Finding out the dark secrets

They back at mansion, come on Nakia, he grins at her. She looks at him with a frown. He walked her to her room, he kissed on her forehead and left. She sighs. "I wonder if Walter or my Daddy is lying to me?" She said sadly. "Because it's so weird…. Can't even put my finger on it." It's like my mom had a brother that I never knew about but I found out in her diary, she frowns.

I only knew she lived in the United States, had a perfect life and also sad too. Her parents died, she had A relationship with someone else, her dreams to be a veterinarian. The last part is that she and Walter, her brother to stop my Daddy, she said with upset tone.

"But why…?" She puzzles. "She and Walter were in love together… Why Daddy did ruined their perfect relationship?" She gloomed. "That's one question I want to asked Daddy." She sighs.

She sees Poppy sitting next Alpha, smiles. Alpha wags his tail seeing Poppy. But then he gets up and started smelling the floor. "What's wrong boy?" She frowned. He went under her bed and grabs a old journal from underneath her bed.

"What did you find boy?" She asked him. He walks to her with his ears back to his head. He placed the old journal down by her feet. "Huh a journal? It looks like it hasn't been used in years… "I wonder who could belong to?" It came cross her mind.

She opens it, and her eyes grew wide. "IT BELONGS TO MY MOM!" Her jaw drops to the ground.

"Qiana's journal"

Feb 11th, 2019,

"Today I just got in engaged and my brother doesn't know; he overprotective of me!" If he knew I was dating my best friend, he will flip out!" He doesn't like me having relationships but with HIM because he found him weird." That hurts my heart, I'm Walter's muffin and he's my honey.

I be scared to tell him, but what can I do is that to have a smile on my face. "Lance wants me to be happy always, and with a smile on face that's what makes him happy too!" I know Lance loves me but he just too overprotective… But I just wished he gave me one chance. He was mad with me because he heard me say I was whispered in something in Walter's ear. He was so mad and saying I was behind his back. We argued, I said things I didn't meant. He was hurt by that. He turned into a pigeon then went Mexico from there: We went to this hotel and look like a luxurious hotel.

Lance broke in some arm dealer or someone's room because he didn't let me go upstairs it was safe. "Of course that's being overprotective brother!" next up was Italy. Me and Walter rode the scooter, he got hit in the face. That MAN who's trying to frame my brother. I kicked him in his shins because he tried kill Walter; he turns me with snarling. He turns to me with a snarling. He pulls my arm to him; At first he wanted to kill me but didn't.

He had other plans after he found out that I was Lance Sterling's little sister. He raped me and HE enjoyed it; seeing me crying asking to stop, it's like music to his ears. I saw him killed my brother and I never saw Walter again in my life. I was forced marry him and he was happy because I bare his children.

"I wished I never said these words to Lance, now I'm full of regret….

Nakia was full of tears and pain in her heart, about her father raping her mother. She runs to her father office, knocking on the door. He smiles at his daughter. "How's my little girl?" He grins, she frowns. "I can ask you a question?" He nods, she bit her lip. "Daddy, did you raped my mom?" She asked with curiously eyes.

His mouth was foaming. I just want to know, her eyes saddened. "But why did you hurt her? She never love you, didn't she?" She asked. "You're going too far Nakia!" He barks. She paused and cliches her fists.

"Why did you do it?!" She hurt in inside. Her tears made his heart broke into little pieces. "He frowns and snarls too. He let out the steam out.

"If I tell you… he had the words stuck in his throat. "It's your uncle's fault!" She stares at him with puzzled look. He showed her, his burnt face. "Daddy…your face?" She frowns, seeing him like that for the first time without his hologram.

"You want to know? Then I tell you!" He snarled. Your uncle is careless man, full witty catchphrases I'm sure that's man's reckless!" She stares at him, confused.

"He maimed me, killed all of my men and took everything from me… He devilishly smirks. "Now, I did the same to him but he's died now," your mother was beautiful, such high in spirits and related to a man I hate the most but I got the revenge!" He simpers, she had pain her heart.

He saw her crying made his heart ache. "Nakia…?" He walks to her and hugs her, she pushes him away, he saddened when she did that. She ran to her room with a broken heart. "What do I make up to her?" He thought himself.

"Nakia…?" He knocks on the door, she ignores him. "I know you're mad with me but I want to you to listen to me. "What is it?" She grits her teeth. "Maybe we should we move somewhere I think you might like?" She turned with curious smile. "I've be telling my men we be moving." He softly smiled.

Back at Cam's house…

"CAM! Where were you?" His dad asked with serious tone. "None of your business!" He talked back to him, Walter sighs at him. "You know shouldn't be out late." He told him with unhappy look.

"Like you care!" Walter frowns and sighs. "Cam, I do care about you and I want to be in your life!" Walter cried, Cam stares at him with frown. The doorbell rings…

"Cam!" Nakia smiles and gave him a big hug. "Nakia, I thought you were in Scotland?" He asked curiously. "Nope, we just moved!" She grins, Cam smiles. "Hey, Nakia sorry about what I said, I hope you can forgive me?" He softly smiles. She paused to think but smiles big with a nod. "So…Robo Hand is your dad?" Of course, I'm!" Killian finished his question.

"Cam, who's at the door… Walter saw him, growls. "Why he's doing here!" He barked. Cam rolls his eyes, telling him that's her dad. "He's your…Dad?" He pain in his heart. He probably guess Qiana was raped and impregnated by Killian, frowns.

"Nakia, do you want to out with me?" Cam smiled. Nakia smiles at her daddy, he sighs and nods. She hugs him, he hugs her tight. She ran off with Cam. Killian saw in her having her mother pride, bright spirit and his attitude. But he couldn't be mad with her because finding out the secrets.

The end