there first, then that's what matters, right?"

Wes blinked. He had been a little aghast at the idea of being followed, but when Sasha put it that way... it wasn't like there was any penalty or harm for letting others follow along. "Yeah. I guess that makes sense," he agreed.

"What do you mean, 'you guess' it makes sense? Of course it does," Sasha demanded, pressing a finger against his chest. "Look, I'm more in favor of just telling whoever it is to come along. These Government jerks have been leading us around by our nose since we got here. It's bullshit."

Jay frowned at that, before reaching a hand out toward Sasha, who predictably slapped his hand away. "Look, Sash. It's all good. You're right, dude. Let's just carry on and if the people behind us follow along, then they follow. It's whatever."

Sasha's own glare moved from Jay to the ground, a faint indignant flush appearing on her face before she turned to glance at Theodore. "Okay then. Let's keep it going," Sasha said, making a gesture toward him to keep moving.

"All right. We are not... too far away," Ted spoke quietly, and the group nodded, beginning to move at his direction once more.

He led them a little ways past the other parts of the Training Camp, out to where the Life Specialists would do their training. But instead of going directly there, he took a slight detour, heading closer to what had once been a park in the city.

Lack of maintenance (and care) had caused it to become overgrown, but as they approached, there was still the sight of an enormous tree standing in the middle of it. "I think... this is it," Ted murmured as he looked toward the others.

"Geez, dude. How'd you wander off the path that far to find this?" Jay asked, scratching the back of his head. "Isn't the Lessons for the Life Framework like... way that way?" he asked.

Ted gave a single shrug of his shoulders. "I felt like... walking this way."

At that, Evie gave a giggle, throwing her arms around her friend's shoulders. "Teddy you're so weird! C'mon guys, let's go see if he's right!" she called, hopping along ahead of everyone else, and leaving them to follow along behind her.

The trees and vegetation were quite thick, but there seemed to be a trail blazed within, and while there wasn't a definite path set into the ground, Evie was able to pick up on trail that she claimed was obvious, leading the group further within.

This was now two things that Wesley had noticed about the pair of them that was odd (at least in the last few minutes). Neither of them were particularly normal, with Theodore's exceedingly slow manner of speech, and Evie being almost the exact opposite. Not to mention her vibrant personality which was honestly pretty odd amongst the other Soldiers here.

Of course, there were still people who were optimistic, but none of them were quite like Evie and her seemingly nonstop bottle of sunshine. It was refreshing and it helped them all to keep their morale up. Even Sasha seemed to have a hard time in shutting the girl down.

But the note of being followed had escaped him, his brother and Sasha, and now she was able to seemingly find a trail that none of the rest of them could see. He frowned slightly, scratching his head as they walked. "Hey Evie. Mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure! I mean, sure you can ask! Not sure I mind. I don't mind!" she clarified thrice, turning around to walk backwards, grinning at him all the while.

Wes couldn't help a small laugh at her antics, but he didn't let that sway him too far from his question. "I don't want to sound rude, but how do you and Ted know about this stuff? Like sensing when you're being followed, or being able to see the trail? Ted's been keeping an eye on it too- I've been watching him."

Theodore's gaze flickered over to Wesley, watching him for a moment... but Ted never spoke, instead turning his gaze back forward as the group approached a clearing where they could hear the chatter of others.

"Oh that? That's easy. We're from outside the Wall!"