Chapter 33 : Battery and Betrayal.

Then I looked at Yoruichi. She was serious, as she entered her battle stance. Feeling that the incoming battle was not going to be easy, I too, entered my battle stance, the one that I learned during those 3 years.

"Yoruichi, let's fight seriously." I said to her.

"So you know me?" She asked.

"You really don't remember me, right?" I asked, rhetorycally.

In these 30 days not only I fully Mastered the {Thunder Breathing} pattern, but I started to use the Total Concentration Breathing, if I use it, I can increase my physical strength, speed and stamina immensily, but i can use it for only 10 minutes before my body starts to ache. I am training to increase the time so that I can use the Total Concentration: Constant.



"Let's go seriously, Yoruichi." I said to her while a torrent of electricity came from within me.


"Hmm?! You too can control lightning Kidou too?!" She said, astonished.

"Hehehe." I laughed while dashing at her and punching her stomach with a hook.

She dodged it and punched my chest. After that, she kicked my right rib, but I blocked her kick with my left forearm but she punched my face, it made me drag my feet on the air.

'Tch, even with {Thunder Breathing} she still is faster. But if I hit her only one time, I am sure that she will have some troubles. I have to tire her out for that." I thought while holding my fedora

Then I looked at her, she still was on her battle stance. But this time she was the one who came to attack me, her speed was nothing like the Old Man, he was blinding. He could make several after-images, and each one of them could copy his move, this was the sheer speed that he possess.

Compared to him, she is a snail. But the problem is that even if my mind can accompany her the problem is that my body cannot, I'll have to train on this later. After blocking another kick and trying to counter-attack, I started to predict where is she going to appear to attack me.

It was not easy as she was fast, but it had to have a pattern. Giving me a roundhouse kick, I dodged back, just to have another kick on the back of my head, this woman sure is unforgiving. After backing away to a safe distance, I started to become a little serious.

Then I moved at her direction and tried to punch her head, she only leaned it and dodged from the punch, before she could do something, I predicted that she was coming to my right side to deliver a punch to my face and dodged it by lowering my height and punching her stomach hard.


"Gah!" She made this sound as she flew back to a building and destroyed it.

It seems that the lightning got her, as when she got up from the debris, I saw a burned mark on her belly, she was cleaning her mouth with her forearm, as gastric juice came from it when I punched her.

Without waiting for anything, I dashed and gave her axe kick but she dodged it. I could feel it, the punch stole a big chunk from her stamina bar. Also, her speed decreased, and was she panting a little.

Blocking a few more punches, I decided to use one of the attacks that I was training. So when she attacked me again, I grabbed her left arm with my left hand and said.

""Thunder Breathing Second Form: Thunder Torrent"!" When I said that, from my right arm a torrent of electricity came and encircled it.

Then I placed my palm on her chest and the electricity was shot from my hand, directly to her. I saw her eyes widen, her mouth opened her body was trembling and smoke came from her. She then used her lightning Kidou, making her body absorb the lightning and redirected the electricity to me.

I felt my whole body burning, but it was not intense, it was interesting. Then I hugged her, this made the electricity dance between us. Breathing deeply, I tried to make my body act like a receiver, then it sucked her lightning Kidou, I felt my skin burning.

I was trying to make my body accept and adapt her lightning Kidou to use it on the forms of my {Thunder Breathing} and make it more powerful. The thing was that this was really dangerous as I was acting like a battery, being charged by her lightning Kidou.

Then my skin began to crack and lightning was coming out of it. Tightening the hug, I increased the absorsion, to end this quickly. At this moment, my experiment worked.

[>Status Updater<]


Name: Īsan Shiruba.

Age: ???.

Race: Perfect Arrancar.

System: The Protagonist Killer.

Height: 200 cm.

Weight: 120 Kg.

Reiryoku: Massive Spiritual Energy (Near Shinigami Head Captain Reiryoku)


|Passive Skill:

{Grand-Master Regeneration}, {Grand-Master Hierro}|

|Active Skills:

{Poison Embodiment(Sealed)}, {Thunder Breathing(100%)|


{Cero}>Grand-Master<, {Poison}>Grand-Master<, {Hierro}>Grand-Master<, {Regeneration}>Royal-Master<, {CQC}>Grand-Master<, {Sword Arts}>Advanced<]|


|Reiryoku Elements: Poison(100%), Lightning(100%.|


[>Congratulations You Acquired A New Element<]

The system said in a cheeful way. As if my body wasn't being overwhelmed with pure Reiryoku. Releasing a panting Yoruichi, I threw her to really far away and created many electric walls using my Reiatsu. Then I focused on controling the storming Reiryoku within me.

After a few minutes, I finally could stop it from destroying my surroundings and keep it inside me. Opening my eyes, I felt a relaxation beyond my compression assalting me. It felt really good, I was charged with devastating raw power. After deactivating the walls, I saw that everyone stopped fighting and was looking at me.

Looking at my body... Huh, at least I wasn't naked. But the waves of Reiatsu that was coming from me was disturbing, it was extremely threatening like something that came straight out of hell. Restricting it, I took the change to look at Rukia and nod.

Then she appeares behind the exhausted Yoruichi and stabbed the back of Yoruichi right where one of her lungs were, then her blade started to glow white freezing it, Yoruichi suddenly had problems breathing, she was trying to take the blade off but it was not moving.

"W-Why did you b-betrayed us?" Yoruichi asked, breathless.

"I had to. No hard feelings, though." Rukia said.

Urahara then came flying to stop Rukia but I utilized my new found speed to get near him and break something that the Espada uses to punish their Fracción.

Caja Negación. This made a box appear near him, but I was expecting him to break it quickly. Then, I got near Rukia, embraced her and the cold, but not dead, body of Yoruichi. Waiting for a few seconds, I saw the box start to crack. Using this chance I said.

"Farewell everybody and thank you for the entertaining time!"

Then a yellow light surrounded us. This was the Negación, it seems that the mission was succesfully accomplished.