The Call to Arms

"Another Beast? Are you serious?" Sasha demanded, looking at Gustave as the fellow stood up from the chair he had found to sit upon. "There was just an attack the other day. We were there!" she spoke, clearly upset by the situation.

Gustave exhaled slowly, shaking his head. "Unfortunately for us, the Beasts do not deem it proper to wait until we have fully recovered before attacking again. Plus, I would imagine that they may have been riled up by something," the older gentleman spoke, smiling gently at the group.

Wesley realized then that he didn't need to report what had happened to Gustave- it was part fo the reason why the fellow hadn't sought to ask him when he had returned from the Wall. Gustave already knew- and now Wesley was curious if Gustave had sent him specifically to stop the Traitors.

"Aren't those monsters always riled up by something or another?" A voice came from behind them, and it wsa then clear to the group of five who had been tailing them as Andrew and the rest of his crew strolled up.

Wesley's eyes narrowed, but thankfully with the increase of Time Framework that he had stolen from that Traitor, he no longer felt that immediate anger at the drop of a hat. He was able to much more easily calm himself back down, now. "So it was the five of you who were following us," Wesley spoke evenly, watching Andrew as he moved past toward Gustave.

"We were. It seemed easier than trying to figure out the riddles that were provided. I don't even understand why we're being required to do this," Andrew spoke, his confident look fading slightly as the siren went off yet again, drowning them all in warning bells.

Gustave's kind smile didn't waver as he pressed the stamp onto the Meal Tickets that had been offered to him. "You must be from further inside of Haven, then?" the older fellow asked.

"We are," John replied, the larger man doing his best not to make eye contact with Wesley or any of the rest of the group as he stood with Andrew. "Adjusting has been far from easy."

Gustave laughed softly at that, nodding along as he did so. "I daresay that would be the case. I've been back into the depths of Haven a time or two, mostly for promotions. It is far nicer there than it is out here by the Wall. But there is also a distinct lack of the danger that keeps you sharp, as well."

Andrew's eyes narrowed in response as he snatched back his ticket from the older fellow. "I've been trained since I was old enough to walk to fight against the Beasts. I am more than equipped to handle them," Andrew spat, glaring slightly at the older fellow.

Wesley wanted to intervene, but the sound of the siren going off again sent a small chill down his spine as he glanced over his shoulder at it. The Wall stood tall and resolute, but from the thick mass of trees that surrounded him, he could only barely see it.

Gustave's kind smile never quite left his face, but as Wes turned back to face them, he could see a certain amount of annoyance on the older fellow's features. It was trace, and unless you had already talked with Gustave a good bit you might have missed it.

Wesley felt a slight chill as he looked at the older fellow, and immediately began to wonder if maybe their thought about him being a Life Framework was off. Then again, it wasn't as if those who specialized in Life Frameworks were always saints.

"I would implore you to remember that you are speaking with a Major, Faremont," Gustave spoke kindly, but the tone conveyed a very real threat.

Andrew took a half-step back and swallowed, before he brought a hand up to his mouth, coughing once as if to dispel away his own uncertanties. "I apologize, Major Gustave. I just get... heated when people question my talent."

The siren went off again, and Gustave sighed softly as he rolled out one shoulder, before glancing toward both sets of individuals. "Well, I suppose if there's nothing else, I need to go and lend a hand."

Gustave turned his gazes to the rest of the individuals who were resting around the area. "If you all hear a second siren overlapping with the first, that means whatever's out there needs more than just our usual Guard. Which means you'll be required to report to the Wall. Keep an ear out."

Evie stepped forward then, extending both of her hands towards Gustave and wiggling her fingers. "Do you want a head start, Major Gustave? I can send ya way way out there!" the girl called cheerfully.

The man smiled at her, before he shook his head. "No thank you. I have my own transportation," Gustave murmured before light seemed to coalesce next to him, and after a moment, a six-legged lizard creature formed appeared. Effortlessly despite his age, he slipped onto its back, and the creature immediately began to dart off, moving like a blur through the tree line.

During this time, Wesley had been staring directly at Andrew. He knew that last name- that was the same last name as the instructor over in the Death Framework training area. No wonder he had seemed preferential to Andrew- they were related. "Hey," Wesley called.

Andrew, who had been speaking with his own team after the close encounter with Gustave, looked back over to Wesley, disdain evident on his features. "What." It wasn't even a question of interest- it was a flat statement to Wesley's words.

"You're related to the Death Framework teacher? The Specialist?" Wes continued, mostly just to see if that was the case or if it was a very strange set of coincidences, more than anything.

"He's my uncle. What does it matter?" Andrew spoke as he came closer to Wesley, fire beginning to lick at his fingertips. "I don't suppose you want to lose again in a little match?"

Sasha snorted. "Speaking of little matches, look at you," she commented, causing Mason to snort back behind Andrew. "Can you cool your heels for one minute? Both of you? We're literally under attack right now by the Beasts and you two are both trying to show off."

Wes paused, before he swallowed slowly, leaning back away from Andrew. "Sorry. And no, it doesn't matter- I just didn't think they'd let you come to the same Training Camp where you have family. Must be cool to have a Specialist in the family," Wes offered.

Andrew peered at him, as if he couldn't tell if Wesley was being serious or not. "It's a special arrangement. My father wanted me to be right near the Wall, so I could see how bad things were first-hand. Major Gustave is right- things are a great deal more... relaxed, back further into Haven."

"That doesn't give you the right to throw your weight around like you're some sorta special hero, dude," Jay commented from the side. He didn't particularly like Andrew either (not that many of them did, really.) "You're in the same position that the rest of us are."

"Hardly. You've had to struggle to find food and make ends meet and survive. While that has no doubt given you a hardy disposition, I've been trained in the art of combat since I was very young. You saw what I was able to do to Wesley here, even if I stil haven't quite figured out how he used Far Impact. So far as I know, only those in my family have ever had that Skill."

Rather than show any amount of surprise, Wesley merely shrugged. "Don't know. I can do it, though." Behind Andrew, Wes could see John looking away, as if trying to hide the expression upon his face. "I'm not looking for a fight, though. I was actually going to ask you something, now that I know you're related to one of the Instructors."

Andrew arched a brow, but said nothing. But he did extend a hand toward Wes, as if to beckon him to continue.

"I had spoken with others before about this, but I'm a Twenty-Fiver," Wes lied easily, not batting an eyelash. "They told me I need to pick two of the Frameworks and focus on those. But I want to learn all four. So I was going to ask if it'd be possible to learn from your Uncle outside of normal class hours."

"How would I know?" Andrew responded, frowning as he looked back at Wesley. "But if nothing else I suppose I can see if I put in a word with him. I don't particularly like you, but you were effective back when the Beast surprised us. I know much about the Beasts, but as soon as one appeared, I lost all of what I had trained for."

Evie grinned at that, clapping her hands. "Yayyy! Wes and Andy being friends!"

At that, Andrew turned a withering glare onto the girl. "Hardly. But if Wesley can manage to use all four of his Frameworks well... he might actually prove useful in a fight against the Beasts. Unlike last time."

"I didn't see you doing much better," Wes commented in return, the temporary truce already falling apart between them.

The fire around Andrew's fingertips began to grow, and those on both sides of their groups began to sigh in annoyance. "Maybe I'll burn you after all," Andrew murmured.