Chapter 5 : Change of Perspective.

\Harribel POV/


Before the battle

Today Baraggan Louisenbairn, God-King of Hueco Mundo and Ruler of Las Noches, made me an offer. 

"Join me or go to a place where I cannot see you." Was what he said. But I declined then a Hammerhead Hollow came and said.

"You have no choice. You have to submit to him." The hollow said, threatening me, I simply answered.

"Do not touch me." And used my blade to cut his head.

"Insolent! You will regret injuring one of my subordinates!" Ignoring what Baraggan said, I walked away.

After reaching my hide-out and entering it, I saw Emilou Apacchi, Cyan Sung-Sun and Franceska Mila Rose, my partners. I saved each one of them before, now we are a team.

"Master, what did that fucker said?" Apacchi asked me.

"Nothing much, he wanted me to join his army or go to some place he cannot see." I said while sitting

"What was you answer master?" Mila Rose asked.

"I am here, right? I denied it." I said.

At this moment I felt two Reiatsus, one was weaker, at the level of an Adjucha, and the other was strong, like mine, but it was weakened. Then small earthquakes were happening.

"Master, what is this?" Sung-Sun asked.

"It's a battle between a Vasto Lorde and adjucha." I said while feeling the changes in their Reiatsu, the Adjucha was loosing.

"A battle between an Adjucha and a Vasto Lorde!?!? How!?!?" Apacci ask-screamed.

"The Vasto Lorde is heavily injured, maybe he too denied the offer from Baraggan?" I wondered out loud.

Then after more small earthquakes I felt the Adjucha's Reiatsu diminishing at a fast pace. But he wasn't dying, it is like he is using all his Reiryoku on one attack. After a few minutes the Vasto Lorde Reiatsu Disappeared. He died. A Adjucha killed a Vasto Lorde. This is interesting. But the Adjucha remaining Reiryoku is diminishing, he will die soon.

A few moments passed, the previous diminishing Reiryoku suddenly started to grow at an incredible speed. It was evolving. Probably after eating the other Hollow he found his way to increase his power.

One more Vasto Lorde was born. After several hours I felt the same energy from before, now it was way, way stronger than before. Ignoring it I continued to do my things while the three others bickered against each other.

I only started to check this Reitasu when I felt it coming at our direction.

"Apacci, Sung-Sun, Mila Rose, there is a powerful hollow coming here. Prepare yourselves." I said.

"Ok, master." They said.

When this strong Reiryoku came at the door of our hiding spot, I decided to attack it. When I thrusted my blade to its stomach, he suddenly deflected it and jumped backwards. Looking at what is his appearance, I found it interesting.

He had three horns with different color, his body was all black, his hair was silver and reached until his ankles, and an X was on his face, making his mask be divided in 4 places, his eyes were golden, like my Reiatsu, he had a cross on his chest, claws and teeth were silver in color. His Reiatsu was stronger than mine.

"Apacci, Sung-Sun, Mila Rose, go, I will hold him. He's too strong for you guys, there is no way that you can withstand one hit from him, Go." I said to them.


After the battle

I was lying on the ground.

'He simply went away after he defeated me, he didn't even devoured me nor the others. Why? Is he like me? He wants to grow stronger not by eating others? He was holding back, as if he did not wanted to hurt us, *Sigh*, There is no use thinking of things I will not have answers'.

Getting up I went to see the others, Mila Rose came from within the cave, she was limping, his kick got her badly, Sung-Sun was unconscious, he punched her ruthlessly, Apacci got up but she was shaking his Reiatsu knocked her down.

"Everyone okay?" I asked still dizzy from that punch in the head.

"Master! Are you okay?!" Apacci said as she saw me. I was kinda bloodied.

"I am okay, what about you?"

"Humph, that pressure was nothing!" Apacci said, I don't know why she was proud.

"You are shaking." Mila Rose said.

"Shut up!" They started their bickering again, this time Sung-Sun isn't awake to stop them.

We were returning to our hide-out, at least our battle didn't destroyed it. Suddenly a really strong Reiatsu surged from behind us. Looking at it, I saw that it was man roughly the same height as mine. His body dark blue and he was stronger than me.

"Remember me? Halibel!" When he said my name he rushed and attacked me with a Reiryoku sword. I defended it and was thrown back.

"Get out of here!" I told the others. And tried to defend his attacks. Then Mila Rose and Apacci grabbed the unconscious Sung-Sun and escaped. I'm glad.

At the beginning I was resisting well, but as time passed, his attacks grew stronger and more difficult to defend, I tried to attack but he always defended it and immediately counter-attacked. It was then that I remembered him.

"You are that Hollow from Baraggan army, right?" I said.

"Finally you remembered! This time I am not going to lose! I am stronger than you!" He said arrogantly.

"How did you became so strong?"

"Hmm, I found a man, he saw potential in me, then he made me stronger!" He said crazily.

After one hour my blade started to crack.

'If I prolong this fight, it will break and I will be defenceless, I have to end this, either me or him will die!' I thought.

At this moment he fainted an attack and slashed diagonally, almost splitting me, I backed away and fell on one knee, I did not have the strength to lift my blade.

"Already?! Ok then, Goodbye Harribel!" He said when lifting his sword with the goal of finishing my life.