"Ahh!" Argen woke up with his entire body in pain. He could feel that every bone had been broken multiple times, and with Asfalis healing him they were only broken again and again.

Instantly he was pushed back down by the end of a spear, the same one he had seen right before his near death.

"Hush, are you trying to get yourselves killed?"A woman's voice asked under the large cloak.

Argen was about to say something again until the end of the spear was shoved in his mouth.

He didn't expect it, but seeing something he finally understood. Wherever they were right now, it was dangerous.

"You must keep quiet if you value the lives of you and your girlfriend," The woman said, confusing Argen.

'Girlfriend? Whatever, I need to get out of here,' Argen thought to himself as he started to bring moon energy into his palm.

"Do it and die, I've warned you once, you will not receive any more," The woman said, even though she wasn't even facing him she was still able to sense he was doing something.


The next second a shadowy wolf looking thing flew past them. The women didn't flinch but Argen started to, only to stop when the heel of her foot dug into his rib.

"Stop it Argen, this place is bad," The voice of Law said in his mind, allowing him to calm down and actually understand the situation.

They weren't on earth, nor anywhere he had ever been before.

"The realm of the shadows… A desolate forgotten land, even the inhabitants that once thrived here have left…"

The woman seemed to be talking to Argen, but by her tone he knew she was just talking to herself, a small sense of sadness could be felt from her.

'Argen' Law's voice said in his head as he looked to the side, seeing that he(she) was alright. He didn't know why the woman had said girlfriend, it was clear that Law was a boy.

"What are you even saying?" Argen asked after a few minutes looking toward the woman.

He had a promise to keep to all of the gods, and he was ready for it, or so he thought.

"To be born with the gift to kill gods… Your life was decided to be terrible since birth, everything bad that has happened in your life and to the people around you is because of you."

The words cut deep into Argen's mentality, surprising him so much that he couldn't speak or even defend himself.

"Your father was a monster correct? But he didn't want to be that way, I guarantee he's only the way he is because of you, and your mother, since she conceived you her life is probably terrible…"

Argen sat there and listened to the woman's words as she guessed his life, sounding all to familiar with it.

"I'm sure many people you've lived around died in terrible accidents, hell, I'm sure you've lost a friend or two…"

Argen widened his eyes, he hadn't even realized he had moved before he was behind the woman, grabbing her cloak and ripping it off.

The spear head felt cold and heavy against his throat, but he didn't care. He would never admit it, and no one would ever know, but he fully blamed himself for what happened to Lee, but he had buried it deep deep down inside of him to hide it away.

"It seems I struck a nerve," The woman said, not caring that her cloak was now off. She had pale skin, with dark auburn hair, her eyes though, her eyes were like a pale gold, throwing Argen off.

Argen ignored the spearhead and punched toward the woman, only for her to moved the spear around and smack him effortlessly with the butt end.

"I see, you must have lost your friend, guess what? You are the reason he died, your suspicions are correct."

"Who… Are you?" Argen asked standing back up from the hit.

"I am Scathath, you may call me master, for today is the start of your training, first… Survive."

With these words Scathath disappeared, just as screeches reached Argen's ears, shadowy figures in the sky rushing down toward him.

"Oh… Crap," Argen said widening his eyes as he dodged the first dive bomb from one of the creatures, it's form erupting into whisps of ash looking substance.

Argen quickly went into combat mode, pulling out his hunting knife and stabbing the next creature that tried to dive bomb him.

Law, surprised at the sudden attack, used her power on Argen, letting him see the creatures slowly.

It was just an illusion, but it would also help since she was using the creatures in real time to help him see them in a slower period.

Argen noticed but didn't say anything as he dodged and sliced through the shadow creatures with ease.

He didn't realize their plan though, thinking they were just mindless beings who attack without thinking.

"Argen watch out!" Law yelled as three different ones came and struck down at him from all sides.

Managing to dodge the first one Argen then felt the razor sharp claws of the other two shadow creatures.

'Asfalis?' Argen thought as he felt the pain, he expected Asfalis to protect him, little did he know the woman, Scathath, had scared his little friend into obedience, keeping him from healing or protecting Argen until she said so.

Argen felt his blood tricking down his side and back, the shock still on his face as the shadow creatures came down for another attack.

"You… Dare?" Argen said his eyes glowing silver as he grabbed the claws of one shadow creature and smashed it into the other two.

"You dare hurt me?" Argen said as he gathered moon energy to his leg and kicked up, killing four other shadow creatures that were readying their attack.

"I'm so tired of these things, always in my way," Argen mumbled to himself as he killed another group.

"Always messing up everything, killing and killing, damn monsters, damn gods, damn humans," Argen murmured to himself more as he smashed the monsters to bits with the moon energy, not knowing that the woman who had said survive was standing right behind him.

'Much better, though he'll need to fix that problem…' She thought as she chopped the back of his neck, knocking him out without him knowing.

"Come now little girl, the fallen ones will come to hunt soon, even I don't want to fight them."

With these words Scathath carried Argen and led law to her home, at least, the home she had had in the shadow realm…