Answers and Alarms

Wes, Jay and Sasha all froze at those words, each of them stopping in their tracks. Evie and Theodore moved on for a moment longer before realizing that they weren't being followed. "What's up?" Evie askied, looking back at them with some curiosity on her features.

"Okay, so you can't drop a bombshell like that and then not explain, dude," Jay spoke, the man's arms folded over his chest. "You're both from beyond the Wall? I didn't think there's anything out there but Beasts, man."

Evie glanced at Theodore who merely shrugged in response, before she turned back to face them. "I mean, there's not a whole lot out there. It's mostly just a biiiiig no man's land," Evie spoke as she began to spread her hands wider. "But the Beasts keep coming this way and leave us alone unless the town gets too big."

"We...came here... to help fight the Beasts," Ted spoke, looking from one to the other. "We are all... still on the... same side," the man finished.

"Yeah! Like Teddy said! We're all still here to beat up the Beasts and get back our lands and stuff! So what's it matter if we're from outside? We're all still people, y'know."

Sasha was the first to respond to them, the brown-haired woman crossing her arms over her chest. "Look, we're just surprised, that's all. I don't think any of us figured that there was anyone living outside of Haven."

"Which is... understandable," Theodore spoke quietly, giving a small nod.

"But still! That doesn't mean that we're the bad guys!" Evie insisted, her fists pumping in something between anger and desperation to not be exiled from this group.

At this, Wesley nodded as he moved forward toward the pair. "Not at all. You've seen first-hand what the Beasts can do to a civilization. If anything, you understand what we've all been through better than most of the people who live further inside the City Walls."

"Yeah, that's true," Jay added. "I don't really know what's going on outside the walls, but if there's people out there, then they're probably gonna need some help." Jay grinned. "So I'm on board with whatever you guys wanna do."

It was rather shocking to learn, regardless of their acceptance of the pair. Wesley had been taught his entire life that Haven was the last bastion for humanity, and that they were the last ones alive.

To think that there were people still living outside of the Wall was beyond crazy to think about. After the incident with the Beast inside the Wall, as well as the fact that there were Traitors on making it bigger... this was just starting to steadily ruin his confidence in the Government.

He frowned slightly as the thoughts came in, but he didn't have much time to focus on them. This was something to think about later... and discuss with everyone. It wasn't up to him to make that call, but there was some serious discomfort brewing in his stomach now.

"Anyway, we're not here to discuss who's from where or whatever," Sasha spoke, tossing her hair as she moved passed the rest of the group, headed a few steps deeper into the forest before she realized that she didn't actually know where to go. "Well, c'mon. Show us the path," she spoke, gesturing to both Evie and Theodore.

Evie grinned, skipping forward past the rest before she put her finger up to her lip for a moment as if in thought. "Looks like the trail... oh! I see," Evie suddenly called, and moved toward where things seemed to be opening up, the clearing becoming steadily more visible as she moved forward.

"You've got that murder glare on your face," Sasha noted as she fell into step beside Wesley, the pair moving to follow after Evie. "You going to ditch and go find a Beast to lose to?" she asked, smirking a bit.

Wesley blinked, glancing to her and shaking his head. "No, no. Maybe, but not right now," Wes answered, giving her a small smile. "I'm mostly just thinking about how so far we've been fed a lot of crap growing up. Not even growing up, just recently."

Sasha nodded, a fire growing in her eyes. "That's what I've been telling you. And I know you think that it's got to do with what happened, but all I'm saying is that it feels like everything is in a state of chaos, you know?" she demanded.

Wesley was about to answer her when there was a sudden call from up ahead and they were able to see some light coming in from above. The clearing opened up beneath that large tree, and it seemed that the undergrowth from the forest wasn't trespassing into it.

"I feel as if I shouldn't be too surprised to see the lot of you," the friendly voice of Gustave came from further into the clearing, and a few other groups of the Soldiers were loitering at the edges. "Meal tickets, I imagine?" the fellow asked, watching them.

"Heck yeah, dude," Jay spoke, having no problem in making his way forward toward the older gentleman. So far, Gustave had been nothing but helpful toward their group, even going so far as to turna blind eye to them sneaking out to find out what had happened to the Wall.

Wes realized he still needed to actually talk with Gustave about that... but right now with the others just enjoying the morning sunshine he supposed he shouldn't bring that up. "What's up with everyone taking a break?" Wesley asked as he approached as well.

"A matter of teamwork, more than anything else," the old fellow spoke with a smile, before humming to himself as he stamped the offered Meal Tickets. "You are welcome to join them."

Jay frowned as he took a step back, folding up his own once more and sticking it back into his pocket. "But we've got another stamp to get, dude."

"Most assuredly, with the intent to always eat all four sets of the meal, I would implore you to continue. But if you are not planning to do so, why deprive another of food to eat?" Gustave asked. He wasn't aggressive or even confrontational, but merely pleasant in his question.

Evie frowned as she looked at her own paper, before she looked over to Jay. "I'm totally not going to eat four rounds. I might not even eat three!" she exclaimed.

As the other three murmured their assent, Jay frowned, folding his arms over his chest. The larger fellow would most certainly eat all four shares. He inhaled and opened his mouth to respond when the wooden clacking of a puppet caught their ear, and Evie glanced back to them as her Summon hopped closer to her.

"He found the Time Stamp! Do you wanna go?" Evie asked, looking directly to Wesley, and he noted as well that the other gazes were falling on him as well.

He exhaled slowly, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. He was tired- he should've slept last night. "It's not like we all need to get the stamp, right? Let's just go and let Jay get his."

As the others were starting to agree, the sound of a siren split the sky.

"Another Beast," Gustave murmured, stroking at his beard as the rest of those lounging around here started to get up, looking at one another. "How quaint."