Going back home

The three of them went to an abandoned house. Hey Nakia look there it is, Josh pointed out. Cam was smirking. "Why are you going to an abandoned house?" Nakia gave them a look. Because we like doing that, Josh smirked.

"How are you going to open the door?" She asked. You see. They picked lock it. Nakia shook her head. Nakia saw a picture of her mom in her graduation cap and gown. A man that is with her. Nakia took out of the picture from the frame. Then she saw more. There is one when her mom was little. Nakia found a room that bring to her mom.

Nakia looks though her thing and found her mom's diary. She reads it. She found out that she wanted to be a vet for animals. That her brother was a spy, but she must keep a secret.

In Qiana's diary…

My brother was always there for me and I will always be his little daisy. He was overprotective of me.

But I had to move in with my brother after my parents died and could not live nearby my best friend's house.

We went to different schools.

I did not have any friends in elementary but middle and high school I did, but I went to a private school. They had all three schools in one piece. I was the top student in school.

Most boys will hit on me, but it was a joke.

I made friends with the nerds, but I did not think they were nerds. I had choir and I could sing surprisingly good. I also art and loved to draw. Her eyes grew wide when she saw something big in the diary. I didn't tell my brother that I was dating Walter. Nakia frowns because when she reads her mom's diary.

Alpha was sniffing Qiana's things and wags his tail. Puts in her bag. Poppy wash her tail too. Oh Alpha, Nakia smiles. "Hey, Nakia did you know my dad is a lawyer?" Josh was smirking. Oh ok, Nakia rolled her eyes. But you know is that he is a rude guy, Josh was laughed. He rude to the ladies and pushes them. Even my mom left my dad, he was laughing even harder.

My Dad is so weird, Cam laughs. He tries to act cool in front of me in front the girls, Cam said. My Mom died because my sister, Cam frowns. "Why?" She frowns at him. She died when she was born, and I know isn't her fault. I feel like it is.

Just wait until your dad meets your new girlfriend Cam, Josh smirks. Shut up Josh, Cam turned pink. "Nakia how about your dad?" Josh asked her. "My Daddy…?" She frowns. Daddy's little girl, Josh smirks. Oh, shut up, she told him. My Daddy is very strict. He was my teacher when I was back at the mansion. "You lived in a mansion!" Josh's jaw drops. Yes, I did, she frowns.

I was never allowed to leave the mansion or even go out in the front. I didn't know how my daddy met my mom; she frowns. My mom died because she was sick. I also have two brothers too. Josh and Cam look at each other.

So, I ran away to US, she frowns. By the way, "Cam what is your dad's name?" She asked him. It's Walter. She just smiled. They stopped at a park. "Cam how come you don't like you dad?" She sadly said. He weird and he was there more for my sister than me.

Me and my dad never see to eye to eye, he growls. Nakia frowns. We always argue and get in to fights. My Daddy was a coward because he was scared for me to go outside. He was scared to lose me, she frowns. Of course, I'm his only daughter.

I always sneak out of the mansion and one day I got caught. "What happened?" He frowns. He yells at me for no reason and saying I've could've been killed. He burned my sketch book and he… "He what?" I don't want to talk about, she sighed. She turns to him and smiles. Cam swallows hard.

He scoots over to her. Nakia gave him a kiss on lips. She smirked. Alpha jumps on top of them. Alpha! They both laughed. "Well are you going to come with us?" Cam smiles at her. No, I'm going to stay here and kept walking. Well nice meeting you Nakia.

She walks down and passed a building with an alley. "Hey Sweetheart where you going?" A man asked her. None of your business, she snarled. Alpha show his teeth at the man. The man shot him with a sleeping dart. "ALPHA!" She screams. "NAKIA!" Killian ran to her screams.

"Hey let of me!" She yells. Pulled into the alley and pushed her into the wall. "Don't you give me a little bit of you know what, huh?" He gave a filthy smile. "No!" She shrieks. "You refuse?" Well then, I guess I have to do it myself then, the man smirked. He Kissed her. "STOP!" She cried. "You're ready for the big part?" He darkly chuckles. "NO!" She screams.

Not until Killian grabs the man from behind and snarls at him. "You stay hell away from my daughter or else!" He snarls. Y-yes, I will… The man ran off to nowhere. "Daddy!" She had tears in her eyes. She ran to him with tears in her eyes. she hugs him and places his hand on her head.

I was worried sick about you, he tells her. Now you see why I trying to protect you. She nods and hugs him tightly. I'm sorry if I was disrespectful to you, she cried. Even I running away too. I've should listen to you; she looks up to him.

He smirks at her and kiss her the forehead. Come on Nakia dear it's time to go home now and by the way you're grounded. Hey Nakia… Robo hand, he snarled. "Where you go Cam?" Josh asked him. Need to recuse Nakia, Cam yells to Josh.

"Nakia!" He calls out to him. Cam, she smiled. He grabs her hand and to run but failed. "Why aren't you running?" He frowns. The man glares at him. "Nakia dear who's this boy?" He asked her. "Nakia dear?!" He shouts. He's my boyfriend Daddy, she swallowed hard. "HE'S YOUR DAD!" He was speechless.

Yes, I'm her father, he snarls at the boy. Maybe you should come and visit Scotland one with your family, Nakia smiles. "I will never visit you in your life!" He frowns. "You thought I like you?" I never like you!" He was hurt. "W…what…?" She was confused. You're just like him probably, he left her there.

Nakia started to cry. He saw his daughter crying and with a broken heart. Come on Nakia dear let's go home.

In the plane…

"Daddy…?" She gave him sad eyes. "Yes, Nakia dear?" He grins at her. "Why does that man hate you so much?" She asked him. "What man, Nakia dear?" He swallows hard. I met man when I first got there. He knows my mom and… He says that she's his best friend, she closed her tight. He froze and looks at her very unhappy.

He says that it's all your fault because you killed a lot of people in something. He even said that he never saw her again, she frowned. My mom has a brother that he was a spy. Nakia dear that's not true, he said.

These all lies, he simply smiled. "But her brother was a spy, right?" She gave him awe look. Yes, but he was man who's a traitor to the people at his job, he smirked. Nakia frowns