When Nakia runs away

Nakia slam the door in her room. She had tears in her eyes; she bends down to the ground crying. Alpha and Poppy went up to her, they comfort her. H…he slapped me in the face, she cried. He even burned my sketch book, she closed her closed her eyes tightly.

He doesn't even care if that sketch book was given to me by my mom, she put her hands in her face. He too scared to lose me, she said with a growl. Maybe I should go to the US and probably stay there. "That's a great idea!" She said quietly. She got up and started to pack her things.

She grabbed the money hidden from under her bed. Writes a letter for her father and left the letter on her bed. Nakia picks up Poppy and seeks out of the mansion again. She stops at her father's office and snarled, she left.

He heard a knock on the door. Don't come in, he has his hand in his face. The door knocks again. "DON'T I SAY I WANT NOBODY IN HERE!" He tears in his eyes and regretting what he has did. He gets up to see that it's Lara. It's aboot ye daughter, the old lady cried. "What happened to her?!" He breathed heavily. I dinnae ken the only I ken is that she's left a letter on her bed,' she handed the letter to him.

If you found this is letter you know I'm probably gone by now. I'm running away to somewhere I never going to tell you. I going to stay there and follow my dreams. I will never come back home and don't come looking for me, Your Daughter Nakia.

No, he shook his head. He ran out of the room and runs to Nakia's room. Nakia dear are in there… She wasn't in her room. "Where has she gone?" He paused and snarled knowing where she is going. She going to Washington D.C. She going to be grounded when I find her, snarling

When she arrived, she saw that it was abandoned and most business were closed down. Come Alpha people can't see you that you're a wolf not a dog. Alpha follows by her side. "What happened to this place?" She frowned.

Hey pretty girl, a man tugged on her. "Let go of me!" She barked. Alpha Started to show his teeth and bit the man. "Keep that damn dog away from me!" He roared. His gang came to his cries. "What happen?" They asked him. "It's that girl's dog!l They snarled at the girl.

Qiana sweetheart why did your dog attack that man, a strange man come up to Nakia. You should teach your dog some manners. "What!" She looks at the man odd. The man winks at her. He pays the gang the money for medical bills. Come on Qiana let's go home.

She looks at the gang and ran with strange man. "Thanks for saving me!" She grins. Your welcome Qiana. By the way that's not my name, she frowned at that."What do you mean that's not your name?!" He was confused. "Don't you know who I am!" He cried. No, I don't know you, she frowned.

"It's me Walter! You're my best friend ever!" He cries. He saw her eyes were pale blue instead of brown. "Then who are you?" He frowns. My name is Nakia I come all away from Scotland. That's strange that you don't have an accent, he frowned. I don't have one. I was taught American English by my daddy. It's just that you look like my best friend.

"What is your friend's name?" Nakia asks him. Qiana, he frowned. That's my mom's name, Nakia told him. "What! Where she is?" He looked worried and happy. Nakia frowns at him. She died when I was 13, she frowns. She was very sick, she had a sad look on her face. He froze and tears foamed in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" She asked. Yes, he nods. I have no to stay this is my first time here in the US. You can stay with me and my kids, okay.

You have a nice house it different from mine. "It is?" He smiles softly. Cam, Rose I'm home. "Daddy!" A little girl hugged him. "Who's this girl, Daddy?" She asks with a smile. My best friend's daughter. "What is your name?" She grins. My name is Nakia. That's a pretty name, she smiled.

Thank you. "And what is yours?" Nakia grins at her. My is Rose. "Rose where's your brother?" He not here, she frowns. "What!" He shouted. I think he's with his Josh. I'm going to get something from my room ok, Nakia. The little girl ran to her room.

"Hey, Walter what happened here?" Nakia frowns. Ever since Robo hand, he growls. She froze when he said that. He killed the people at HTUV they were innocent, he snarled. Lance and me even Qiana tried to stop him but failed.

I was unconscious and when I woke up, she gone. I never saw her again; he closed his eyes. Nakia backs up to the door and ran out there. Alpha followed her. "Nakia, where are you going?" He yelled to her. She ran as far from there until she knocks down a boy.

Hey, watch it… Sorry, she turned pink. "Was someone chasing you?" Another boy asked. No, I wasn't it. Alpha licks him. "Can you get your dog off me!" He laughs. Alpha get off him. "Why were you running then?" The boy questioning her. I was running with my dog; she gave a cool smile.

"What is your name?" He kept asking. My name is Nakia. I don't know my last name. "Where are you from?" He asked her again. I'm from Scotland but don't have an accent. "And your parents?" He on with the questions. "My mom died and my Daddy…?" I don't want to talk about it.

"Josh why are you asking her a lot of questions?" Can asks him. I don't know just want to ask, Cam, Josh rolled his eyes. "Why don't we introduce ourselves?" Josh said. I'm Josh. I'm Cam. "Hey Nakia, you want go to a abandoned house with us?" "Sure!" She nods.