Chapter 34 : Beyond God's Limits.


\Urahara POV/

I was fighting that big guy that has anger issues when I felt my skin tingle, looking at where Yoruichi was fighting, that yellow eyed hollow was hugging her and from them blue and yellow lighting was dancing. But suddenly, the lightning then was becoming sucked by the hollow.

'He is absorbing her lightning Kidou? If he doesn't control it, he will explode as two types of Reiryoku cannot fuse in between, unless the person is born with them.' I thought while cancelling another {Bala} from the big guy.

After we fought for a few minutes, we heard a loud sound.


Looking at them, I saw that his skin was cracking and Reiatsu was coming from the cracks.

'He is going to blow up.' I thought.

But suddenly, he threw Yoruichi to far away from him and made a electric cocoon and the rampaging Reiatsu began to settle down. Dodging another attack from the big guy, we continued to fight.

After the yellow eyed hollow deactivated the cocoon, I felt an ominous aura coming from his, it was dangerous. I haven't felt something like this for ages. He is dangerous, after he controlled this feeling, he nodded to someone.

Then, all of the sudden, Rukia appeared behind the exhausted Yoruichi and stabbed her in the back, the blade then turned white. At this same moment, I dashed at where she was, but that hollow appeared in front of me and broke a little black box.

This made the space around me suddenly stops all my movements and then everything turned black. I could move but I could not see. Walking ahead with my hand in front of me, I felt a wall.

"Ahh~. What a pain~." I said.

Then I began to attack this wall while raising my Reiatsu, what he used was a sealing device but a pretty weak one at that. Let's see, I will need 1 minute to break this sealing device.

After one minute of this, I felt the space suck me again, but this time to outside this dimension. When I got out, I looked around and saw that the Espadas were not here anymore.

"Hmm. They escaped. Probably using that Negación again.*Sigh*." I said.

A few hours later.

Now we where in the training ground below my shop. Yumichika and Ikkaku were being bandaged as they had many injuries. We also received the message from Ukitake saying that Orihime was abducted or killed. But this was proved wrong as Ichigo showed that his wounds were healed and the only one that could do so was Orihime.

But at that moment Genryusai appeared and said that every attempt to rescue Yoruichi or Orihime was recused and forbidden as they were deemed traitors. I was not worried about Yoruichi as she is simply really tough, but Orihime was another issue.

After one day.

I was on my shop, waiting for Ichigo at the entrance, as I am suspecting that he will think that I am the only one that can make him go to Hueco Mundo.

'Things turned to the wrong side, Rukia had a strange behavior when she came back I was not expecting her to betray us so quickly, as she still has ties with her brother. I was preparing the counter meassures, if she had done that a week later, then I would succesfully stop her. But there is no use crying for the spilled milk.' I thought.

I did not had to wait for long as I saw a orange haired teen.

"Urahara. You already know why I am here, right?" He asked.

"Of course, come with me." I said.

Then we began to descend to the training grounds, there,I began do yo the preparations to make them go to Hueco Mundo. Also, Sado and Uryu were here too.

"Urahara, why are you helping me, if the Soul Society forbade anyone of trying to rescue them?" Ichigo suddenly asked.

"Some of this is my fault too. I let my guard drop too low, besides, I did not came to the human world to follow the Soul Society's orders. Also, do not worry about Yoruichi or Orihime, if they abducted them, they are needed for Aizen's plans." I said to him.

"To think that Rukia would betray us." Ichigo said with a grim face.

"Try to help her too. She was probably under some type of hypnosis." I had to give him hope.

"You are probably right." He said while lifting his mood.

"The preparations are done." I said.


\Īsan POV/

[>Congratulations You Have Completed a Antagonist Quest.<]

Was the first thing I saw after coming back to Hueco Mundo.

'Open the Quests.'


[>Antagonist Quest.<]

[>Kidnap Yoruichi<]

[>Reward: 500,000 X-Coins and Gleipnir.<]

"Sweet." I said.

"Hmm? What Master?" Harribel said with Yoruichi on her shoulders.

"Nothing." I said.

'Hmm, I will have to build a place to where Yoruichi will stay. I already have an idea. The Fracción will have work to do.' I thought.

Taking out the {Gleipnir} from my inventory, I grabbed it and made a few knots on Yoruichi's body, this will keep her quiet.

"Harribel, return but her on the basement and tell all the fraccións to build a dungeon below the mansion, there is where we will keep her, you three follow her and keep the Fraccións under control." I said to them.

"Yes, Master." They said while going to the Mansion with the unconscious Yoruichi.

Everyone went to do their things, while I went to the Mansion to get another fedora, after a few hours, my Fracción were already constructing the Dungeon while Yoruichi still was unconscious on the basement.

Then we went to where Aizen was doing one of his meetings. The people that were with me was a furious Yammy, bandaged Grimmjow, popsicle Luppi, a lost Wonderweiss, the distressed Orihime and the always emotionless Ulquiorra. Once there, Orihime went in the front and stood before Aizen, who was seated at his throne.

"Welcome to our castle, Las Noches. Orihime Inoue... Was it?" He asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Sorry this is so sudden, but Orihime, could you show me your power?" He said.

"Yeah..." Her hands were trembling.

"It seems that there are some people that don't like the fact that I brought you here. Isn't that right, Luppi?" He asked the femboy.

"Of course. Why is this woman worth the battle we fought?! I can't agree to that." He said.

"I didn't expect you to get so beaten up. Ahh, I know. Orihime in order to clearly show off your power... I want you to heal Grimmjow's left arm." Aizen said.

"Impossible! That is crazy, Aizen-sama! Grimmjow?! Director General Tousen turned his arm to ashes! How is she going to hral something that's been wiped out?! She is not a God!" Luppi said.

This kid can be annoying. Then Orihime went near Grimmjow and said.

"Souten Kisshun. I... Reject." She said, then her little fairies made a yellow semi sphere where Grimmjow's arm was.

All this happened while Luppi was blabbing that Orihime could not do it and it was better to kill her. Suddenly, Grimmjow's arm came back to it's place. This made Luppi shut up for a few seconds then he began to talk that this was beyond healing and asked what did Orihime do.

"Don't you understand? Ulquiorra thinks it's time regression or space regression." Aizen said.

"Impossible! There is no way a human can have such a advanced power!" Luppi said.

"That is right. It's neither. it is a rejection of phenomenon. Her power limits, rejects and negates events that happen to an object. she has the power to return thing to their state before things happened to them. it's above time regression or space regression, it easily overcomes the limits of God's estabilished phenomena. it is a power that encroaches the realm of Gods." Aizen said.

'If it is a power so strong, why did this idiot(Aizen) did not used tbis to his favor, instead, he just wanted her to fix his Hougyoku.' I thought.

Then Grimmjow suddenly asked Orihime to fix another part of him, and this part had his number 6.

"What are you doing, Grimmjow?!" Luppi asked.

"Hmm?" He made this sound when he suddenly dashed and pierced his hand on Luppi's heart.

"This is how things work around here. Goodbye, former Numero 6." He said while throwing Luppi to the side.

"Unfortunately, this is not enough." I said.

Then Grimmjow looked at me, I went to where Luppi's fell, grabbed his head and lifted him.

"Arrrhhg. What are you doing?!" He screamed.

"Shhhhhh. Die." I said while closing my hand.

His head exploded like a watermelon.

'Serves you right. You touched my Rangiku with your filthy tentacles. Those marvelous breasts and voluptuous body are mine, only mine.' I thought while looking at his falling body.

Grimmjow looked at me as if he wanted to kill me.

"Don't overestimate yourself. If before you could not touch me. Now you will die if try to fight me." I said to him.

The Reitatsu that was constantly coming out of me subconsciously indicated the increase in my strength.

"I was going to ask what happened. Īsan, how did you became stronger?" Aizen asked, it seems that this picked his interest.

"Well...It was an experiment that I have done when I was fighting, I made my Reiryoku absorb my enemy's Reiryoku and tranform it into mine." I said.

"Hmm, this was extremely dangerous. You know that you could have died, right?" He said, which I only nodded.

"At least you are alive and well." He said.

The Grimmjow started to laugh maniacally.

"My power! My power is back! I am Grimmjow Jaeguerjaquez, Espada Numero Seis!" He said.

Clapping, I said.

"Wow! Tell us something that we did not know."

"Shut the fuck up!" He said while turning to me.

"Hmm? It seems that you forgot who is stronger." I said, mocking him.

"Tch. One day... I will kill you." He said while turning back.

After this meeting we returned to do our business.

After 1 day.

After the Fracción started to do the Dungeon, I decided to do something.

"Looks like Ichigo followed us here, to Hueco Mundo. In a stupid attempt to rescue Orihime, and yet, not to rescue you. Don't you agree... Yoruichi?" I asked.