Chapter 35 : Healing and Hypocrisy.

I was looking at the struggling Yoruichi in front of me, she was on a mat that I got from the human world. She had a box tie knot on her arms and a frogtie knot on her legs. Looking at her tempting delicious body, I was resisting the urge to do something to her as I had another things to do.

She was struggling and thrashing, trying to break free from the rope, but as it was the {Gleipnir}, something that even Fenrir had immense problems to free himself, I wonder if she will break free from it.

"Looks like Ichigo followed us here, to Hueco Mundo. In a stupid attempt to rescue Orihime, and yet, not to rescue you. Don't you agree... Yoruichi?" I asked.

"I don't need help, Hollow." She said in a tinge of anger.

"*Sigh*. It is a shame that you don't remember me. After all the time we spent together in Soul Society, you will simply forget about us? Flash Goddess." I said to her.

After getting confused, I saw her face changing to one of realization.

"You! You are that Hollow! The one that rescued Rukia!" She said loudly.

"Yep, that is me, but this time I am more handsome and ready to claim your heart." I joked while grabbing a chair, sitting on it and taking out both my mask and hat.

"Hah! What type of knight in golden armor kidnaps his damsel and tie her in a suggestive way like this?" She said while wiggling her body.

"Ohh~. So you are my damsel? The damsel of the knight Īsan?" I asked.

"Maybe or maybe not. Who knows. Also, Īsan? Is this your name?" She asked.

"Yes, after getting this form I remembered my name. Also, thank you for sharing you lightning Kidou." I said to her.

"Sharing?! You stole it from me!" She said.

"Anyways, it helped me reach a new level of strength. Now, let's talk seriously. For making me stronger, I want you to join me." I said.

"What a mood destroyer. What is your objective?" After getting out of her playful mode, she said.

"I want to be the strongest, after all, strength is everything in the world we live. That is why I want you to come with me. Also, there is no use for you to struggle, since the rope that is bonding you is a legendary rope that cannot be broken. I don't want to hurt you, that is why I ask of you will you become the strongest together with me, Yoruichi?" I asked while placing my right hand on her right cheek.

Suddenly, she moved her head and bit my thumb.

"This answer is enough to you?" She said in a mocking tone.

Grabbing her throat, I said.

"You have digged your own brother's grave, Yoruichi." I said to her.

Then, I grabbed my hat and proceeded to get out of the room while hearing Yoruichi's pleas. Getting out of the door, I had to intercept a little human shaped missile.

"Oof, Nel-chan. You are like glue! Always near me." I said while placing her on my shoulder.

"You don't like it, Big Brother?" She asked in a sorrowful tone while she used my hat and played with my hair.

"Nope, I like it." I said to her.

'She is always so sticky, it is even difficult to send her to play with her friends, she looks like the over protective blonde, always at my side. Now, let's go to Orihime.' I thought while walking in the direction of Orihime's cell.

Once I reached there, I passed through a scanner and saw Orihime already on her changed clothes. She was facing the window that showed the moon of Hueco Mundo.

"Hmm?" She turned around and saw me.

"Hello Orihime. I came here to ask of you to heal a friend of mine." I said to her.

"N-No. I-I don't think that I can heal Hollows anymore." She said while her face became grim.

"I came here to ask nicely. But speaking truthfully, you don't have a choise. It is either you heal my friend or I will hunt Ichigo, who just arrived, personally and kill him with my own hands. By the way, I am the second strongest in here. Are you sure that you want to refuse?" I asked her.

"I-I-I." She stuttered.

"Also, are you sure that you don't want to heal this cute thing?" I asked while taking Nel out of my shoulders and showing it to Orihime like a plushie, in a comical way.

"Hehehehehe." Orihime's initialy troubled face eased and she found it funny.

"Hello Big Sister! Are you Big Brother's friend?" Nel asked while fixing the hat that was on her head.

"Yes, you can say that." She said.

Placing Nel on the ground. I looked at Orihime and asked.

"Will you?"

*Sigh*. Souten Kisshun... I reject." When she said the first part, I placed a heavy Reiatsu barrier to stop anything that happens here from going out.

Then a yellow semi sphere appeared on top of Nel's head and started to fix her broken mask. When the fixing was done, there was an explosion of pink smoke. When the smoke cleared a little it showed a grown up Nel. She dashed at my direction and hugged me with all her strength.

"Thank you, Brother Īsan." She said in her still childish voice.

Her breasts were being squashed in between us, I could feel that they were really soft. Distancing from the hug. I saw her entire body.

*Lup-dub, lup-dub... Lup-dub, lub-dub*

'Look who is back again! I missed my filthy soul.' I thought.

"Thank you so much, Brother Īsan. You protected me, Pesche and Dondonchakka from Nnoitra and made me recover my lost powers. I thank you again." She said while bowing.


[>Harem :Tier Harribel(100%), Franceska Mila Rose(100%), Cyan Sung-Sun(100%), Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck(100%)<]

[>Subordinates : Rukia Kuchiki(60%), Kūkaku Shiba(???%) and Emillou Apacci(70%).<]

[>Slaves : None<]


'Nice.' I thought.

Looking at her body, I could see that her big breasts were almost escaping her green clothes, I also could see the outline of her nipples. Descending, I saw her slender stomach and wide hips, I couldn't see her ass but, as all the women I found in this world, I think is is fat, big and juicy. Unfortunately the green cloth prevented me from seeing her pussy.

Then I felt Aizen flaring his Reiatsu in a rhytmic way. This indicated that he wanted a meeting.

"Hmm? Aizen-sama wants a meeting?" Nelliel asked.

"Yes, go to the mansion and wait there, Nel-chan." I said to her.

"Okay, Brother Īsan." She said after hugging me again and going to them mansion.

"Thank you Orihime." I said to her.

Looking at her with attention this time. I saw that she was really pretty. She had oval face, long eyelashes, brown eyes, pink lips, a pair of surprisingly large breasts and a curvaceous body, this together with her slender waist and big ass made everything better.

*Lup-dub, lup-dub... Lup-dub, lub-dub*

'What can I say? She deserves.' I thought.

"You're welcome." She said, dodging eye contact.

After that, I got out of the cell and went to where Aizen wanted to do his meeting. At the door there were all the other Espadas, this will be the second time that I will interact with them. As the door opened we entered and each and everyone of them went to their respective seats while talking between each other.

I sat in between Aaroniero and Nnoitra and on my front was Baraggan, the one that killed my parents. Hehehehehe, I will kill him so much, I just have to get the chance. I then placed my legs on the table and the hat on my face.

Then the door opened again and Aizen together with Gin and Tousen.

"Good morning, Espada. We have an enemy attack. Shall we have some tea first?" He said while descending the stairs and sitting on his seat while Tousen sat on his.

After a few minutes, Gin brought the tea that Aizen asked and served it to everyone then he returned to his seat.

"Has everyone been served? Now then... Have a drink and listen to what I have to say. Kaname, the images." Aizen said.

Fixing my posture, I grabbed the cup and drank from it. Hmm, minty.

After Tousen pulled a lever, from the middle of the table a hole appeared. From this hole a hologram of three persons appeared.

"These are the three invaders. Uryu Ishida, Yasutora Sado and Ichigo Kurosaki." Aizen said.

Grimmjow was startled while Ulquiorra simply closed his eyes.

"Are these... Our enemies?" Aaroniero asked.

"What's this? You said that the enemy was attacking, so I wondered what they were like, but the're still just kids." Baraggan said.

"They're not very exciting at all." Szayelaporro said.

"Don't underestimate them... Ther're humans who were once called Ryoka. The four of them charged into Soul Society by themselves and battled the Thirteen Court Guard Captains." Aizen said.

"Four? Where's the last one?" Zommari asked.

"It's Orihime." Aizen answered.

"Oh~. So they came to rescue their friend? Who cares? They look weak." Nnoitra said.

"Says the one that was sent flying by me." I said in a mocking tone.

"I am just waiting for the chance to kill you." He said.

"*Sigh*. Why does everyone here has to be such cowards?" I asked to myself.

"What?! Say that again you trash." Baraggan said loudly.

"Hmm? Don't talk to me like you are strong." I said to him while electricity zapped on my arms.

Suddenly, Grimmjow got up and went to the exit.

"Where are you going, Grimmjow?" Tousen asked

"I am going to go and kill them! Shouldn't we squash pests that come in sooner rather than later?" Grimmjow said.

"Aizen-sama still hasn't given any orders. Return to your seat." Tousen said.

"I'm going to crush them for Aizen-sama!" Grimmjow said.

"Going to do more problems so that I will have to rescue you again?! No fucking way! Return and sit!" I said to him.

"Īsan, thank you for trying to stop him. Grimmjow... I'm glad that you're taking action for me, but I'm still talking. Could you return to your seat for now? What's wrong? I don't hear a response, Grimmjow Jaeguerjaques!" Aizen said whild focusing his Reiatsu on Grimmjow.

'Hmm. His Reiatsu is 25% bigger than mine while mine is much purer than his. This means that if I used my Resurección I maybe could defeat him. That is if he does not use anything to increase his strength. Hmm. If he uses the Hougyoku then I am not sure anymore. This means that he is really strong but so I will be if I have the Hougyoku!' I thought while I felt my lips curling into a devilish smile.

While I was thinking, Grimmjow was having problems on breathing as Aizen's Reiatsu was really dense, forcing him to kneel. After that Aizen stopped his Reiatsu.

"I see. It seems like you understand. My dear Espada. As you can see, we have three enemies. you musn't underestimate them but there's no need to make a fuss about them. all of you are to return to your own palaces and do as you do always. Don't be arrogant or impacient, just sit and wait for the enemy. Don't be afraid. No matter what happens, as long as you are with me the're no match to us! Dear Espadas, you are dismissed." He said while getting up and going out.

'This was what killed you Aizen. You were the one that underestimated everyone because you were arrogant and impacient.*Sigh*. Hypocrisy.' I thought while getting up.